Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 343 Disturbance

Su Long took them and left the auction directly. His goal had been achieved, and those who believed in the auction did not dare to lie to him.

However, for the sake of safety, Su Long still left the boss there to monitor their actions.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be the heir of the Puppet Sect."

The master of Wanbao Pavilion sighed.

"Oh? You also know about the Puppet Sect?" Wanbao Pavilion is a super force, and the Puppet Sect was only a third-level force when it was destroyed.

"Of course I know. Back then, the Puppet Sect's puppet technology was unparalleled. It's just that the people in the sect were all obsessed with puppet technology and neglected to improve their own strength. That's why they have been stuck in the third level."

"If they can have a peerless master, they won't be destroyed."

As he spoke, the Master of Wanbao Pavilion couldn't help but feel sorry for the Puppet Sect.

"But it's okay now. With you here, the Puppet Sect should be able to get back on its feet. After all, there are three masters behind you."

When he saw the three of them for the first time, Wanbao Pavilion Master was all surprised. The three of them gave Wanbao Pavilion Master a strong sense of oppression, making him breathless.

"I can't afford to feed them. These guys are so good at eating. I don't even have enough money to feed them. If I feed them this way, I will soon be poor. I regret subduing them now. Hey..."

Regarding their appetite, Su Long was helpless. He wanted to let the three of them go. If some big forces knew about it, they would definitely come to get them. Whoever had three super powerful combat powers would have great power. It will be greatly improved.

Soon they returned to the weapon refining gate and checked the situation of the sect master. They found that the situation was even more serious. They did not dare to waste any more time and just looked at refining the elixir.

"Are you ready? There must be no accidents. No matter what I ask you to do, you must do it quickly."


Su Long directly attracted the extremely burning flames. The ordinary flames of the holy elixir were useless. He had to use the extraordinary fire of heaven and earth.

"Extreme Burning Flame?" Xi Qianrou was surprised when she saw Su Long's Extreme Burning Flame. She didn't expect that Su Long had already controlled the Extreme Burning Flame to this extent.

"Start refining the medicinal materials. These two plants will be refined after three breaths."

"They must be refined in five breaths, with three breaths in between to refine them."


Su Long continued to direct, and with the help of Ji Burning Flame, the master of Wanbao Pavilion refined the elixir much faster, and also saved a lot of energy.

"Right now, crush the Tianya Grass and put them all together to refine. Be careful of the explosion and hold on steady."

As expected by Su Long, an explosion occurred inside the alchemy furnace the next second. With Su Long's reminder, the Master of Wanbao Pavilion was not too surprised.

The process of refining holy-level elixirs is too long. There are thousands of medicinal materials, and the refining process takes a day and a night.

The spirits of the two of them were obviously declining, but they could still persevere.

"As expected of a holy elixir, it consumes a lot of energy." The master of Wanbao Pavilion couldn't help but sigh.

When refining ordinary elixirs, they would not feel tired even if they refined them for several days or even a month. However, when refining holy elixirs, their energy was exhausted after just one day.

"Don't relax. If you feel you can't hold on, tell me in time."

"Master, don't worry, even though I'm old, I can still persevere."

There was nothing to say for a day. They continued to refine the elixir, and the liquid began to slowly merge together. Even Su Long did not dare to be careless. This was his first time refining a holy elixir.

"Wait a minute, these two groups of liquid medicine are smelted last, and the others are smelted first."

The two people carefully smelted the liquid medicine.

It took three days to slowly fuse these medicinal liquids together, and the prototype of the elixir was already in place.

"Huh... take a rest and regain your energy."

Now that the elixir has stabilized, they can take a short rest. The consumption of the holy elixir is too great for them, and even they can't bear it.

Sitting cross-legged, the two of them slowly recovered. After a stick of incense, they were almost recovered.

"The next step is to do it in one go, without any surprises."

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

The next step is the most critical moment for alchemy. As long as there is one mistake, the previous alchemy will be in vain.

The two people began to carefully control the Extreme Burning Flame and slowly warmed the elixir. After three days of warming and refining, they would be able to succeed.

The first two days were peaceful and the alchemy was going smoothly. But on the third day, something unexpected happened. Someone broke into the alchemy room.


Su Long and Wanbao Pavilion Master were all focused on the elixir. Being disturbed like this, their minds were directly damaged, and the elixir instantly became unstable.

"No, I can't control it anymore."

Seeing that the elixir was about to be destroyed, the two of them glared at the intruder fiercely.

"Kick him out, hurry up, I'll save him."

The Master of Wanbao Pavilion was not polite at all and kicked the intruder away. If it weren't for him, the Sacred Heart Pill would have been successfully refined. Now it seems that it is almost damaged.

"Pfft..." Su Long spit out a mouthful of blood. This time, he bit the protruding blood essence on the tip of his tongue and absorbed Su Long's blood essence. The burning flames instantly increased many times.

"Nine dragons play in the sky."

The nine fire dragons kept warming the elixir around it. The elixir, which was already unstable and on the verge of collapse, slowly stabilized under Su Long's superb techniques.

"Thump thump thump, there was a sound of footsteps outside the room."

"Drive them away. The elixir will be successful soon. We can't let them disturb you any longer, otherwise I won't be able to save it."

"Don't worry, Master, I'll see which grandsons are blind and I have to kill them."

The Holy Heart Pill has been poured into his heart, and it is related to the life of the master of the weapon refining sect. No one else is allowed to disturb it, no one can.

Soon, there was a sound of punching and kicking outside the alchemy room. The master of Wanbao Pavilion did not talk nonsense to them at all. He came to deal with each person one by one and kicked them all out.

"Come back and help, hurry up."

The rapid consumption of fighting spirit made Su Long unable to hold on. Hearing Su Long's voice, the Master of Wanbao Pavilion came back to take over. Su Long sat on the ground panting, sitting cross-legged on the ground to recover his fighting spirit.

"Bang..." The alchemy furnace exploded instantly, and a pill flew out, breaking through the alchemy room and flying out.

As soon as the Sacred Heart Pill flew out, the sky became dark for a while, and the Thunder Tribulation appeared, and judging from this posture, it should be the Dark God Thunder.

"Second child, third child, block him, don't destroy the Sacred Heart Pill."

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