"Didn't Magic City come about when the Kingdom took advantage of the opportunity and occupied part of the southern part of the Empire during the Demon War? Of course, my family has many relatives with the nobles from the Empire. After all, the Kingdom itself doesn't care about this. Forbidden?"

"...Yes, but I think it's best not to let your brother go to the empire again."

"What's the meaning?"

She definitely didn't care what others said, but Ash's identity has always been very mysterious. At least his family has a considerable status in the Magic City. Rabine, who vaguely knew something about it, couldn't help but become confused when he heard what he said. .

"Judgment based on the current situation." With an ambiguous smile, he gave advice casually without raising his head.

"Really?....I will tell Grandpa when I get back."

"Well...that's good."

The girl's frankness made him look up a second time in surprise.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but just taking a look at it made Rabine unhappy: "What, this strange pause and look?"

"....I thought you wouldn't listen to me."

"Let me tell you, although I hate you, I still know that you are awesome."

"How about you please me a little? It will definitely be beneficial."

"What's the benefit of telling me first?" Rabine smiled evilly and stretched out her hand directly to him.

And he took out a candy from his pocket and put it on it, which made Rabine's expression stiffen: "What, this... do you think I'm a child?"

Even though she said this, she also threw the candy into her mouth just like Kang Ni, but she still couldn't help but complained: "...Such a big person still carries candy with him, you're surprised Is the childish heart still alive?”

"No, this is for coaxing the lost child in the morning. After all, the child keeps crying."



"I thought you would kick a crying child if you encountered it."

"....Seriously, who do you think I am?"

"Uncle bastard." Rabine gave a fixed answer without thinking, making Ash's expression slightly subtle.

Kang Ni smiled and acted as peacemaker again: "Well, uncle, you're almost used to it, right?"

"I'm used to it, but I'm still not used to this guy dressing up like a lady but speaking so vulgarly. But how should I put it? It feels... surprisingly interesting."

"Interesting...? Where? By the way...you're not a pervert with strange interests, are you?" His expression of unspeakable annoyance made Rabine wonder what strange things were on his mind when he spoke. He instinctively took two steps back.

The Buried Fulian·The Journey Officially Begins: Chapter 34 The Second Round of Examination·The Tomb of the Scattered King·All by One Dozen

Even though what he said might be a little strange, Ash was still a little hurt by being so bluntly avoided.

However, he stopped talking for a moment, but in the end he chose to shut up and say no more.

After all, no matter whether you deny or admit it at this time, the result will definitely be the same. It will become darker and darker due to unnecessary misunderstandings, so it is better not to say anything and let the rumors dissipate automatically.

"Ha, haha..." Rabine and Ash's strange attitudes toward each other made Kang Ni, who was laughing dryly, a little bit at a loss. However, in order to change the topic, she warmly invited:

"S-Speaking of which...we are almost going to find Faylan and Fulilian, uncle, why don't you go home together?"

"No, no... I'm going to run away from home for a while, don't worry about my affairs." He subconsciously refused, but Kang Ni didn't give him a chance to refuse, and just pulled him to his side. Leaving home: "——Uncle is such an adult, so don't make trouble and run away from home like a child~!"

Originally, Rabine wanted to ignore him, but seeing how resistant he was, she couldn't help it... Dragging him along with Kang Ni, they took him home forcibly because he didn't want to go home.


At first, Ash was still thinking about finding a good place to escape, but...

On the way, when the two of them went to buy some snacks as a thank-you gift for Fulilian, he saw the duo selecting bread directly at the entrance of the bakery and dessert shop.

"Oh...Phailon! We came to play with you~!"

Kang Ni directly abandoned Ash, rushed forward and grabbed her hand, shaking it up and down happily.

"Kangye, why are you... Mr. Ash--?!" Feilun was stunned for a moment. When he nodded subconsciously, he noticed that Ash was covering his face and trying to escape at the door. His expression changed for a moment. Becoming tight.

Fulilian also came to him expressionlessly, staring up at him expressionlessly: "Ash... Is there anything you want to say to me?"

My breasts are bigger than yours! What can I say? I was forced to run away from home for such a trivial matter....I can only say it's not worth it! This world is not worth it! ——Although I really wanted to do this, to refute the two people's attitude towards me, but there were more than just Fulilian and Feilun at the scene. If I said this, I would probably die immediately.

Helpless, Ash could only lower his head and apologize: "Although it wasn't what I wanted, in fact I saw something I shouldn't have seen, so I'm sorry."

"....What shouldn't you see?" This statement, which sounded like nothing wrong, but was inexplicably problematic, made Fulilian grab his collar and raise her eyebrows in displeasure: "What do you think of the innocence of a girl?"


"Do you have any opinion?"


Although she is a thousand-year-old woman, judging from her appearance and whether she has married yet, she should indeed be considered a girl, right? ——He thought so but turned his head away silently, avoiding Fulilian's threatening gaze. He was really worried that if he said old, this guy would cry loudly on the spot and make him upset for three days and three nights.

Connie looked at the two carefully, always feeling that their atmosphere was a little wrong: "Um...what happened?"

"It's okay, it's just Fulilian and Philen's daily quarrel." Ash smiled and touched Fulilian's hair.

But as expected, after just touching it, Fulilian directly slapped it away and warned him again as usual.

At this time, Philen also came closer, standing on tiptoe as close to his eyes as possible: "Master Ash... Please tell me the truth, where did you go yesterday?"

"... A friend's house."

"Friend? What friend?"

"It's okay, other people's parents are at home."


"... You're so sharp at this time..."

Philen usually looks a little dull, but he was unexpectedly sharp at this time, which made him look at Connie.

But Connie, who originally felt that Philen's words were like his wife checking up on him, now looked curious: "Does the uncle have any other friends?"

"People from the Magic Association?" Philen further speculated, and Flyllian also touched her chin as if she was interested, and tentatively said the only first-level magician she knew who had a good relationship with Ash: "Celiai should not be possible... Could it be that Zanze?"

"... Oh, this cookie looks good, Rabinie, buy me some?" He picked up a cookie, pretended to be very interested, and looked at the only girl who didn't join the conversation and was still choosing a thank-you gift.

Rabinie, who was eavesdropping even though he didn't join in the conversation, glared at him with displeasure: "You are such an ungrateful old man, you are actually avoiding questions at this time?"

"... You are so long-winded, don't blame me."

"——Huh?? You were the one who spoke to me first, weren't you?!"


As expected, Rabinie got angry after a while. She was dressed very ladylike, but she rolled up her sleeves and was ready to fight with him.

But Ash said something casually, then quietly walked out of the store pretending nothing happened, completely ignoring Rabinie's anger, leaving Rabinie with nowhere to vent his anger.

And everyone saw him like this, and they knew that continuing to ask would not have any results... or, in other words, there was already a result, so there was no need to ask again.



Although he wanted to slip away, Philen's hand tightly grasped his sleeves, so that Ash was also pulled home together.

In Fern's room, Connie and Rabinie directly presented Furlin with a basket of cookies and various desserts.

The girls sat around on the soft bed, their laughter accompanied by the crispness of the cookies and the mellowness of the black tea, weaving a warm and harmonious tune of life.

However, outside of this warmth, Ash seemed to be in another world. He sat quietly at the desk, letting the sound of the pages turning form a sharp contrast with the laughter around him.

He tried to keep his heart calm, not being moved by the joy around him, and immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

It was also during this process that Connie's eyes accidentally fell on Ash's focused figure, and he couldn't help but ask curiously: ".... Uncle has been working so hard? At this moment, most people should join us to chat, right?"

"Maybe he is pretending in front of girls, um... those childish guys in the academy are like this, not to mention that there are four beautiful girls present now~" Rabinie heard this, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, with a bit of teasing in his words, and proudly raised his proud chest while speaking.


"... Heh."

Ash just raised his head slightly, his eyes swept across the four people, and then with a faint sneer, he buried his head in the pages again.

That calmness and concentration seemed to be deaf to the discussions around him.

This move naturally made the four people feel contemptuous at the same time.

It seemed that Ash was looking at them with an aloof attitude, treating them as... little brats whose hair had not even grown out.

"Although I admit that I said that to him on purpose, he shouldn't be that kind of person, but this attitude... really makes me angry!" Rabinie was so angry that she couldn't help but roll up her sleeves and skirt to fight him again.

"You don't really think so..." Philen, who was about to say something to Ash, felt mixed emotions after hearing this.

She had originally intended to say a few good words for Ash, but now it seems that Rabinie's dissatisfaction with Ash is not the negative impact in the past, but a problem of personality incompatibility? Or a deeper emotional entanglement?

"Is this the tsundere that Ash mentioned before?" Furlian did not complain to Ash for the time being, but was just curious about Rabinie's situation.

"Tsundere? What the hell is that?"

Rabinie didn't understand it at all, but felt that... it shouldn't be a good word.

After all, she just simply didn't get along with Ash, but she recognized his ability... there shouldn't be any special contradiction between the two, right?

She was troubled for a while, and she stopped entangled in this issue, because before they could punish Ash who looked down on her... a blue bird raised by the Magic Association flew in from the window.

After a sharp cry, the blue bird threw a roll of paper in, on which was written the time and place of the second round of exams, as well as the name of the examiner.


The appearance of the blue bird immediately broke the originally relaxed and happy atmosphere at the scene.

Especially when everyone saw the examiner's name on the notice, the atmosphere became depressing.

".......Zanze? So unlucky." Rabinie couldn't help but have a headache just by seeing this name, and even Connie's expression became dim, muttering softly: "It's rare to pass the first round of the exam..."

Connie's depressed muttering sounded a bit pitiful, and if there was no one else around, Ash couldn't help but want to tease him.

Unfortunately, there were too many people at the scene, and when Philen noticed that the two looked unhappy, he showed a worried expression: "What's wrong?"

"In the past, there were four exams that Zanze was responsible for, but the number of qualified people was zero." Rabinie couldn't hide the bitterness on his face, and couldn't help looking at Ash: "I heard that you have a good relationship with her, can you ask her to make it easy for us this time?"

"I respect Zanze's choice."

"But, the meeting place that guy chose is the Tomb of the Fragmented King, and the examination room must be inside." Rabinie couldn't help persuading: "My brother has been there before. The Water Mirror Demon lurks in the depths of the Tomb of the King. It will create perfect copies. Even you will face Are you really confident that you can deal with an opponent who is exactly the same as you? "

"What are you thinking about?" Ash couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he heard this:

"There is no perfect magic in this world, and there is no absolute thing. Just like the mercenary magician in the examination room before, his binding magic can suppress magic power. Doesn't it have a limit? So no matter what kind of magic, there is a limit. "

"But will you be that limit? And how can you be sure that the limit really exists? "

"Because it is still a creature after all, not a god. "

If all living things can be perfectly copied, the Water Mirror Demon would have been taken out long ago to deal with the Demon King or taken by the demons to deal with the goddess.

But he said so, but everyone seemed a little bit unconvinced of his judgment. After all... at least according to what Rabinie knew, no one has been able to conquer the King's Tomb so far.

Because so far, no one has been able to reach the limit of the monster of the mythical era - the Crystal Demon.

But he just shook his head and explained with a sigh: "Think about it yourself, it was imprisoned by someone to guard the bottom of the king's tomb; do you think it was guarding the tomb voluntarily? If the replica has no flaws, how could it be put down there?"

"Uh... Come to think of it, it seems to be an underground king's tomb built during the great unification period?"

It was after he reminded him that Rabinie realized that there must be some loopholes in it.

Otherwise, how could the monster be willing to be imprisoned at the bottom for the deceased king to guard those burial objects? You have to know that the tomb over there is well built, it is impossible for the monster to be there by itself, it must have been imprisoned in there after it was built.

After figuring this out, she looked at Ash again with a surprised expression on her face: "Uncle...you are unexpectedly smart."

"It's not surprising, and if you want to praise me, just praise me, okay?"

"No, I always feel like I've lost."

"...So, the kids nowadays are really...sigh."

He sighed and shook his head, not really caring about it, sighed and turned the book over again.

The girls, on the other hand, started to discuss the content of this exam, trying to find a way to conquer the King's Tomb.



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