Now, the previous dissatisfaction seems to be increasing again.

But at this time, Fulian, who was looking over to look at the menu, suddenly said: "Birthday? Think about it seriously... It's almost Ash's birthday, right?"

"Huh? That's it...ah, indeed!" He was stunned for a moment, and then Fearon, who had been actively preparing for the exam, suddenly came back to his senses.

This sudden realization made Yubel couldn't help but be surprised: "Hey~ Feilun still forgets this person's birthday? I thought you were counting on your fingers all this time?"

"...Because Lord Ash disappears without a trace every time he celebrates his birthday..." Thinking of this, Feilun stared at Ash with resentment: "I haven't even once...really not even once." , celebrate Lord Ash’s birthday..."

"That seems to be the case? But Master and I did have a birthday with Ash?" Fulilian looked surprised, and also mentioned her own situation by the way.

It was just after he said these words that he was immediately greeted by Fei Lun's displeased gaze: "Lord Fulilian, are you showing off to me?"

"Why would I show off something like this...?"

"Is this the margin of the strong?"

"I really don't understand what you are talking about...Don't look at me with such scary eyes..."

The strange dissatisfaction, as if she still regarded herself as a competitor, made Fulilian feel very baffled, and even turned to Ash for help.'s almost a matter of course, and their friendship often doesn't come in handy in this regard.



After all the meals for the four people were served, the slightly tense atmosphere was finally relieved.

An extra-large sundae and two small cakes directly made Fearon temporarily forget her previous worries. She, who usually lacks expression on her face, also showed a very girly smile at this moment.

"Hmph~" Fulian looked at the excessive amount of steak in front of her. She also forgot about her worries and unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth. In front of Yubel, there were the same three desserts as Fearon.

"...You really like to imitate others." Ash was a little depressed, but Yubel shook the little spoon and said proudly: "I found that the more I know, the harder it is for others to find my aura. ”

"...Then you can do it, imitate Fulilian, right?" He pointed at the mountain of meat in front of Fulilian.

But Yubel just took one look at the mountain of meat, which must have weighed at least twenty kilograms, and showed a rather strange expression: "With such a large amount, eating it will really kill someone, right?"

"...What, you are such a rude fellow, you can't kill someone at this level." Fulilian glanced at her, complained, then silently picked up the knife and fork and started cutting, minding her own business. When you put it in your mouth, you will be amazed by its taste.

This scene was what Ya Xiu saw, and he couldn't help but sigh softly with one hand on his chin: "Alas...this is nothing."

"What Ash, do you have any opinions?"

"Not really... I've just been wondering since a long time ago what the situation is like when dwarves don't drink and elves eat meat."

"So, how long are you going to stick to the prejudice that dwarves have to drink alcohol and elves have to eat vegetarian food?"

Fulilian squinted at him as he complained incoherently, but she ignored him as soon as he finished speaking. This guy had a strange prejudice against her.

And Yaxiu didn't want to say much, but he was a little depressed about the situation that was completely different from the different world he imagined. At the same time...

"Why are there no serious beautiful girls? They are all weird guys." He glanced at the three of them and sighed more heavily.

"Master Ash, this is a public place. I don't want to talk about you too much." Fearon stopped to taste the dessert and wiped his mouth gracefully. However, as if he was enduring something, he stared at the dessert in front of him and said casually. Said: "But... you have already spoken out your rudeness, so when you go back, please explain it carefully."

"No... what I said is abnormal, and it definitely does not include Phalen."

"Does that mean I'm included?" Fulian opposite her raised her head and glared expressionlessly. Philan then bumped him lightly with his elbow a few times, silently taking turns putting meat and soup into his mouth. : "Ms. Fulilian is having trouble. This is your problem. Please solve it quickly."


Why do I have to take care of so many people just for a moment? After all, this is the truth, right? ——Feeling the delicious beef taste spreading in his mouth, Ash felt inexplicable distress in his heart.

At this time, the diners next to him suddenly said something about the recent national events, which made the magicians present unconsciously stop talking and listen attentively.

The general situation is that the Kingdom has recently added three new legions at the border fortress not far from the Magic City. All of them are elite divisions who have received excellent training and adopted standard protective magic equipment. The main components are basically heavy-duty troops. Infantry and light and heavy cavalry,

The relationship between the Empire and the Kingdom of Esther is not harmonious. Small-scale conflicts even occur in the border areas from time to time, but both sides are still restraining themselves. This sudden increase in troops will definitely cause tension in the situation.

"....Is there going to be a war?" Ferren, who was originally in a good mood for dessert, showed a hint of melancholy on his face when he heard the news.

Yubel was completely indifferent and smiled: "Wars happen every day, but...if the two largest countries fight, it will be interesting~"

"...After the exam, we must speed up and meet the king, otherwise the human side will be in chaos first, and things will definitely become troublesome."

Fulilian was still worried that the demons might be recuperating, so she also became serious.

Only Ash did not comment on this matter at all...After all, this was what he arranged when he went to the capital a while ago.


The next day, it was almost noon.

In the courtyard of Ash's house, he was sitting alone on the swing, swinging, with the magic book he collected during the exam in his hand, which was about high-speed movement magic.

If it cannot reach the pinnacle, the trajectory of this magic will be very obvious, and if the opponent is a strong one and is alert, and the magic power spreads around like a spider web, it will be difficult to have a chance to attack.

Therefore, except for the first time, it is difficult to see the effect after the second time, and the speed is very fast and the consumption is very large. Laorfen himself can only use it a few times.

This makes him who has tried to use it now only hope to be able to thoroughly integrate this magic, but... his clothes are constantly being pulled.

"Don't look at it~ Come and help me quickly?" Flillian, who was still watching from the sidelines yesterday, has a distressed expression today, and keeps pulling his clothes and trying to drag him away.

".... You won't forget what you said to me yesterday?" He turned his head with an expression of annoyance.

But Fulilian has learned to lie with open eyes, and said expressionlessly but inexplicably seriously: "Actually, I have regretted it, so help me first today."

"...Do you believe what you said?"

"Give me a chance."

"Ask Philen, will she give it to you?"

"It's because she won't give it to me that I'm looking for you."


Fulilian, who was quite happy watching the fun yesterday, now has a bitter face and is forced to beg him humbly.

If you want to ask the reason, it's actually because she came back last night and fell asleep on the bed without taking a shower or washing her feet.

"It's all your fault." After learning the whole story, Ash reached out his hand and pressed it on Fulilian's face and pushed her away coldly. This guy only becomes easy to talk to when something happens:

"Who told you not to deal with the hygiene problem properly? You didn't know how to remedy it early in the morning, and you slept until now?"

"I also know that it's all my fault... But! I also helped you to change the topic successfully yesterday, so you can help me today."

"... Tell me specifically what's going on with her now?"

"She keeps puffing up her face and ignoring me..."

"Really?... It's really peaceful today."

The overly peaceful way of getting angry made him look up at the sky and sigh a little, then look back at the book in his hand.

Fulilian was stunned by his attitude, and then she grabbed his hand and complained, while forcing him back into the room, forcing him to participate in the mediation work... until the whole refreshing morning was wasted.

This made Ash realize that it might be a bit difficult to read a book at home, so he just took the book and walked on the street.



After Ash disappeared, the whole house became much quieter.

After confirming that he had left, Philen turned to Fulilian for help with unprecedented distress:

"Flilian, what have you prepared for Ash's birthday gift? Can you go with me to choose it?"

"Ash's gift? Can't I just buy something in the city?"

Compared to Philen's distress, Fulilian lay on the bed and swung her legs freely, not taking it seriously at all.

The overly casual attitude made Philen feel distressed. He stared at her for a long time before he could not help but sigh:

"... I always doubt that your relationship with Master Ash is not that good?"

"Why do you think it is good?"

"Because you have known each other for a long time?"

"That's true..." Fulilian nodded thoughtfully, but couldn't help frowning and said: "But the sense of distance between people and the relationship, what is going on?"

"Even if you ask me..." The question that suddenly became philosophical made Philen feel very difficult.

"But if it was Philen who gave it to him, he should be very happy, right?"

"You said so... What about yourself?" Feeling that she was a little perfunctory about the question that troubled her all night, Philen asked dissatisfiedly: "What are you going to give Master Ash?"

"Hey~! You are still too young~ You started preparing when the time came, but of course I was ready! Or rather, I was ready a long time ago!"

Fulian jumped up from the bed proudly and rushed to her luggage. She rummaged around for a while and made a mess in the room. Then she extended a purple glass bottle to Philan: "This It’s my favorite—a magic potion that can dissolve clothes!”


The appearance of the strange object may have shocked Feilun too much. She just stood there blankly, her eyes as wide as copper bells. It could be said that she was extremely shocked.

At the moment when the strange potion was taken out, the air in the room seemed to be stagnant. The whole thing fell silent.

It's just that Feilun's shocked expression soon turned into disgust, and even gradually evolved into contempt. His eyes were cold enough to rival the blizzard in the North, and he looked at Fulilian like he was looking at an insect.

But Fulian, who has always been slow, didn't see anything, and proudly showed off the common sense she learned from Volame: "Man, you must be very happy to receive something like this!"

"....Where did you learn such obscene knowledge?"

"This is what my teacher said, hum~"

Florian's proud smile became weird at this moment, and could even be considered sinister.

Why is this person who usually lacks expressions able to show such rich expressions at this time? ? - Fei Lun was puzzled, but the look of disgust in his eyes was so strong that it couldn't be any stronger, and with unconcealable anger, he asserted without hesitation:

"...Even if you receive such an obscene potion, Master Ash will not be happy!"

"It's hard to explain. Feilun is still young and certainly doesn't understand it, but~ a big sister like me knows this kind of knowledge very well! Maybe he will be happy...ah, does Feilun like it too?"

"When you bought it, I told you to take it and return it! Now you actually want to... tarnish Lord Ash's reputation!"

Fei Lun snatched the potion suddenly, broke the cork of the bottle and poured it on her head mercilessly.

"Wait, wait a minute! Philon—this medicine is very expensive, and I spent it...!"

Compared with the clothes that directly dissolved and evaporated, she was more concerned about the value of the potion, but before she finished speaking... her voice stopped abruptly, and her eyes turned back to the book without even realizing it, and now she is still He met Ash who was standing at the door.


The two of them stared at each other silently, and were speechless for a long time... Only then did Fulilian come back to her senses, cover her chest and slowly open her mouth: "...Phailon..."

"What's wrong?"

"Ash, he, he has..."

"——I'm sorry, I came at the wrong time, you can continue."

Before Fearon turned around, Ash originally wanted to come back to get another book so that he wouldn't be bored today. With an awkward yet polite smile, Ash unhurriedly opened the door that Fearon had not closed beforehand. , and conveniently closed it for them.

And in order to avoid trouble, the moment the door closed, he used high-speed moving magic to slip out of the house in an instant, as if running away, and even made plans not to go back all day today.

The two people in the room remained stiff for a while, then Fulilian looked down at the flat plain and nodded to herself:

"Is this...shame? It's the first time I feel..."

"——Now, is now the time to sigh with emotion!? Hurry up and put on your clothes~!" Feilun was still excited as he said this, so he directly picked up the sheet from the side and wrapped it around his petite body.

But when Fulilian faced the angry "adopted daughter"-like girl, her face was full of innocence: "....Didn't it be Philon who ruined my clothes?"

"That's right! But why are you so calm now!?"

"Actually, I'm quite ashamed... How should I describe this? Fresh?" Fulilian fiddled with the two ponytails on her shoulders, her expression also showing a rare distress.


" want to beat up that guy Ash? He didn't even apologize and just ran away."

Thinking of Ash who closed the door silently with a smile after watching him calmly, Fulilian was also inexplicably angry. However, when she couldn't find the person involved, she looked up at the girl standing in front of her, pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and said: "But before that, shouldn't Fearon apologize to me?"

"I'm sorry! Hurry up and put on new clothes!"

"...I always feel so insincere."

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