Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 114 Where are the people?

"Kamikaze Legs...ah..."

As soon as Su Long used the Divine Wind God Leg, he immediately mounted it on the tree, knocked the tree down, and even chewed the mud himself.

"Bah, bah, bah, why did the speed suddenly increase so much? I didn't react right away."

Su Long patted the dust on his body, then stood up calmly, pretending as if nothing had happened, and began to practice the magical skill of Fengshen Kick in the woods.

"Boom..." Knocked down a tree.

"Boom..." Knocked down a tree.

"Boom..." A head-over came directly, and he fell to the ground. He struggled for a long time before he stood up.

"Damn, why is it so difficult to practice? Could it be that I'm going in the wrong direction again?"

"It's impossible. I feel right. How can it be wrong?"

"Dear host, do you need me to give you some advice? In fact, Fengshen legs are very simple."

"No need, I don't believe I can't learn a magical skill without you. Don't give me any advice. I'll practice it myself."

Just like that, Su Long began to walk his own twists and turns, stumbling along the way and standing up unsteadily.

"System, look, did I stand up? Oh, look, I didn't fall down... ah..."

Su Long finally stood up and started to brag to the system. In the end, he still fell down, but he finally made some progress.

"Host, you are such a genius. Keep working hard. I'm waiting for you to be able to control yourself."

"That is, my young master's talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Give me another ten days and a half, and I will be able to master the Kamikaze Kick skillfully."

Su Long was talking proudly, but the system's next words stunned Su Long.

"Dear host, according to the information inside the system, among the previous hosts, the slowest time to learn the Kamikaze Leg was three days, and the fastest was half an hour. You have successfully broken the slowest record. I believe there is absolutely no such thing. People can break your records.”

"What are you talking about? You mastered it completely in the slowest three days?" Su Long couldn't believe it. It had already taken him a week to master a little bit of the skills. It would take ten days and a half to fully master them. But the fastest one only took half an hour, and the slowest one only took three days.

But he still calls himself a genius, and now he blushes just thinking about it.

"This...I...how did they do it? How could it be so fast?"

"Because of my guidance, I directly handed over the skills to them, and they were able to understand instantly. Unlike some people who pride themselves on being noble and have to torture themselves, wasting a lot of time. Although the Golden Clan still has a long way to go, Time will come, but it is still a bit difficult to advance to Dou Sheng during this period, I hope you can take care of yourself."

"No, no, you should give me the skills. I'm so damn stupid. If I don't take the shortcut, I will have to suffer. Please teach me the skills."

"It would be great if it were like this earlier."

The system directly handed over the technique of Fengshen Kicks to Su Long. An hour later, Su Long successfully mastered the technique of Fengshen Kicks and could fly freely in the air.

"It's really stupid to waste such a long time. If I had listened to your advice earlier, maybe I would have mastered it soon. I actually spent a week scratching my nose."

Su Long smiled mockingly to himself and flew directly in the direction of Wanbao Pavilion. With the help of the divine wind and divine legs, Su Long quickly felt Wanbao Pavilion.

"Qianrou, I'm back."

Su Long went directly to Xi Qianrou's room, but found that the room was empty and there was no trace of Xi Qianrou.

"Where's the person? She's not refining elixirs in her room?"

After Su Long searched and found no trace of Xi Qianrou, he went directly to the pavilion master's room.

"Pavilion Master, I'm back."

Su Long's sudden appearance startled the Pavilion Master: "You...Su Long? You came back from the Demonic Abyss."

The pavilion master was startled at first and took out his weapons. After seeing that the person coming was Su Long, he immediately relaxed and said, "How strong is your kid? I can't even see through it. How far have you reached?"

"It's just the first level of Dou Ling, worse than the Pavilion Master."

"Oh, the first level of fighting spirit...what did you say? The first level of fighting spirit?"

The pavilion master didn't hear it clearly, but he immediately realized it and shouted loudly.

"Calm down, Pavilion Master, don't be so surprised. I feel a little embarrassed that I haven't surpassed you yet."

"You...it took me more than half my life to reach the third level of Dou Ling. You want to surpass me in just one year. Are you human?"

The Pavilion Master was shocked by Su Long's promotion speed. He was directly promoted to Dou Ling in less than a year. He had never seen such a person before.

"Okay, Pavilion Master, don't be so surprised. This is my normal level. I'm still a little dissatisfied. In fact, I can improve it even higher."

Su Long was pretending to be cool here silently. No one knew how much he could improve anyway.

"By the way, Pavilion Master, where is Qianrou? Why didn't I find her? Did you send her out?"

"Qianrou, she left."

"Left? Where did you go, on a mission? Is there any danger? When will you come back?"

"Don't be nervous. Qianrou won't be back in a short time. She was taken to the main store of Wanbao Pavilion. There are more abundant resources there, allowing her to learn more alchemy skills, and there are more young people there. You are so talented, boy, but you are still far from it."

"Pavilion Master, you..."

"Boy, if you want to be with my Qianrou, your strength is not enough. In Wanbao Pavilion, Dou Ling is just a gatekeeper. Although I admire you very much, but if you want to be with Qianrou, you can't relax. "

The pavilion master sent Xi Qianrou away partly for the good of Xi Qianrou, and secondly for the good of Su Long. Based on his relationship with Su Long's father, he must care about Su Long's cultivation situation.

"Pavilion Master, I remember it, but do you think this can destroy my confidence? No, you have also seen the speed of my cultivation. It won't take long for me to bring Qianrou back. , let her learn the alchemy technique now, huh."

Su Long rolled his eyes at the pavilion master fiercely, turned around and left.

"By the way, what does Su Shenglong have to do with me? What grudges does he have with the Burning Sword Clan, the Blood Wolf Clan, the Zhao family, and the Li family?"

Hearing Su Long mention this, the Pavilion Master frowned slightly: "You should go back and ask your grandfather about this matter. If he doesn't tell you, I can't tell you either. This matter is a bit important."

Su Long had already thought that the Pavilion Master would respond like this: "Since you won't tell me, forget it. My grandfather said that he will tell me everything when I am promoted to Dou Ling. I am asking you just because I want to know who this person is as soon as possible." who is it."

"You'd better ask your grandpa. Your grandpa knows more about this than me."

"Tch, stingy..."

Su Long rolled his eyes at the pavilion master and then turned and left.

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