Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 353 Demonic Body

The attack of the poisonous snake was very fast, and sometimes it was venomous. Su Long did not dare to resist. If the Shenwei was corroded, he would not even have a place to cry.


Su Long suddenly thought of something and looked at them with a wicked smile.

When Viper saw Su Long's eyes, he suddenly felt a chill on his body, as if something was going to happen.

"Little Snake, come and attack me. Use venom."

Su Long provoked the poisonous snake. He looked like he wanted to be beaten. The poisonous snake was also very angry. He sprayed a mouthful of venom. Su Long turned around and ran towards the poisonous snake behind him, attacking directly.


Viper is not afraid at all. His smooth skin can block a large number of attacks, and he is not afraid of a head-on fight with Su Long.

But when Su Long rushed in front of him, he saw that Su Long looked like his conspiracy had succeeded.

He didn't know what Su Long's smile meant, but something felt wrong.

Sure enough, after Su Long rushed in front of him, he thought he would fight with him head-on, but unexpectedly, he turned around and ran to one side.

In such a moment of confusion, the venom behind him rushed in front of him and attacked him directly.


The venomous snakes had a look of fear on their faces. Even if the venom was theirs, they couldn't handle it. Their bodies slowly melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving nothing behind.

"It's so powerful. I can't even withstand the corrosion of the venom. Thanks to me for not resisting."

Seeing the miserable appearance of the poisonous snake, Su Long patted his chest and abdomen with a worried look on his face, but turned around and looked at the other poisonous snakes with a mocking look.

"You are really amazing. You can't even let go of your own friends. I admire you."

Su Long's words made Viper even more angry. He didn't expect that his attack would hit his companions.

Su Long kept wandering among the snakes, provoking them by the way. Beasts are beasts. Coupled with the influence of the violent fighting spirit here, he soon became so angry that he lost his mind.

This is what Su Long wants to see most.

"Hiss..." A mouthful of venom continued to spurt out, and Su Long ran directly in the direction of other poisonous snakes.

With his constant assistance, the poisonous snakes were killed by him, and soon he was the only one left.

At this time, he also woke up and was very angry when he saw his companions disappearing around him.

"Damn humans, for taking advantage of me, go to hell."

All his companions had disappeared, so he had nothing to worry about and could release his venom and attack Su Long.

"Use? You think too much and want to attack me. It's too late. I have already found your shortcomings."

Su Long used the spare time in his attack to constantly look for their flaws. The moment they opened their mouths to spray venom, there would be a pause. Although it was only a short breath, it was enough for Su Long to take action.

The venom spurted out from the fangs, but as soon as it reached the mouth, Su Long's palm wind arrived, directly forcing the venom into the viper's body.


The poisonous snake did not expect that its venom would be injected into its body, and in an instant, its body would be corroded and disappear.

"Huh..." Cross-legged on the ground, Su Long regained his fighting spirit. Even though he didn't make a move just now, his spirit was highly tense. He couldn't make any mistakes. He had to grasp the timing and angle.

After regaining his fighting spirit, he continued to head towards Shifang Mountain.

"In the ten kilometers ahead, let them hide your presence."

The system issued a reminder at this time.

"What do you mean?" Su Long didn't know what danger was ahead, but he still believed in the system and hurriedly called the three brothers back to cover his aura.

Su Long walked ahead, and there was no danger within ten kilometers.

"Master, there are strong men in front of us, no less than ten strong men."

"Strong? Fighting Saint level?"

They nodded, and Su Long looked surprised. He didn't expect that there were no less than ten strong fighting saints here.

"System, what's going on here? Why are there so many Fighting Saints?"

Now it is estimated that only the system knows what is here.

"Devil's body."

These four simple words shocked Su Long.

"You said it's the body of a demon? The body of a demon is actually being guarded here?"

"Yes, the devil's body is the most complete part and possesses the devil's strongest ability, so it has the strongest defense here, and it is normal for there to be many fighting saints."

"The strongest ability? What is that?" The devil's hand can greatly improve his strength. The more serious the injury, the more strength will be improved, which has already given him a taste of the benefits.

Anyway, he has already offended the Golden Clan, and he is not afraid of offending a few more. Su Long also has too many lice and will not bite anyone.

"Want to know the strongest ability of the devil's body?"

"In no mood."

The system glanced at Su Long sadly. Now Su Long was getting more and more difficult to tease, and he had mastered his tricks.

"Do you want to ask me for Mad Dragon Coins?"


"I knew it. I've mastered your routine. Tell me how much you want this time. I'll tell you. It's best to ask for something within my acceptable range. Otherwise, I'd rather not know."

"Five thousand."

"Deal." Five thousand is really nothing to him. The system extorts Kuanglong Coin so frequently. It seems that Kuanglong Coin has a special effect on him. Su Long will give it to him if he can.

"Tell me what the devil's body does."

"The aura of the devil's body is very useful for you now, because you have too many enemies. Having the devil's body will greatly improve your ability to save your life."

"You should tell me quickly, don't beat around the bush, what is its function?"



"That's right, it's Nirvana."

"Phoenix's Nirvana? Immortality?"

"Yes, the devil has the ability of Phoenix Nirvana. Do you know why he is just sealed and cannot be killed? Nirvana plays a big role. If you kill him, he will still be reborn."

Su Long kept swallowing his saliva. He originally thought that Phoenix Nirvana was only in legends, but he didn't expect that he really had this ability. If he had the ability of Nirvana, wouldn't he be immortal?

"Nirvana also depends on the person and consumes blood essence. If you use the power of rules to seal your blood essence, you will also die."

"It doesn't matter. At least they can't kill me the first time, right?"

The system did not speak, because Su Long was telling the truth. Before anyone knew that Su Long had the ability of nirvana, anyone who killed someone would seal the blood essence before killing someone.

"To accept it, we must find a way to get the devil's body."

"Boss, can you know the specific strength of the people inside?"

"Wait me a moment."

The boss disappeared in an instant. With his strength at the peak of the Fighting Saint, it was quite easy to just detect the strength of a few people without being discovered.

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