Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 577 Soaring Snake

Su Long woke up the next day. Except for the damage to his clothes, there were no wounds on his body. He became more energetic.

"I'm here to see what's going on."

Before they could attack, Su Long's attack had already arrived.

Facing Su Long's attack, none of the eight of them moved. They stood there blankly, watching Su Long's attack.

"Do you think you can avoid being attacked by not moving? I want revenge."

Seeing that his fist was about to attack them, when Su Long thought his attack was about to take effect, he suddenly found that his body could not move and could only stand in the air.

"Little guy, aren't you going to attack us? Why aren't you moving? Come on, I'm waiting for you to attack."

Su Long stood blankly in the air, being mocked mercilessly by them. Su Long was also secretly annoyed.

"Damn it, I forgot that they also have a boss who controls the power of space. Why did they rush forward so recklessly?"

"It seems you have figured it out. Don't forget that we are Hydra, not Octopus. If you want to attack them, you have to ask me if I agree."

"Split the air."

The space was distorted and directly shattered. Su Long's body was also constantly twisted. The hard bones and strong skin prevented him from breaking.

But this makes it even more uncomfortable. There is only one word, that is, pain. There is no pain worse than this. How he wishes that his bones are still so fragile now, and they will break with just a slight break, and he will pass out.

"Why, can't you bear this? There's still a long way to go. You still have a third level to pass, and that's where your real torture begins."

Su Long swallowed unconsciously. The third level was torture, and it would definitely be stronger than the attacks in the first two levels.


After helping Su Long loosen the loose bones, they put them down. Their mission was completed, and what was left was the responsibility of the third level.

"Can you tell me more about what's in the third level?"

"You'll know when you go there. Just be prepared. There will be a big surprise."

Seeing them gloating about their misfortune, Su Long knew that nothing bad happened at the third level, so he turned around and ran away, but was bounced back.

"I've known for a long time that you kid is going to run away. You can't run away with me here. You'd better go in obediently. You've already passed the first two levels, and you'll pass the third level with grit."

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Su Long could only walk towards the third level. He had to bow his head under the eaves, and besides, it was his choice.

"I hope you won't torture me anymore. The high-intensity torture every day is driving me crazy."

"Really? Then I won't torture you. I will help you relax."

A sudden voice from above scared Su Long almost to death.

"It scares people to death. Don't you know? What are you doing?"

Su Long raised his head and looked at the source of the sound, almost incontinent from fright. One eyeball was several times bigger than his, staring at him less than five meters away from him.

Su Long unconsciously took a few steps back, and then he could barely see what was in the air.


"No, no, no, I am a more advanced creature than the dragon, a soaring snake."

"Senior Soaring Snake, what do you mean? You are not the guardian beast of the third level, are you?"

"Congratulations on guessing it right. It's a pity that there is no reward, only relaxation."

Su Long didn't think that what Teng She said about relaxing was really relaxing. He could only smile awkwardly: "Forget it, Senior Teng She, I don't need to relax. It's very good here. It's really very good. You can take your time and play with it." ,I go first."

Su Long ran away, but how could he run away in front of Soaring Snake.

"Soaring Snake Flash."

Su Long appeared in front of Su Long instantly, and Su Long was swept away by Soaring Snake's tail.

"No one who has come to my place can escape safely. Even that boy Bai Fei doesn't dare to set foot in my place easily. You really came to the right place. I will train you well."

It's not that they can't practice the immortal body. They are the close followers of the Immortal Supreme. They all know that the Immortal Supreme put the immortal body here, but none of them can practice it.

On the one hand, it's because the immortal body requires talent, and on the other hand, it's because of the Teng Snake in front of him. This guy's strength is not inferior to Bai Fei's, and is even stronger.

But he is the last gatekeeper of the immortal body. Let him be the gatekeeper not to prevent them from learning the immortal body, but to better help them.

It's just that this process may be a little painful, too painful for them to accept, so they just choose to give up. Living is good.

"Senior Soaring Snake, how on earth can you let me go? I really don't want an immortal body anymore. Just let me go."

Su Long's request was met with a disdainful smile in front of Teng Snake: "Boy, no one who comes to my place can leave unharmed, and you are no exception."

"However, it's not impossible to leave."

When Su Long, who was already desperate, heard Teng Snake say this, his eyes lit up.

"Senior Teng She, please advise me on how to leave."

"As long as you can leave a little scar on me, just a little bit, you can leave."

It was impossible for Su Long to defeat Soaring Snake, but wouldn't it be easy to leave scars?

"Senior Teng She, be careful, I'm about to take action."

Su Long didn't dare to be careless. Teng She was thousands of times stronger than him, and it was equally difficult to hurt Teng She.

Facing Su Long's attack, Teng Snake didn't move at all, but just stood there, quietly waiting for Su Long's attack.

"Senior Teng She, you are too trusting. My attacks are not that weak."

"Really? You can try."

Su Long's attack directly hit Soaring Snake's body. He thought it would stab him, even leaving a little mark, but when he stabbed Soaring Snake, something was wrong.

The sword energy actually followed Teng Snake's body and moved gently across it, without any focus at all.

"You're not even close yet."

With a tail, Su Long flew away. Su Long slowly stood up and looked at Teng Snake with a look of disbelief.

"What is this thing? It's clearly been stabbed. Why did it scratch through?"

"Want to know? Go ahead and try."

Su Long first wanted to leave, and secondly he wanted to find out, so he kept attacking, but no matter how many times he attacked, the final result was the same.

He couldn't hurt Teng She, but he was whipped away by Teng She's tail.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I attack?"

"If you don't understand, just accept my training obediently. When you successfully pass, I will tell you how to do it."


"Of course, I'll give you a day off today. I'll start training tomorrow. Don't even think about running away."

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