Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 168 Rose with thorns

The pain lasted for a full hour, his body was covered in blood stains and black substances, and the whole room exuded a stench.

"Damn it, why am I serving the master now? Am I suitable to be a servant?"

Su Long looked at the little boy in front of him, prepared a bucket of bath water for him, and then threw him into the bucket.

"Clean yourself."

"Many... many thanks... many thanks, sir." The little boy was a little weak now, and his eyes were a little blurry: "But sir, I don't have any strength now, you see..."

"Don't even think about it. You also know that I am a young master and you want me to give you a bath. There is no door. If you can't wash yourself, just soak in it. Whenever you have the strength to wash it yourself, you can wash it."

How could Su Long not know what he was thinking? There was no door for him to take a bath, so Su Long opened the door and left, leaving only the boy soaking in the bathhouse and the little girl who was unconscious there.

"Xue Rou, let's go eat. It's done. How about taking me to try the food here."

"Okay, let's go to Mingyue Tower. The food at Mingyue Tower is delicious."

"Mingyue Tower? I've already been there once. If you want to go to another place, I've eaten all the signature dishes there. It's no longer interesting."

"Have you already eaten at Mingyue Tower?"

"Yes, just on the way to Wang's house..." Su Long told Wang Xuerou what happened on the way.

"What?" Wang Xuerou's voice suddenly became louder: "What did you just say? Did you almost get into a fight with the people from Mingyue Tower?"

"Yes, who made them arrogant? I feel uncomfortable now that I didn't beat them up. But fortunately, their eldest lady is sensible and let us have a delicious meal for free. Otherwise, this Nothing is over yet.”

After hearing Su Long's arrogance, Wang Xuerou looked helpless: "It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Do you know how scary Mingyue Tower is? Even the third-level forces here dare not offend Mingyue Tower. How dare you be in Mingyue Tower?" You are really not afraid of death if you make trouble."

"It's not as scary as I said. The eldest lady of Mingyue Tower is quite sensible. Although her strength is indeed good, she won't make you so scared."

"You don't understand. You are more lucky this time. Mingyue Tower is not easy to talk to. Do you know why there is no trouble in Mingyue Tower? When Mingyue Tower was first built, there was a third-level force. Moreover, it was not necessary for the weak third-level forces of the Wang family to go to Mingyue Tower to cause trouble, and guess what happened..."

"Did he get destroyed?" This seems to be a basic routine. Usually those who show off will be destroyed in the end. Su Long directly guessed the result.

"It seems you know it. No chickens or dogs were left behind. The third-level forces were completely wiped out overnight. No one knows how they disappeared. There was no movement at all. When people found out the next day, they were all dead. .”

"Since then, no one has dared to cause trouble in Mingyue Tower, and you are probably the first one who has not been killed to cause trouble in Mingyue Tower. How lucky you are."

Su Long really didn't know about these things, but he knew that Miss Mingyue Tower was indeed very strong, and it was easy to destroy a third-level force.

"It's all in the past. Why bring it up? Let's go eat. I'm hungry. There must be more than just a restaurant and bar in Mingyue Tower here. There are other places. Let's go and try others."

Su Long grabbed Wang Xuerou and left.

"Let's just go here. Although the food here is not as good as Mingyue Tower, the popularity is no worse than Mingyue Tower."

"Why?" Su Long was a little confused as to why the popularity here was not worse than that of Mingyue Tower.

"You'll know when you get in."

Su Long followed Wang Xuerou and walked in step by step. After walking in, he finally understood why the business here was so booming.

All the beauties are very beautiful, giving people a pleasing feeling. People here admire the beauties while eating. No wonder it is so popular.

"How about it? Are your eyes dazzled? Aren't the waiters here very beautiful?"

"Ahem, no matter how beautiful she is, she can be as beautiful as my Xuerou. We are here to eat, not to see beautiful women. I already have a beautiful woman in front of me, and these people look ordinary."

Su Long pretended to be serious. How dare he say that other women are beautiful in front of Wang Xuerou? Although this is a different world, women's thoughts should not change. They must be jealous. Once they say that other women are beautiful, they Definitely not happy.

"That's pretty much it. Let's go and eat. I have a private room here, so I won't see them in the private room."

Sure enough, as Su Long thought, women are jealous. Even though he said so, he still wanted to take him into the box.

"Actually, it's quite convenient here. We can just have something to eat without having to go into the private room."

"It's okay. I have a private box here. The scenery in the box is very good. No one will disturb me. We can have a meal in peace. Let's go."

Su Long had no choice but to follow her and leave.

I secretly cried out in my heart: "My beauty, I can't see her long legs anymore. Oh, what a hard life it is."

But he just dared to think about it, with a forced smile on his face.

"What's wrong, Su Long, are you not happy to see you like this? Do you want to eat in the hall?"

"How could it be? It's the same wherever I go. I'll go wherever you say. I was thinking just now, do you need to bring some food for the two brothers and sisters? They should be awake when we go back, and they should be hungry. .”

Su Long's ability to make excuses is not to be boasted, he found an excuse in an instant.

"That's it, it's okay. Bring them some food when you go back. Let's go eat."

"Hey, isn't this sister Xuerou? I haven't been here for a long time. Have you forgotten your sister?"

At this time, the woman who walked towards him and thought he was a pretty girl started chatting with Wang Xuerou. After seeing her, Su Long truly understood why the place was so popular. Those outside were just trivial, and the person in front of him was the real one. Where the popularity lies.

Her dress is not like the dress of this world at all, it is too trendy, even more trendy than his previous life. The places that should be exposed are exposed, and the places that should not be exposed are half-covered, giving people a hazy feeling. Coupled with her good looks and devilish figure.

This pair of men was simply a fatal temptation. Su Long was shocked when he took a look at them, but he quickly sobered up.

She understands that these people are like roses with thorns, and she neither dares nor offend them.

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