Seeing so many flying Scorpios, Su Long swallowed his saliva.

"It's also a knife to extend your head, and it's also a knife to shrink your head. Come on."

Su Long took out the dragon-beating whip and rushed forward.

Then Su Long disappeared. There were too many Flying Scorpions, and Su Long was directly submerged in them. However, they could not do anything to Su Long. The flying Scorpions at the beginning of Douzong were just a move in front of Su Long.

Su Long can kill dozens of flying scorpions with one whip, but there are so many flying scorpions that they don't know how long it will take to kill them.

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

a month...

Half a year...

Su Long no longer looked like a man, his beard had grown long, and his body was in tatters, but his eyes were full of light and he didn't look haggard at all.

In half a year, Su Long killed countless monsters, including flying scorpions, explosive bears, colorless snakes...

Su Long's level has also been promoted to the peak of Douzong, but he has been suppressed by Su Long and has not improved. He will only improve after all the rules have been improved to a perfect state. The remaining experience has been used by him to improve his body.

Su Long's current body is probably stronger than Dou Huang.

"It's been half a year, it's almost time to end."

Soon, the bone dragons, puppets, black demon insects, and demon pets all came back. Within half a year, Su Long released them all. Otherwise, he didn't know when he would be able to kill them all.

"Congratulations on passing the Yellow Sand Trial."

The desert became empty. As the sound appeared, the teleportation array appeared. Su Long walked directly in. When he went out, his whole person changed, and he was no different from when he first entered.

"What's going on? I'm back to my original state."

"It is a semi-illusion. In fact, you don't need to kill so many monsters at all. As long as you can break the illusion, you have passed the level. It's a pity that you don't seem to know. You have to kill all the monsters in the illusion. After passing the test, I have to say that you are really stupid."

"Why didn't you warn me earlier? It took me so long and I almost died inside."

"You need to face it by yourself. This is also a test for you. If I leave you, won't you survive?"

Su Long was speechless. He didn't expect that he had been in the illusion for so long: "But it's not right. My realm and body are..."

"I have told you that this is a semi-illusion, and the monsters in it are real, but the rest is an illusion. There are only two ways to pass it, one is to break the formation, and the other is to kill all the monsters inside. And you chose the stupidest one.”

Su Long felt as if he had been hit hard. He didn't expect that he would get such a result after working hard for half a year.

"Don't say it, it hurts. Tell me where the reward is."

Perhaps only rewards can make Su Long feel warm.

"Your reward for passing the teleportation array is right in front of you, which is your next level."

Su Long has gained a lot in this level. After walking through the teleportation array, there is only one mountain with nothing, a very deserted mountain.

"Is this my reward?"

"No, this is a test you need to accept, but it is also a test for you. You will know it soon."

"Congratulations on passing the yellow sand. Next is the third level, Flame Mountain. I wish you good luck."

"Flaming Mountain? Is it?" Su Long reacted instantly after hearing the Flame Mountain. In the first level, his thunder law was perfected. This level seemed to be the time to perfect his blazing law.

"It's just a Flame Mountain assessment, just wave your hand and pass."

Su Long flew directly to the top of the mountain, and then his face turned dark.

"Your sister, isn't this a lie?"

In the center of the Flame Mountain lies a fire dragon. A real fire dragon, with the breath of life and a snoring sound.

" does this allow me to practice..."

"The smell of human beings?" The sleeping fire dragon smelled Su Long's smell and opened his eyes. The two big lantern eyes stared at Su Long.

"Oops, isn't it said that it is difficult to wake up a dragon when it is asleep? How can it be done so quickly?"

"Human, why are you in the Dragon Temple? This is the place where dragons are tested. How did you get in?"

The fire dragon's voice almost stunned Jiangsu Dragon, and he stepped back more than ten steps before stopping.

"How dare you confront my opponent? Don't you want to live?"

He couldn't show fear at this time. Su Long couldn't escape the fire dragon's pursuit anyway, so he might as well give it a try. He couldn't see through the fire dragon's realm.

"Huh?" Su Long really suppressed the fire dragon at this moment. He has been staying in the Dragon Temple for tens of thousands of years. He doesn't know what is happening outside. Logically speaking, it is impossible for humans to appear in the Dragon Temple, but now there are Appeared.

Is there any change? Are dragons already so good with humans? Without knowing the situation, Fire Dragon really didn't dare to say anything.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Did I let you speak? I can go wherever I want. You can't control it."

"You..." After listening to Su Long's words, Fire Dragon really wanted to slap him to death, but without knowing Su Long's details, he really couldn't do that. If it caused trouble to the Dragon God, He can't eat and walk around.

"Get out of here, sir. You have to practice. If you delay my practice, not to mention you, even the Dragon God will be punished."

Su Long is not afraid of being blown away. Anyway, he can brag as much as he can, as long as he is allowed to use the rat-proof weapon.

"Go away."

After Su Long jumped down, he kicked the fire dragon, and the fire dragon left the place unconsciously.

"Hmph, you are sensible and can protect me. I want to practice."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and started practicing directly. The fire rules here were indeed the strongest. Su Long continuously absorbed the blazing rules here. Even his extreme burning flames were replenished and grew stronger little by little.

The fire dragon was depressed there. He was a majestic dragon. Although he was only the lowest god, the human in front of him was only a peak Douzong. In his eyes, he was just an ant, but he dared to command him like this.

The most important thing is that he doesn't dare to say anything or resist. How can this not be frustrating?

Su Long sat cross-legged for ten days before absorbing the Blazing Flame Rules and reaching a state of perfection.

"Perfection? It was so fast. It only took ten days."

The Fire Dragon is guarding it here for ten days. Although the rules of blazing flames are only the simplest, being able to reach perfection in ten days is also a super genius.

"I have wasted so much time on my lord, the thunder rule only took three days, and the blazing flames actually took ten days,"

"Three days? The rules of thunder have been fulfilled?" Even the fire dragon was stunned by Su Long's words.

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