Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 350 Mountains in Ten Directions

"You want to explore the Shifang Mountains?"

Su Long made his purpose clear as soon as he came in and asked the leader of the Puppet Sect if he had a map of the Shifang Mountains. He wanted to explore the Shifang Mountains and always felt that there was an opportunity waiting for him here.

Although it may be accompanied by danger, he wants to go there in order to improve his strength.

"Have you really thought about it? There are countless dangers in Shifang Mountain. Even with the three of them guarding you, you are likely to encounter danger."

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own trump card. Nothing will happen. Just give me the map of Shifang Mountain."

Seeing that Su Long had made up his mind, the puppet leader took out the map of Shifang Mountain.

"We haven't explored too much of the map in the Shifang Mountains. These places have been explored by our predecessors with their lives. These roads are the safest. Although they are occasionally dangerous, they are much safer than other places."

"As for the rest of the area, we were unable to explore it. We sent groups of people one after another, but they all disappeared."

"One more thing you must remember is to hide when you see the red moon. You must hide well and never show up. Keep hiding until the red moon is over, even for the three seniors. Otherwise, you will die. "

Su Long also took the sect leader's reminder to heart. After all, he didn't know much about Shifang Mountain, and the Puppet Sect had been living in Shifang Mountain for such a long time.

Taking the map with them, they walked towards the depths of Shifang Mountain.

After walking a few steps, they encountered a monster. The Dou Zong-level Wolf King, with a group of subordinates, surrounded Su Long and the others, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"Don't take action. Just protect yourselves. Leave the rest to me. Unless I encounter irresistible danger, you don't show up. Do you understand?"

"It's the master."

The three of them disappeared in an instant.

When the Wolf King saw the three disappearing people, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, and he seemed to be shrinking. He was not stupid. He must be a master if he could escape from their encirclement without letting them notice.

"If you want to run away, you wolves, please stay."

Su Long saw them preparing to leave and attacked them directly.

"God's Stone Breaker..."

With one palm strike, a large number of wolves died, and even the Wolf King was affected.

They could feel Su Long's strength, but the death of their companions also aroused their bloodshed.


The Wolf King roared, and his men rushed towards Su Long to kill him, but what happened to a group of wolf cubs at the level of Dou Zun and Dou Wang? Su Long's opponents were punched and kicked by Su Long before they even got close to him. He fell to the ground and turned into a ball of minced meat.


Suddenly he felt the roar of wind coming from behind him, and he hurriedly dodged to the side. As soon as he dodged, the Wolf King appeared behind Su Long, and a pair of sharp claws moved towards Su Long's claws.

The sharp wolf claws seem to be able to scratch the space. If it is caught hard, it may be cut into several pieces.

The Shifang Mountains severely oppressed the spiritual consciousness and had a great impact on Su Long. In addition, the Wolf King was very fast. He could only notice it after the Wolf King got close every time.

"Damn beast, I'll give you face if I don't kill you."

Looking at the torn clothes on his body, Su Long was angry. He had not been able to get hold of the clothes under Dou Huang, and now he was injured by a beast. This made him feel extremely embarrassed. If it were not for the protection of Shenqi, he might have been injured just now. injured.

"Ouch..." The Wolf King's attack came in front of Su Long again, and a pair of sharp claws clawed at Su Long's head, trying to scratch Su Long's head to bits.

"Dragon Slaying Tower, let me see how hard you are."

At the moment when the Wolf King's claws were grabbing at Su Long, Sun Long suddenly had a pagoda in his hand and smashed it hard towards the Wolf King's claws.

There was a fierce collision between the claws and the pagoda.

Then the Wolf King's hungry wails were heard. After the Wolf King's claws collided with the pagoda, they turned into pieces in the air.

"Not bad, it still has some effect at critical moments."

The Dragon Slaying Tower then disappeared, and Su Long still felt the angry emotion conveyed to him by the Dragon Slaying Tower.

"No way, you can only have this effect on me now. Who told you not to let me in on the first floor?"

Ignoring the emotions of the Dragon Slaying Tower, Su Long looked at the Wolf King, who was firmly protected by his surrounding men.

"Wolf cub, aren't you crazy? Are you still crazy now? I'll see how you attack without claws."

Su Long attacked them. Although he tried his best to stop them, without the Wolf King's attack, the other wolf cubs were no match for Su Long. They were slaughtered faster, and the ground was slowly covered with corpses.

When the Wolf King saw the corpse on the ground, he howled and looked at Su Long angrily, with a bloodthirsty red light in his eyes.


Suddenly, a dangerous aura emitted from the Wolf King, and Su Long retreated hurriedly.

The Wolf King stood up, and the aura on his body became stronger. The blood on the ground rushed towards the Wolf King until all the blood was absorbed.

At this time, the Wolf King had undergone earth-shaking changes, exuding a dangerous aura. The wolf's claws had grown back and seemed to become sharper. Even Su Long did not dare to be careless.

"This guy can actually transform. Shifang Mountain is really interesting."

Su Long was not afraid, but instead became more interested and rushed towards the Wolf King.

"Aw..." The Wolf King only had Su Long in his hungry eyes. Su Long killed all his men and destroyed his wolf claws. Su Long was his life and death enemy.

"Bronze-headed and iron-bone tofu waist, watch me break your waist."

The Dragon Beating Whip entangled the Wolf King, and Su Long kicked the Wolf King hard on the waist, but was dumbfounded after the kick.

"What kind of tofu waist is made of copper head and iron bones? This waist is so hard, how can it be tofu?"

The attack failed, but it angered the Wolf King, and a pair of sharp claws swept towards Su Long with a bloodthirsty aura.

Withdrawing the Dragon Beating Whip, he retreated. Although he didn't know whether Shenqi could defend against the Wolf King's sharp claws, he still didn't want to try.

One man and one wolf fought back and forth, and the surrounding environment was not damaged to any detriment. Moreover, as they fought for longer and longer, a large number of monsters gathered around them, and their strength was not that of the Wolf King.

"We can't delay any longer. If we delay any longer, we may be surrounded. The mountains in all directions are too dangerous."

Of course, Su Long noticed the eyes around him. As for the danger, he was not worried about it. After all, there were three masters at the fighting saint level.

"Wolf cub, take the move, see if you can catch this move, Devil's Hand, strengthen it."

The aura on Su Long's body suddenly became violent.

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