Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 331 Pretending

They are not here to protect Su Long, they are sent by God to torture Su Long. Google search reading

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why are you so dark-faced? Whoever made you unhappy? Let's help you deal with him. On the Holy Dragon Continent, no one except the Holy Dragon is our opponent now."

"You..." Su Long gritted his teeth and said nothing. After all, it was not wrong for them to eat, and he was the one who brought them out. It was indeed his own fault.

"Forget it, I'll make sure you're full. Come with me first."

When they heard that they had enough to eat, the three of them looked excited and chattered all the way.

Su Long brought the excited trio to Wanbao Pavilion. It must be said that Wanbao Pavilion is very majestic. It reaches the attic into the sky and occupies the best position. There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and the business is very booming.

"Hello sir, what do you need?"

As soon as Su Long and the others came in, they were warmly received with signature smiles.

Su Long shook his head. As for the elixirs, he really didn't need to buy them. The elixirs he refined were stronger than anyone else's. Even the Master of Wanbao Pavilion was his disciple. Those who refined the elixirs were considered Get up, he should be his disciple, his disciple's disciple.

"I'm so poor, why don't you come to Wanbao Pavilion if you don't have money?"

There are always some people who are pretentious, think they are awesome, and always like to use others to raise their own worth.

"Why are you coming to Wanbao Pavilion if you can't afford elixirs? Come here, young master. I want to buy elixirs. Come quickly and introduce to the young master what good elixirs are here. The young master wants to buy some earth-level elixirs."

"Sorry, if you need an introduction, I can help you find another one."

She did not agree. Wanbao Pavilion has rules. Visitors are guests, and they will be treated equally as long as they are guests.

"A poor loser who can't afford elixirs, what are you going to introduce to him? You might as well serve me well and buy more of your elixirs, and you can earn more commission."

"I'm sorry, Wanbao Pavilion has a rule about hunger in Wanbao Pavilion. Please, you can learn about the elixirs in our Wanbao Pavilion. Even if you don't buy them, you can learn about them. If you are injured, you will know where you can buy them."

Su Long was very satisfied with their service attitude and looked at the girl and nodded.

"It's not bad, but I don't like these low-level elixirs. Take me to see the high-level elixirs."

"Sir, please come upstairs."

Su Long and the others were welcomed upstairs: "Sir, you can buy earth-level elixirs on this floor, but they are only below the earth-level mid-level, high-level earth-level or heaven-level. I don't have the authority to take you up unless You have the credentials.”


"That's right, the qualification certificate means that you have the qualifications to go up to the top. Earth-level top-grade and heaven-level elixirs are very expensive. We must ensure that you are qualified to buy them."

"That means as long as you have money."

For the qualification certificate, this is really nothing. What he lacks most is money.

"Hey, isn't this poor? Why are you here? Can you afford the elixirs here?"

Su Long ignored him directly. This kind of clown was insulting his own intelligence by talking to him.

"You will get a commission on which pills you buy."

Although Su Long is not short of elixirs, he is very satisfied with this girl's service attitude, so he will give her some benefits.

"Sir, as long as you buy the elixirs here, I will get a commission. But sir, don't act out of anger. He is deliberately irritating you. Please choose what you can use."

"It's okay, just bring these to me."

Su Long pointed at the pills in front of him casually. He didn't care about the value of these pills.

"Sir, these pills..."

"I want these pills."


As soon as I heard this sound, I knew that the fly was following.

"Sir, I'm just sorry. This gentleman has already packed these pills."

"Did you give money?"

The service staff was stunned and shook his head: "Not yet."

"Since the checkout hasn't happened yet, I can buy these things. I've packed these things. I'll add a thousand taels for each bottle of elixir. That's enough."

"Add two thousand taels." Su Long said lightly.

"You're trying to make a fool of yourself, do you have money? I'll add three thousand to each bottle."

"Five thousand."

"Six thousand..."

"Ten thousand..." Su Long directly added 10,000. He stopped talking. Adding 10,000 to one bottle already exceeded the value of the elixir.

"Trash, you still pretend to be cool when you don't have money." Su Long's simple words aroused his anger.

"Fifteen thousand."

"Congratulations, these elixirs are yours. Give them to this young master. If you add fifteen thousand to each bottle of these elixirs, you will also earn a lot of commission."

"You won't join anymore?"

"Only fools can do this kind of loss-making business. I can buy better ones by adding 15,000 yuan, so why should I buy these?"


After hearing Su Long's words, he became furious and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Thank you, Master, for your support."

"Wrap all these for him. Isn't he rich? He won't be afraid of more of these."

This kind of person will only stay away from you if you scare him once and for all. This time Su Long tricked him into bleeding.

After taking away the elixir he had bought from vomiting blood, he glared at Su Long fiercely, apparently intending to retaliate against Su Long. Su Long also felt his eyes, but he didn't care at all and continued to wander inside.

"Master, do you want me to get rid of him?"

"No, he's just a clown. Do you understand that your actions are an insult to Dou Sheng? Don't think about violence at all times. We are civilized people and we must convince others with reason."

"Sir..." After selling him the elixir, the waiter trotted to Su Long's side with an excited look on his face.

"You look like you've earned a lot."

"It's all your fault."

"Okay, take us up there, there's nothing we need here."

"But go up..."

"Don't worry." She led Su Long up step by step, but was stopped at the stairs.


"No." Although he did not have a qualification certificate, Su Long threw the storage ring over: "This should be enough."

When they saw what was inside the storage ring, they were all dumbfounded and hurriedly got out of the way: "That's enough, that's enough. This is your qualification certificate."

Su Long and the others went up so easily.

"It's a lot of money. I don't know which family it belongs to."

"Too many. The flash blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. I can't offend you."

After getting here, there are a lot fewer people and elixirs. Most of them are earth-level high-grade elixirs. There are only a few heaven-level elixirs. After all, there are only two people who can refine heaven-level elixirs in Wanbao Pavilion. , if they want to take action, they have to pay a high price.

"five billion……"

Looking at the price of heaven-level elixirs, Su Long couldn't believe it, five billion. No wonder alchemists are so rich, elixirs are so profitable.

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