Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 192 Departure

After spending the last day with Wang Xuerou, Su Long was ready to set off. The treasures in the Land of Death were what he needed.

He had wasted a lot of puppets for this so-called mysterious treasure. If the mysterious gift did not satisfy him, then he...had no choice but to accept it.

"Su Long, be careful along the way. When you break through Douzun, don't forget to come back to me. If you forget me, I will never let you go."

Seeing Wang Xuerou gnashing her teeth, Su Long felt a little funny and touched her head: "Okay, good boy, I will definitely come back. When I gain strength and finish off all my enemies, I will come back to you." of."

"I'm waiting for you……"

Su Long waved his hand and turned around and left, heading towards the land of death, taking the treasure map with him.

The Land of Death is located in a very awkward position, a no-nonsense zone, right between the third-level forces and the second-level forces. This is a paradise for evil people and a paradise for mercenaries. It is full of killings and the resources here are very rich. The monsters and beasts are even more arrogant.

And those big forces have no intention of getting involved here. Although it is dangerous, it is indeed a good place to cultivate the children of the family. Here you can see how successful a child is. They will always bring their children here to train and kill evildoers. Monster.

"It's a very dangerous place, but it's very interesting and very good for me. With so many evil people, they should be strong. If I can kill them, won't my strength be greatly improved? "

Su Long's face was filled with excitement when he thought of this. This was a good place for him. He already had an idea to kill all the evil people in the Land of Death and exchange them for experience points.

Su Long directly got on the teleportation array and set off towards the land of death. After hearing that Su Long was preparing for the land of tens of millions of deaths, the teleportation array didn't even take the money and let Su Long leave.

"Hey, another one is willing to die. Is the treasure in the land of death so easy to get? Everyone wants to get a piece of the pie. It's really courting death."

The person guarding the teleportation array shook his head. Recently, many people have gone to the Land of Death. I don’t know who has spread the news. A shocking treasure has been discovered in the Land of Death. As long as you collect this treasure, you can become a god and a saint.

When people heard the news, some people didn't believe it, but a large part of them believed it and rushed towards the place of death. They obviously regarded Su Long as one of these people.

But obviously Su Long doesn't know this situation. Although they have the same purpose, they are all for the treasure in the land of death, but Su Long's treasure is not a treasure that can make people become saints and gods. Two treasures are not one treasure. .

"Is this the place of death? It looks very prosperous."

Su Long directly came to the Land of Death through the teleportation array, but after arriving at the Land of Death, he found that the Land of Death was completely different from what he had imagined. He originally thought that the Land of Death should be full of killing and violence, but here It should be desolate, but he didn't expect that it was completely different from what he imagined when he arrived.

The land of death is also prosperous, and tall cities are built with guards at the gates. It looks more formal than a regular city.

"Let me go, this is the place of death? How can it be so luxurious?"

Looking around, the city is very prosperous, there are many people, and people are doing their own things. It is not at all like they said, this place is full of killings.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. This place should be similar to a normal city. I'll go in and take a look first..."

Su Long walked towards the city. Before he could enter the door, he was stopped by someone: "Stop, you can't go in. Not everyone can enter the city of death. Do you have a death certificate?"

"Death certificate? I'm not dead, so why would there be a death certificate?"

Su Long was dumbfounded when he heard that they asked for a death certificate. In his impression, death certificates seemed to be issued after a person died. Did he have to die just to enter the city? How could this be possible.

But after he said this, the people around him looked at him like a fool: "The death certificate is the proof of entering the city. If you want to enter the city of death, you must have a death certificate."

"Then how can we get a death certificate?"

"With five hundred thousand silver taels, you can apply for a death certificate. Otherwise, go over there."

Looking in the direction they pointed, there was a group of people in tattered clothes and scars on the other side of the city. Their houses there were simple and many were dilapidated. I don't know what happened to them.

"You see, these are people who don't have a death certificate and can only live outside the city. People living outside the city will be tortured every night. If you don't have money to buy a death certificate, you will soon know , very cruel torture, they are lucky to survive."

To these people outside the city, they looked at them like they were trash.

"How about it, do you have money? If you don't have money, where will you be welcome? If you have money, apply for a death certificate and enter here. You can be considered to have escaped disaster for the time being."

"Is there no other way? Do I have to pay 500,000 yuan to apply for it?"

"Yes, according to the city lord's rules, half a million can also be used with resources of the same value. There are a lot of resources outside the city, and there are many monsters. As long as you fight hard, you can probably get a death certificate in your lifetime."

"Then there is no other way. I can only go there and wait until I save up to 500,000 before I go in."

Su Long did not rush into the city, but walked towards the group of people outside the city. He wanted to see what cruelty they were talking about?

"Then I wish you good luck, I hope I can see you again tomorrow..."

Su Long could hear their mocking tone, so he ignored them and walked directly over there.

Su Long came to this ruin-like land, and no one welcomed him. He didn't mind, so he walked in directly. There were many vacant houses inside. Su Long looked for advice and walked in. He didn't pay attention to anyone and started. Practice.

The fighting spirit here is still abundant, Su Long started practicing directly, and now he is looking forward to what will happen at night.

As night fell, the City of Death closed its gates early. The towering city walls looked very strong, but they seemed a little thin. The thatched houses were still damaged and had no defense at all.

"Come out and prepare for defense. The enemy is coming soon. If you don't want to die and the house is empty tomorrow, come out quickly."

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