Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 302 Navigation Chart

"Although he was turned upside down, he was also seriously injured. He was injured by the unique rules of our Yandao Sect. It is impossible to cure foreign objects. Only the crystal of the endless sea can heal. Google search read"

"So we must seal off the Endless Sea and only allow our own people to go in to find resources. Others, we will not agree to it at this stage. We cannot let go of any suspicion."

Hearing what they said, Su Long sneered in his heart. It was just an injury caused by a rule, and it had been cured by his elixir a long time ago. There was no need for any hope crystal treatment at all.

But his face didn't show it. His current strength is not the opponent of Yandao Sect. The leader of the sect in front of him has the strength of Dou Sheng. If Xiaoyaozi is here, they will definitely not stop him in any way.

"I can assure you that my disciple's trip to the Endless Sea this time is definitely not for looking at crystals. He has other things to attend to."

"That won't work either." It was obvious that the master of the Yandao Sect did not give the great elder face, and deliberately made things difficult for the great elder. The great elder's face was also a bit ugly. As a disciple, Su Long naturally would not look at his master with embarrassment.

"Master Yandao Sect, I went to the Endless Sea for the Elf Forest and to send the elves home."

After speaking, Su Long summoned the elf.

Seeing the elf in Su Long's hand, the leader of the Yandao Sect thought for a while and knew that he couldn't go too far. Although Xiaoyao Valley was now in decline, there were many masters in the valley. The Yandao Sect had just experienced a heavy blow and it was not suitable to count the enemies.

"Send the elf home? Yes, but I need to check the storage ring you carry with you, and you need to check it when you come out. You can't take the vision crystal out."

"Master Yandao, are you going too far..."

It is not acceptable for a person to check the storage ring he carries with him. Naturally, the great elder would not agree, but before he could finish his words, he was stopped by Su Long.

"Okay, I'll let you check."

Su Long directly threw the storage ring he carried with him. He was not afraid of any inspection. With the system in place, the treasure could be hidden. There were some insignificant things inside.

"Master, have you checked?"

"Okay." Although the door owner was very confused about Su Long's storage ring, there was no treasure in it, but when he looked at Su Long, he saw that there was indeed no other storage item on his body.

The leader of the Yandao Sect casually threw the storage ring and a token to Su Long: "Take the token and go, they will get through."

"Thank you very much, Master."

The Great Elder took Su Long and turned around to leave. Before he could walk out of the door, Su Long turned back and looked at the Master of the Yandao Sect: "Master of the Yandao Sect, I have remembered everything today. I will be responsible for avenging the shame suffered by the master. The Battle of the Ladder to Heaven , no one will pass through the Yandao Gate."

"Really? Let's wait until the battle on the ladder. Your current strength is really far behind." Faced with Su Long's provocation, the leader of the Yandao Sect didn't take it to heart at all. Although Su Long's strength was good, but There is still a little gap compared to their genius.

"Master, let's go..." Su Long turned around and left without saying anything else.

"You brat, do you know that you scared me to death just now? If he makes things difficult for you, the master won't be able to protect you."

"Don't worry, Master, he won't do anything to me. I'm just a junior to him. If he does something to me, he will only be looked down upon by the outside world. And if he dares to do something to me, Master will avenge me." of."

"Although he is stronger than the master, he can't always be on guard against the master and casually attack his two core disciples. He is also distressed, so there is no way he can kill me."

Su Long had already guessed the thoughts of the leader of the Yan Dao Sect, and knew that he did not dare to take action against him at that time.

"Then master, I'm leaving."

"Be careful. Although the Endless Sea is rich in resources, it also has many dangers. Many people go to the Endless Sea and never return. Only Yandaomen has a safe route here. They have thought about it for generations and know that it is safe. No one else can. You know, you can only rely on yourself.”

"Don't worry, master, nothing will happen to me. I have to fulfill my promise. No one from the Yandao Sect can pass the battle on the ladder to heaven. I will not fall here."

Su Long flew to the teleportation array and threw the token directly to the guard: "Endless Sea."

"The gate master's token, teleport."

As soon as the teleportation array flashed, Su Long disappeared. Seeing Su Long leave, the great elder also turned and left.

"Huh... is this the sea of ​​the Holy Dragon Continent? It's no different from the earth."

The smell of seafood hit his face. Su Long left the teleportation array and flew directly to the town. This was an isolated place, but the prosperity was no worse than outside.

"The Sea Emperor beast crystals and animal bones are sold cheaply, one hundred thousand taels, only one hundred thousand taels."

"The eight-clawed octopus king has eight tentacles. It's delicious and inexpensive. It's cheap and a great supplement. One piece is ten thousand..."

The streets were filled with the sounds of hawking. It was also the first time for Su Long to see sea beasts. He strolled slowly on the streets, but did not buy any of these things. The vendors on the street couldn't believe it. They basically had ten sentences. Eleven sentences are lies.

"Navigation chart..."

When Su Long passed by a shop, he saw the sign above and walked in. He was now blind to the endless sea and didn't know anything about it. If he had a nautical chart, he could understand a lot.

"anyone there?"

"Do you need anything?" A waiter ran over in a hurry.

"I want a nautical chart. How much does the most complete nautical chart you have here cost?"

"Wait a moment, I'll get it for you. Take a look first. Our navigation chart here is the most complete except for Yandaomen's, and it's also the safest. Although there may be some accidents on the road, compared to others, It is said that there has been a lot less.”

"You also know that the sea is changing all the time, and even Yandao Sect cannot guarantee this."

"I have to make this clear to you in advance so that we don't destroy our sign then."

"Okay, take a copy and let me take a look."

Soon the waiter brought a crystal ball: "As long as you input Dou Qi, you can activate the crystal ball and the navigation chart inside will appear."

Su Long took the crystal ball and input fighting energy, and a navigation chart appeared in front of Su Long's eyes. Although there were many incomplete places, it was already clear from looking at their navigation chart.

"How long does your navigation chart extend? Has it reached the center of the Endless Sea..."

"You are really joking. With our strength, we can only operate on the edge of the Endless Sea. Even so, we suffered heavy casualties in order to draw the navigation chart."

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