Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 470 Encirclement and Suppression of Mass Graves

Su Long shook his head and still refused. Although he was indeed the strongest, his time here was too short. These were his seniors, all from the seminary and martial arts schools. Google search reading

"I'm the eighth to come, so I'll just be the eighth. Besides, I'm still young and not familiar with the Demonic Battlefield. It's up to you, boss, to make arrangements."

They really don't understand Su Long. When he is arrogant, his arrogance has no bounds. When he is low-key, he is so low-key that he disappears.

However, they were reassured. Although Su Long was very powerful, he was not necessarily strong in command. They had to know that everything in the rear was mainly based on the captain's orders. If something went wrong, they would end badly.

"Since you said so, we won't force it. Let me distribute the tasks this time. Everyone knows that the demons have come this time with a group of relatively weak demons. Our target is not them, they are just here to train troops. of."

Su Long nodded. The purpose of the Heavenly Demons was the same as theirs to train soldiers. Su Long and the others were urgently recruited this time to confront these weak Heavenly Demons. Firstly, they could improve their actual combat capabilities and prepare themselves mentally in advance. Secondly, they were recruited urgently. It is to consume the opponent's strength.

"We can be said to be the strongest existence among the high-level Dou Sheng."

After saying this, the boss's face was a little red. They once naively thought that they were the strongest beings under the peak of Dou Sheng, but now they were almost wiped out by Su Long alone.

He was embarrassed to say this.

"Boss, don't feel any pressure. I am not an ordinary person. There is only one Su Long in the world. Your strength is very strong among high-level Dou Sheng. Otherwise, you wouldn't be selected into the hunting team, right?"

He wanted to comfort their frustrated mood, but when he said this, it was felt that he was boasting and adding salt to the wounds of the boss and others.

Their sad eyes made Su Long surrender: "I won't say anything anymore. I won't say anything anymore. Let's continue."

"Our strength is pretty good, so what we want to hunt are the veteran fighting saints and high-level demons. They are the main fighting force on the battlefield."

"As long as these main forces are eliminated, the remaining demons will not be afraid. And our mission this time is to kill a hundred high-level demons."

"Originally, I didn't have much confidence, but with Su Long, our success rate will be very high this time."

The boss took out the maps. These maps were drawn by them with their lives. Every road, every mountain, and every river had blood donations from their companions.

"Here, the mass grave, is the place closest to us. There are ten high-level demons here, as well as some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but we don't dare to be careless. Let's make a surprise attack first and try to injure them as much as possible, which will be easier to deal with."

After discussing for a long time, a relatively good plan was finally formulated, but Su Long was excluded. He acted as a free man. After all, he had just arrived and there was no tacit understanding between them, and his strength did not require Worry.

There was killing along the way, and they helped out when they could. Wherever there was no need for action, they left directly. If they were required to take action, these people would not be able to grow up quickly.

"There are a lot of demons, and there are killings everywhere." Su Long couldn't help but sigh. Along the way, he encountered a lot of battles. Someone was fighting almost every few steps.

"There are a lot of demons, but their quality is inferior. Their attack methods are relatively simple. Apart from being physically powerful, they are useless elsewhere. If not for this, we would not be able to compete at all, and they would directly break through the defense line."

Su Long nodded. When God opens a door for them, he will close a window for them. Although there are many of them, their IQs are limited, and they are still not good enough for humans.

"But you can't be careless. There are many high-level demons, but very few peak demons. It is easy for them to rise to the high-level demons, but peak demons are a hurdle for them. But as long as they are promoted to the peak demon level, their IQs will be enlightened. , are not weaker than humans at all, and even to a certain extent, they are stronger than humans."

"So when you encounter the peak demon, run directly without hesitation. You can't be their opponent now."

"I know, I'm not that stupid."

Although Su Long said this, the look in his eyes didn't look like he was willing at all. He hadn't fought against the demon yet and needed a good fight, which would be good for him to improve his strength.

"Okay, the mass graves are here, everyone, please be vigilant and don't be careless."

Everyone walked around and came to a valley. In the valley, there was just a simple yard that could be enclosed by wood, and the demon was resting in it.

Compared with human dwellings, theirs is indeed too simple. It seems that their IQ is a flaw.

"On the outside of the mass grave, there are sixteen mid-level fighting saints guarding it. They patrol the mass grave surrounding it. As long as there is any movement, they will hear it inside."

Lao Qi quickly figured out the situation outside the mass grave.

The boss thought for a while: "Intermediate Fighting Saint, sixteen of them, two for each of us. It should be no problem to deal with them in an instant. Follow my orders later, is there any problem?"



They are still very confident in their own strength, and they can easily deal with two intermediate fighting saints.

"Okay, try not to make any noise, make a quick decision and set off."

Eight people rushed down quickly, not giving them any time to react. Two people each were eliminated in an instant.

Su Long just waved his fingers and cut off their heads, but to his surprise, after knocking off their heads, the demon did not die and let out a roar inside.

"Damn it, forget that Su Long doesn't know the weakness of the demons, so he can't kill them by beating them to pieces."

Now that they had been exposed, there was no need to hide anymore. Su Long also knew that he had made a mistake and directly strangled them with sword energy.

However, the demons inside also knew what was happening outside. Ten high-level demons and many demons stood opposite them.

"Kill them, damn humans, dare to attack the great demon."

Humans and demons have always been incompatible with each other. There is no need to say anything when they meet, they just kill each other.

"Finish quickly, don't waste too much time."

This incident was caused by Su Long, so Su Long would naturally work hard to deal with them and make up for his mistakes.

Su Long strangled a large number of demons with each sword strike, just like a demon god, killing non-stop.

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