The reason why Su Long dared to say this must be because he had his own ideas, and he was also confident. After all, the damage he did to the Dragon Clan was not an exaggeration. Even if the Dragon King was stronger than him, his damage to the Dragon King would not be exaggerated. It’s also too much to bear.

But what makes him most confident is his demon left hand. Now he is also seriously injured. If he activates the demon left hand at the end, the damage will definitely explode.

Time passed by minute by second. Su Long held the dragon-beating whip tightly and stared at the Dragon King, while the Dragon King was also staring at Su Long.

Both of them were waiting for the last opportunity to see whether Su Long would kill the Jiao Dragon King first or which one, the Jiao Dragon King, would kill Su Long first.

"How much longer, I can't wait."

"There are still the last ten seconds. The moment he breaks through is the most vulnerable time. You have to grasp the time. Although I really want to change the host, I still have to do my best to help you when I am with you. .”





Su Long was looking nervously at King Jiaolong, and King Jiaolong was also looking at Su Long, but King Jiaolong had a proud smile on his face. He was now full of fighting spirit and was on the verge of a breakthrough. , as long as he successfully breaks through, the human being in front of him will suffer his revenge.



The fighting spirit became more and more abundant, Dragon King's smile became stronger and stronger, and Su Long became more and more nervous.


"Haha..." Just as the Dragon King was about to laugh, he saw Su Long heading towards him to kill him.

" do you know I'm breaking through now?"

Su Long didn't talk nonsense to him at all. He held my Dragon Beating Whip tightly with both hands and used all the fighting spirit in his body on the Dragon Beating Whip.

"Go to hell, Dragon King, you have no chance to break through."

"With your current strength, you can't kill me with one blow. As long as I survive this blow, it will be your death."

The Dragon King was still very confident in his defense. He had tasted Su Long's attack and still couldn't kill him with one blow.

"Since you are so confident in your defense, then take a look at this move, Devil's Left Hand, shoot it for me."

Su Long's body was instantly filled with the power of the devil, and his strength was instantly upgraded to Dou Zun. Although it was only for a short moment, it was enough.

"Go to hell, Dragon King."

" could you..."

The Dragon King did not expect that Su Long would be promoted to Dou Zun in a short time, and his strength would suddenly increase to a great level. When he reached the same level as him, it was enough to kill him.

"Want to know? In the next life."

Su Long's Dragon Beating Whip hit the Dragon King directly, and fortunately it was a critical hit. Coupled with the increased strength of the Devil's Hand, he instantly cut the Dragon King in half, and it was before the Dragon King. When he was most vulnerable, he had no resistance at all and was just killed by Su Long.


Su Long was breathing heavily there. Although he could be killed so easily, this blow condensed Su Long's energy and energy, and all the attention was focused on the Dragon King.

At the last second when the system prompted me, I was in a state of full fighting spirit and turned on the devil's hand, which turned me into this state.


Su Long's left hand suddenly became swollen, cracks began to appear on his body, and blood continued to flow out.

"System, what's going on? Is someone plotting against me?"

"No, your current situation is all caused by yourself. I forgot to tell you about the side effects of Devil's Hand. After turning on Devil's Hand, your strength will be temporarily improved to Dou Zun, but your current body can only He endured Dou Ling's fighting spirit, even though it was only for a short moment, he still collapsed."

"But don't worry, you won't die for the time being. If it takes longer, your body may not be able to bear it and you will collapse completely. Now you can rest in peace and recuperate."

After hearing what the system said, Su Long rolled his eyes, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he knew he would activate the devil's hand, fortunately, he successfully killed the Dragon King.

After taking two healing pills, Su Long endured the severe pain on the ground until all the wounds on his body healed.

"It seems that this devil's hand cannot be used easily. If you don't believe it, you will die."

Su Long removed the potassium from his body, then walked to the side of the Dragon King and put the Dragon King away directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you killed the Dou Zun Dragon King, gained 500000000000 experience, and raised your realm to the fifth level of Dou Ling."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the proficiency of the God's Breaking Tablet Hand has been improved."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your proficiency in Kamikaze Legs has improved."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your proficiency in breaking the God Strike has been improved."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a dragon treasure chest."


Hearing a series of congratulations, Su Long was very excited. He finally got some rewards. He hadn't dropped a treasure box for a long time, and this time he finally dropped a treasure box.

"Whether to open the treasure chest."

"It's not necessary now. Human lives are at stake. I'll go back to save people first. And I also want to know what his mysterious gift is."

After collecting the body of the Dragon King, Su Long rushed directly to Mei Mei's home. There was still one day left, which was enough to arrange everything.

"Xue Rou, I'm back."

Su Long rushed back overnight and went directly back to Wang's house, and then went directly to Wang Xuerou's room.

"Hey, where is the person? Why isn't he here?"

After knocking on the door for a long time, but there was no sound, Su Long returned to his villa. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wang Xuerou sleeping on his bed.

"This little girl actually cares about me so much."

Seeing Wang Xuerou sleeping on the bed, Su Long secretly smiled, then with a wretched look on his face, he quietly got into the bed and gently held Wang Xuerou in his arms.

"Ah..." Early in the morning, a cry came from Su Long's room.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Hearing Wang Xuerou's cry, Su Long woke up, and then looked at Wang Xuerou beside him in confusion.

"You...why are you here?"

"This is my room. Can't I sleep? But I also want to ask you, why are you here and sleeping with me? Do you plan to live with me?"

Su Long immediately began to rake the ground and asked Wang Xuerou.

After listening to Su Long's words, Wang Xuerou's face immediately turned red, and then she looked at Su Long: "Just speak, can you take your hand off first? You make me uncomfortable."

All he saw was that Su Long's hands were placed on Wang Xuerou's breasts, and he kept rubbing them, which made Wang Xuerou uncomfortable.

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