"At least you don't have to worry about being robbed. What's wrong with that?"

"Because there's nothing valuable, I don't have to worry about being stolen... Is this really an advantage?"

"Forget it, my old bones can't stand the torment now." Ai Ze stroked his still ridiculously long beard and shook his head slowly: "And I'm used to it. Anyway, I can eat enough while hunting. This way What’s wrong with being carefree?”

"You guys really have no desires and no demands..."

To be honest, as a member of the Brave Team, except for Haita who stood out, the others were basically struggling at the average level.

This made him, as a demon, feel that humans were too stingy with their rewards... and they didn't care at all.

But even after using Aize to change the subject, Frilian was still staring at him, silently waiting for his answer.

This was a question that he originally didn't want to answer, but couldn't answer well at all. He scratched his head in distress before sighing:

"I'm not sure. I'm probably just wandering around, right? I have to go to the south before I'm gone. I'll have to visit an old friend soon."




"...There's a chance."

The two said goodbye to each other, and the silent Aize also nodded silently.

A faint smile and a trace of imperceptible sadness were quietly intertwined and slowly floating in the air.

Ash also took the initiative and became the first to leave among the remaining three.

Looking at the familiar figure from a thousand years ago, so familiar that she could no longer be familiar with it, Fulian, standing on the ground, felt, perhaps... the feeling of regret.

An imperceptible fluctuation also passed through his mind.

Is that a subtle sentimentality about the moment of separation? She wasn't sure either.

But then she thought about it - this was definitely not a farewell, but a prelude to the next reunion.

After all, this person always appears suddenly when others think he is dead.

With such expectations, she suppressed all the emotions surging in her heart one by one, holding on to hope and believing that they would definitely meet again in the near future.

Although reason told her that this time... there was no agreement, and maybe we would never see each other again.

But meeting and parting are the main theme of life. Now she has long been used to it... This is how it should be.

But thinking that they might never see each other again made her unconsciously hold the suitcase in her hand tightly again, and just stood there, letting the sudden strong wind mess up her beautiful silver hair.



When Ash once again arrived in the south after a long absence, where the Kingdom of Tad was located.

The boy he once was - Anderson was now a gray-haired old man, but when he met Ash, he walked over quickly like an excited child after being surprised.

Although his parents had passed away and even his great-granddaughter was already able to play soy sauce, Anderson still entertained him as warmly as he did 59 years ago, and even called his relatives over.

Although he was a little distressed, Ash still accepted the banquet, and when he couldn't refuse, he held Anderson's great-granddaughter high and played with it for a while.

But it was only a short stay, and he chose to leave... During the entire short stay, Anderson unexpectedly did not ask anything about his immortality.

Is it because the old man lacks curiosity, or is it some other reason? Even though his appearance and mentality haven't aged, he couldn't figure it out either.

"...Sure enough, it would be better not to come again."

After he was convinced that their family was well off and they probably didn't need much help from him, he decided not to visit this place again.

Because there is no need to think about it, Anderson will definitely be dead the next time he comes back.

So he took one last look at the old man and his family, then lowered his eyes sadly, and disappeared from everyone's sight before the night fell without staying the night.

And then...just like that, one day about eighteen years later.

While he was eating on the street in the city, he heard some unexpected news from the traveling businessman who had just returned from outside the city at the next table.

"...There's another war in the south."

"Isn't the South always at war? It's better to say that the North was only at peace with the Demon King's attack in the past few years. Isn't it that the South is at war again recently?"

"It's different! This time, three countries in the south have formed an alliance. The Kingdom of Elms, which bore the brunt, is gone. Even the Kingdom of Tad may not be able to hold on anymore."


According to the conversation between the merchants, the southern countries, which were always in turmoil, once again had a large-scale war.

The country where he once served as a general, the Tad Kingdom, was forced to retreat during this war, and many cities were abandoned in the process, which seemed to include the town he founded back then.

Even though I had already decided that I would never go back to that town again.

But after hearing the familiar name, Ash was still a little worried about their family's situation.

Therefore, after roughly confirming the news, he flew south without any further hesitation.

Along the way, he saw countless refugees wandering in the sky, and several cities were completely destroyed.

The familiar yet unfamiliar second hometown, the once prosperous town, is even more in shambles.

Countless houses have either been devoured by flames, leaving only their charred bodies telling the story of the disaster, or only their skeletons, barely standing.

More of it turned into rubble scattered on the ground, layer upon layer, piled up into silent tombstones, marking the past prosperity and current desolation of this place.

The Buried Fulian·Thousand Years to Present: Chapter 66: After the Old Friend·Phelan·I am the Evil Magician

Countless bones and remains were scattered among the ruined town buildings... They were probably in a rush to advance and didn't even have time to collect the corpses. The logistics didn't seem to be able to keep up. There was no sign of life at all. Scavenging vultures roam the city.

"...He is no longer here. Did he escape? Or...died outside?"

Ash stood in front of the only familiar building in the street that had been destroyed by fire. The expression on his face was inevitably a little gloomy at this moment.

But since no one was there, he naturally couldn't stay here, so he took off directly, preparing to look for possible old friends among the refugees who were forced to leave their homes.

Although Anderson probably won't survive now, his grandson, a middle-aged man in his thirties, should still be alive... It's just that there won't be much change in more than ten years, and Ash feels that he should still be able to recognize it... ..probably.

However...as he quickly shuttled among the refugees, he did not find a familiar figure. Instead, he noticed a strange girl in the sky who looked shocked when she saw him.

The shock was not that he was surprised that he could fly, it was also mixed with some other emotions.

This made him fall to the ground curiously, squatting in front of the girl and looking up and down.

This dirty child is wearing a simple gray uniform like a magic apprentice, has a purple baby head, and his eyes are equally beautiful and purple... Regardless of hair color or eye color, he looks like Anderson and Anderson. Great-granddaughter.

Picture: "Filen", location: "Images/1722786751-100409035-111972945.jpg"

Picture: "Phelan (when growing up)", location: "Images/1722786824-100409035-111972945.jpg"

When he looked at the girl, the girl holding a familiar small wooden box in her hand also widened her eyes in disbelief and asked uncertainly:

"You...are you...Master Ash?"

"....The name is correct for the time being. Are you Anderson's great-granddaughter? Do you remember that your name is Mar...Marian? Ah, no."

Anderson's great-granddaughter was only ten years old at the time, and now she is only seven or eight years old at most. It's impossible for her to have grown up after more than ten years, right? ? That is to say...

"Marian is...my mother."

"Really? She...well, I won't ask anymore."

There was no suspenseful question, so he gave up asking any more questions halfway through. He just looked at the child who was staring at him intently but without saying a word with a troubled expression.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

The girl didn't seem to know what to say, and he didn't know what to do with the child.

After all, he is an old friend and now he is alone again. It is definitely not possible to ignore him.

But letting him take care of the child... No matter how he thought about it, he didn't think it was a good idea.

But looking at the other person's appearance, if he is left casually, he may not be alive every day, because there are no adults around him at this time. What is going on with the elders in the family? You don't need to ask.

After a long time, Ya Xiu finally reached out his hand, pressed it on her head, and hesitated: "How about you follow me first?"


"Well, although my words can probably only keep you fed and clothed, if that's okay... just follow me for the time being? I will at least raise you to adulthood."


Unexpectedly, the girl did not show any joy, and her face was full of confusion.

It seems that even if I get help at this time, there is not much to be happy about...probably because the death of a loved one is a huge blow.

Thinking of this, Ash couldn't help but sigh: "No matter what, it's impossible for me to watch my friend's descendants die on the roadside like this?"

"is that so?"

"That's it, and it's okay for you to think of me as your dad. After all, I've hugged your mom before."


This statement seemed a bit strange, but the girl didn't know what to say. She just looked at him slightly troubled and didn't say a word.

Ash thought that under normal circumstances, he should say something more, but the other person's physical and mental condition were obviously very bad, so he gave up saying anything.

Although he was very hesitant about this and was even thinking about who should be better taken care of in the future, but now...

"Forget it.... If you don't object, you agree. You can come with me now."

As he spoke, he grabbed the girl's hand.

Although the child opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, he didn't have a chance to say anything before he was forcibly taken away regardless of his opinion.

However, it was not until they had left the wilderness and arrived at the nearby city that Ash suddenly remembered something and looked back at the dirty girl who let him carry her on his shoulders:

"Come to think of it, what's your name?"


"Oh, then follow me from now on, I will try to find a good person to take care of you."

"Isn't it you...?"

"I want to, but the situation doesn't allow it, because I am... By the way, I am an evil magician."

He pondered for a moment, then smiled and patted her head again.

"Evil magician...?" Phillan was a little confused about what this meant.

But he took me away by force, and then disliked me for walking too slowly, and carried me on his shoulders; even now he remembered to ask my name... From the perspective of not being considerate of the child.

This person is completely different from the gentle magician in the mother's story. Sure enough, he should be an evil magician, right?

——At this moment, Felene, who was carried on his shoulders but kept moving her body, trying to make herself more comfortable, couldn't help thinking so while looking at his profile.

Although she didn't really understand what evil meant now.



In the hotel in the city.

After buying some new clothes for Felene, Ash stayed by the bathroom, looking at the ceiling with his arms crossed, worrying about how he should deal with Felene next.

"Aura's side... definitely won't work, but Celia has adopted Volame, so she can try, and then Haita, Aize, and Fulilian... well, Aize's conditions are too difficult, and Fulilian doesn't know where she is, and Haita... is she still alive? Should I check it out?"

Although he attended Sinmei's funeral more than ten years ago, he thought that it might be better not to contact them after this time.

But now he can't help but feel in trouble that if he doesn't even attend the last funeral, is it too ruthless? Will it leave regrets for himself?

However, this worry did not produce any results. Instead, the sound of water in the bathroom gradually disappeared, and Philen, who was covered in mist, walked out first.

Noticing that he had a headache, Philen seemed to be a little embarrassed and tilted his head slightly, hesitating: "Master Ash..."

"Ah, are you done washing?"

"Yes, thank you."

With his hair still wet, Philen unconsciously placed his hands between his thighs and bowed slightly in a reserved manner.

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