The threat of the Flying Sky Monkey to Su Long is still vivid in my mind. He is the Flying Sky Monkey that everyone respects. When the fourth-level forces see him, they all have to give him some respect.

Even if he is at the peak of Dou Wang, those powerful Dou Ling warriors do not dare to touch him at will. Although he cannot defeat the Dou Ling warrior, he can choose to run away. If he runs away, then the family of this Dou Ling warrior They would be retaliated against. Basically, all the goods coming out of their family could not escape his eyes and would be looted by him.

But now he was mercilessly ridiculed by Su Long at the auction. Originally, he was afraid that Su Long had a super powerful force behind him, but he couldn't bear the thought of Su Long committing suicide. He offended so many people at once, and the money he had with him , treasures, and elves are all things they are jealous of, and it is indeed a good choice to grab these things.

This was the first time that the Sky Monkey took the risk of robbing a person, but what he didn't know was that the first risk might be his last chance.

"Sky Monkey, Sky Monkey, it seems you really can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. These people are your little brothers. They're not bad, but there are a few people. I don't know if there will be enough for me to kill in a while. "

Su Long looked at the Flying Sky Monkeys and the others indifferently. These people may have pretty good strength, but in Su Long's eyes, these people are just experience points.

"There is no intention to kill, but you want to die. Now I give you a chance to leave. Otherwise, I will be merciless."

"Hahahaha." After hearing Su Long's words, everyone burst out laughing. Faced with the siege of so many of them, Su Longji, you really made people laugh when you said such words.

"Boy, it seems that no one of you understands the reality. You have offended so many of us. Do you think you can still make it out alive?"

Su Long looked around for a week and found that there were indeed quite a few people, some of whom were guilty of his own crimes, and some of whom he did not recognize. It seemed that they all wanted a piece of the pie.

"Blood Shura, I can only help you stop the Zhao family. If there are others, I can't help you."

The Liu family had some conscience and helped Su Long stop the Zhao family, but it was a pity that Su Long could not understand such good intentions.

"I understand your kindness, but you must not help me stop the Zhao family. You can just watch the show on the side. I think there are not enough people here, so you must not help me, otherwise, I would be very angry."

Just kidding, these are his experience points, but he must not be robbed by others. Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Su Long's words. What is the situation? He doesn't need others to help him resist some people. Is it possible? I was frightened.

"Blood Shura, what you said is true. If you are killed, don't blame me for not helping you. I won't be able to pay back your money by then."

"Don't worry, as long as I die, the money will be given to you. You must not do it, you know. Leave it to me alone. You can just watch the show next to me."

They don't have much friendship between them. One of them helped Su Long stop the Zhao family to repay Su Long's favor. Second, they really have a lot of hatred towards the Zhao family. Now that Su Long said not to help, then There was no need for him to keep interfering.

Seeing the Liu family retreating, Su Long was very happy, and then raised his fingers towards them: "You all come together, don't let me look down on you, there are so many people surrounding me, don't run away."

"Boy, you are too arrogant, go to hell." Everyone was driven crazy by Su Long's arrogance and rushed towards Su Long to kill him.

"Stop, stop, stop...wait a moment..."

They were on their way to fight, but Su Long stopped them. He almost lost his energy and blood, and felt indescribably uncomfortable.

"Boy, are you scared? If you are, hand over the treasure and commit suicide. We will leave your body intact."

"Afraid? That's impossible. Are you scumbags worthy of making me afraid? Don't be ridiculous. I will let you know in a moment what the gap is."

"You..." Everyone now wanted to smash Su Long's arrogant face, but they wanted to know why Su Long stopped them.

"Since you are not afraid, why don't you let us attack? Are you afraid and ready to escape?"

"Exactly." Su Long glanced at them with disdain, then looked at the open space aside and looked at the elf on his shoulder: "You go find your sister first. The scene will be a little bloody and not suitable for you to watch. Come, go to my sister’s place first.”

Su Long directly threw the elf next to the hidden Nalanqin. At this time, Nalanqin and his grandfather appeared. The old man still looked surprised: "Boy, how did you find us."

"Senior, no one can hide in front of this junior's eyes. I can see through some delusions."

Su Long pretended to be indifferent, while the system secretly cursed: "If I hadn't reminded you, you kid would have found out."

It's a pity that no one knows that such a system exists in Su Long's body, but this can be regarded as Su Long's ability. After all, he discovered Nalanqin and the others.

"Miss Nalan, help me take care of the elf. The next scene is not suitable for children to see. It is better to keep it a pure land."

"Okay, I will help you take care of the elf, but you must be careful not to die. I don't want to take advantage of you, although I really want the elf."

"Don't worry, as long as the seniors don't take action against me, they won't pose a threat to me. The seniors probably won't take action against me."

The only people present who could pose a threat to Su Long were the seniors, but judging from their looks, they didn't seem to be here to cause trouble for him.

"I'm too lazy to take action against this junior. If little Nalan hadn't insisted on asking me to come and save you, I wouldn't have even wanted to come."

The old man is also very arrogant. He feels very embarrassed when Su Long notices his position. He is a Dou Huang and is noticed by a Dou Ling. If others find out, they will definitely laugh out loud.

"That's good. Since senior is not here to kill me, then I can fight with peace of mind."

Su Long knew that they had no intention of killing him, so he glanced at Nalanqin gratefully. After all, Nalanqin had someone come to save him, so he still needed to remember this feeling.

"Okay, I've finished my work. Now it's time to take care of you. You should thank me for letting you live for such a long time. Otherwise, you would have met the King of Hell long ago."

"Come on, come on. Judging from your fierce expressions, you should be pretty strong. Come on, I have a lot of treasures on my body. Don't you want them?"

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