Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 383 Escape in embarrassment

Su Long directly placed a restraint on her consciousness, and when he was completely relieved, he would help her unlock it.

"I'm going to teach you a super-god-level technique. Remember it. Don't spread it. Otherwise, we will all be in danger."

"Super... super god..."

"Let go of your soul, and I will teach you the soul."

Soon Su Long passed on Void Escape to

"Hey, 007, what are you thinking about?" After the transmission, 007 stood there motionless. Su Long called for a long time, but 007 didn't respond at all.

"Hey, are you dead? What are you thinking about? Pa..." Su Long slapped her on the butt again, and then she woke up.

"Master, it, I, this..."

007 was a little incoherent, but he couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"Okay, I get it, why are you so surprised by a little Void Escape? Practice hard and don't be embarrassed, you know?"

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely study hard, and I will definitely become the number one assassin."

As soon as he finished speaking, two sharp eyes looked at him and her.

"What are you looking at? I'm telling you, after a while, my aunt will be the number one killer. It's impossible for you to surpass me."

"act recklessly."


Faced with 007's bold words, 001 and Wuying didn't pay attention at all. The two of them were still fighting there, and for a while, neither could do anything to the other.

But there are already a lot of scars on the body, and it seems that their battle will take some time.

"Master, they actually look down on me."

"I know that you are really not qualified to be looked down upon by them now. You still need to be strong to make iron. If you practice hard, you will surpass him."

"What about Wuying?"

"Maybe you can't copy him."


007 is a little dissatisfied. Su Long thinks her talent is not as good as Wuying.

"Because I will hand over Void Escape to him. He also masters the great assassination technique. With Void Escape, you will definitely not be his opponent, hahahaha."

Su Long looked up to the sky and laughed, leaving 007 speechless.

"Okay, no more joking. You are all my people. I don't care who is first and who is second. It's not good to kill girls. You study hard here. I'll go check on Hei Yan and see if I can kill him. Get rid of."

He is not involved in Wuying's affairs. Whether he can survive depends on his own ability, but he believes that Wuying will survive.

"Dark Demon Realm, shrouded."

As soon as they arrived at Yunyang and Heiyan's territory, they felt intense pressure.

Hei Yan couldn't stand being annoyed by Yunyang. Yunyang was always elusive and his physique was still invisible to others, so he could only use the local area.

The field of black flames directly covered a distance of a hundred meters in radius, and the power of the field perfectly restrained Yunyang's physique. As long as Yunyang dared to step into the field, he would be discovered immediately.

The most important thing is that the strength of the Black Flame in the field has been greatly strengthened, and Yunyang's advantage has disappeared.

"This guy is really strong. He has mastered the power of the domain. He is worthy of being the number one person in the Dark Continent."

Facing Hei Yan in this state, Yunyang also looked wary. He really didn't have a particularly good solution at the moment.

"Senior Brother, come back. You can't break the realm now. Let him go and save his life for later."

It is impossible to kill Black Flame here, and he also has other plans. Keeping Black Flame is also a great fighting force. They will definitely look for the golden heart.

"Little Heizi, let's go. I'm in a good mood today. I'll spare your life. I won't be polite next time we meet. Let's go."

Heiyan left behind and left with everyone.

Hei Yan gritted his teeth and looked at Su Long. Today's plan was originally perfect, but it was disrupted by Su Long. It also led to the annihilation of the entire Dark Continent. Now only he and 001 are left.

He is still reassured about 001. 001's strength is not weaker than him at all. If he does not activate the field, he may be killed by 001, but with the field activated, he is invincible at the same level.

But it's just that he thinks he is invincible at the same level.

Just halfway through, he saw 007 coming to Su Long's side with Wuying in his arms.

Wuying was already unconscious and his intestines were leaking out. Without treatment, he might die.

"The first level of Dou Huang, this guy seems to have made a breakthrough."

He took out the elixir, crushed it into powder, and sprinkled it on the wound, which quickly stopped the injury.

"Where's the head?"

"How do you know he's going to win? He's injured like this. Don't you think he's lost?"

"It doesn't exist. The killer will not stay alive. Either you die or I live. If Wuying is still alive, that means 001 is dead."

After taking out 001's head and giving it to Su Long, 001's face still looked proud. It seemed that he didn't realize how he died at all, and thought he had killed Wuying.

"The last sword was very scary. I didn't notice it. 001's head fell off. I don't know how he did it."

"It's just Void Slash. It's a relatively powerful move in the Assassination Technique. This kid has made great progress and has actually mastered Void Slash."

"Void Slash?"

Everyone looked at Su Long in confusion, they didn't know what it meant.

"It's very simple. It's an attack in the void. You can't see or feel it. When he kills you, you won't feel it. It's just that strong, but it consumes a lot of money. It's a life-and-death move. If you can't kill the enemy, it's you. died."

After looking at Wuying, Su Long turned around and left. Now their points have reached 100.

"Senior Brother, 007 you two come with me and leave Wuying in the care of Second Senior Sister while we do something."

"Second Senior Sister, please be careful together and take good care of Wuying and the others. You are not allowed to participate in the rest of the matter."

"Don't worry, everyone in the Ice Continent and the Dark Continent is almost dead. Only the Scarlet Flame Continent is left. It's impossible for us to meet in such a huge secret realm."

After bidding farewell to the Second Senior Sister and the others, Su Long took Yunyang and 007 and set off towards the golden heart. Where is the place where they will fight, and all the masters will gather there.

"where are we going?"

"Are you afraid of a place with many masters?"

"Afraid, I'm almost scared to death. Let's go quickly."

Following the instructions of the system, Su Long and the others set off towards the golden heart. When they encountered monsters on the way, they did not forget to kill them to gain more points.

"There are a lot of people here. Isn't this Xiao Heizi? Why is he injured?"

"Li Luo, why are you injured? Could it be that dog bites dog between the two of you?"

As soon as Su Long arrived here, he saw Li Luo and Hei Yan. Both of them had traces of fighting. It looked like they had just experienced a big battle.

Su Long's favorite thing was to beat up drowned dogs. When he saw them biting dogs, he would be sorry if he didn't ridicule them.

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