Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 328 Holy Tree

"Lord Holy Tree."

"Lord Holy Tree..."


Everyone in the Elf clan, including the Elf Queen, bowed respectfully towards a tree.

It's just that this tree is like a human being, with five senses.

"You are here..."

"Grandpa Holy Tree..."

"Xiao Ling, you are finally back."

As soon as Xiao Ling spoke, the Holy Tree looked at Xiao Ling. When he looked at Xiao Ling, he was surprised.

"Son of elves, Xiaoling, you are the son of elves..."

It has to be said that this tree has a vicious vision, and it can be seen directly that Xiaoling is the son of an elf.

"Lord Holy Tree, Xiao Ling is indeed the son of the elf now, but all this is because of the elf bow. Xiao Ling, take out the elf bow."


Xiao Ling took out the Elf Bow directly and placed it on the root of the holy tree.

Looking at the Elf Bow in front of him, the Holy Tree looked relieved: "Old man, you are finally back."

"Can't you hold on anymore?"

The Elf Bow shook for a while, and the weapon spirit flew out from the Elf Bow, looking at the holy tree in front of him with a sad look on his face.

"There is no other way. The battle that year damaged my foundation. I can only suppress the injury. I have suppressed it for tens of thousands of years, and now I can no longer suppress it."

"Tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I just woke up and was awakened by this little guy."

A tree and a bow were there saying something incomprehensible.

"Lord Holy Tree, your injury..."

"It's no use."

“Can’t even the Elf Bow do anything?”

They shook their heads. The Elf Queen and the others couldn't help but feel sad. They didn't expect that the holy tree that had been guarding the elves would leave in their hands.

"You don't have to be sad. I have already counted my day. The injuries from the battle back then were too serious. No one except the goddess of nature can cure them. My roots have been corroded. Except for the ancient heaven-level elixir Purification Pill, No one can cure it."

"Ah..." After hearing what the Holy Tree said, Su Long touched his head in embarrassment. It probably wasn't such a coincidence.

"What's wrong with Su Long?"

"Senior, what did you just say that can cure you?"

"Purification Pill, an ancient heaven-level pill, must have been lost by now."

"This...if this junior heard correctly, I seem to know the recipe for this ancient purification pill, and I really want to be able to refine it."

After Su Long finished speaking, everyone fell silent. They opened their mouths and did not speak. They all looked at Su Long in surprise. Even the weapon spirits of the Holy Tree and Elf Bow were dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm a little embarrassed."

"Did I mishear what you just said?"

"Did you hear that? You shouldn't. I just said that I can refine the ancient purification elixir."

Continuing in a daze, they heard right now that Su Long could refine the ancient purification pill.

"Please save the life of Lord Holy Tree and refine a purification pill."

"Please save the life of Lord Holy Tree and refine a purification pill."


The elves knelt down to Su Long, with pious expressions on their faces, and Su Long jumped away hastily.


"Brother, Ling'er is also begging you to refine a purification pill and save Grandpa Holy Tree."

"Silly girl, I didn't say I wouldn't practice, but I don't have anything. Refining is not a problem. As long as everything is complete, it can be refined quickly."

"Medicine, no problem, Great Elder, go quickly and get all our inventory, hurry up."

Soon, the great elder came to Su Long with the inventory of the elves. Su Long opened the storage ring and was instantly stunned.

The elves' collection for thousands of years is definitely no joke. Many precious medicinal materials make Su Long jealous.

If you are not greedy at this time, when will you be greedy: "You also know that refining medicine requires losses. It may not be successful at one time. I can refine one of these medicinal materials, but I am afraid that it will be used up by then."

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as you can successfully refine the purification pill and save the life of the holy tree, it doesn't matter if it's all used up."

"Okay, it may take a little longer. Senior Holy Tree, it should be okay to hold on for a few days."

"If I can't die, I'll leave it to you."

Su Long directly left the bottom of the well and found a room, and started refining the elixir directly. Refining the purification elixir was very simple, and it was completely different from what he said. For others, it might take many times to succeed, but for him, it was just a matter of time. Needed once.

As for the remaining medicinal materials, they naturally came into Su Long's hands and became Su Long's inventory.

"I originally thought that the purification pill would have no effect, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain. Not bad, not bad."

Refining the elixir took three days and three nights. During this period, Su Long deliberately created some explosions in order not to arouse suspicion.

"Brother Su Long, are you okay?"

After practicing the Purification Pill, Su Long walked out with a dark face and ragged clothes.

"How is it, how is it, has the purification pill been successfully refined?"

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate."

The purification pill immediately flew into the sky to meet the thunder tribulation. This time, Su Long did not pay too much attention to refining it. The last time it attracted the divine thunder, it had already alarmed many people. For now, forget it, it is just an ordinary pill tribulation.

Soon the Purification Pill passed the thunder tribulation.

Su Long handed the Purification Pill to them: "Don't disturb me recently. I want to take a good rest. I'm too tired. Just give the Purification Pill to Senior Holy Tree."

Although Su Long's refining was successful, it still consumed a huge amount of energy and he had to take a rest.

"Ah..." Su Long went back to sleep for a day and a night before he woke up. When he woke up, the elf was lying next to Su Long.

"Brother Su Long, you're awake, Grandpa Shengshu, Brother Su Long is awake."

As soon as Su Long woke up, everyone gathered around him. Su Long was still a little embarrassed.

"Boy, you finally woke up."

"Are you the senior Holy Tree?" Looking at the energetic tree in front of him, Su Long was a little confused. He didn't look sick at all, as if he was rejuvenated.

"That's right, but thanks to your kid's purification pill, otherwise, I don't know how many days I would have survived."

"Yeah, I don't know if there are any rewards."

"You..." I thought Su Long would be polite, but he didn't expect Su Long to admit it directly. Su Long's opposite behavior made him not know what to say.

"I'll make you mad talking to you, but I do have something to give you. Although it's not very precious, it should be enough to help you."

The Holy Tree had already prepared something to give to Su Long, but since Su Long proposed it, he took it out directly.

"This is?"

Looking at the thing in the Holy Tree's hand, Su Long looked puzzled, but this thing gave him a very comfortable feeling.

"Heart of the Sacred Tree."

"Heart of the Holy Tree?"

"That's right, it's the heart of the sacred tree. To put it simply, it's my heart of the tree."

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