Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 603 Leading the way by the nose

The treasure in front of him almost blinded Su Long's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Needless to say, divine crystals are basically the lowest level things. They are stored one ring at a time, and there are ten storage rings. It can be said that Su Long is very rich now, even richer than some large sects. Everyone has money, so they can pursue the supreme foundation.

"Mid-grade divine crystal, ten storage rings."

"High-grade divine crystal, ten storage rings."

"There are actually top-grade divine crystals and three storage rings."

Su Long blushed, he really made a lot of money this time, what kind of inheritance seemed so pale in front of these things.

"This is the best medicinal herb. Oh my god, it is at least tens of thousands of years old."

"Array flags, tens of thousands of array flags."

"Array stones, my God."

"There are actually top-notch weapons. There are so many artifacts, and there are three super artifacts. It's a pity that I don't use them, but it's okay."

Putting all the treasures in front of him, Su Long nodded: "System, recycle the ones that are of no use to me now, and exchange the others for Mad Dragon Coins."

Except for the divine crystals, formation flags, and formation stones, all useless things were recycled by the system. It must be said that the Four Saints had a strong foundation. These things were directly exchanged for 30 million Kuanglong coins.

"Get rich, get rich, thirty million Kuanglong coins."

"The system gave me a super artifact sword."

"Super artifact sword, Shura Holy Sword, 50 million Mad Dragon Coins."


Su Long's excitement suddenly turned cold. He used all the treasures to exchange for 30 million Kuanglong coins, which also contained three super artifact weapons.

Now if I want to redeem a sword, I need 50 million Kuanglong coins. This system is too screwed up.

"System, you can't be so black-hearted. There must be trust between people. I have three super artifacts, plus so many treasures. You can give me 30 million, and I just want a super artifact sword. You actually want 50 million from me.”

Regarding Su Long's insistence, the system expressed disdain: "These three items are just barely considered super artifacts, and my super artifact sword is a top-grade sword. It's not the same at all. If it weren't for your sake, the discount would be There’s no price, one piece can be exchanged for you ten.”


Who knows if the system is tricking me again, but since I have no money now and can't exchange it, I'd better just use the artifact first.

"But now there is a problem, how should I leave here? Senior Qinglong called me in and didn't tell me how to leave."

"You will naturally leave when the time is up. Now you should practice with peace of mind. Although this place is worse than the Dragon Slaying Tower, it is still a good place."

Su Long did not enter the Dragon Slaying Tower. After all, there was a green dragon here. If he found the Dragon Slaying Tower, he would inevitably want to seize the treasure.

Su Long has been practicing for a month. As for the divine crystals, he has squandered a lot of them. He doesn't care how much. Unfortunately, he can only absorb the divine power from the lowest-level divine crystals. He can only absorb the divine power from the lowest-grade divine crystals, medium-grade, top-grade, and top-grade divine crystals. It looks unusable.

In one month, Su Long directly broke through from the upper god to the god king. After accumulating accumulated experience, his realm became stable immediately after the breakthrough.

"I finally broke through to the Divine Lord, and I can be considered a little master."

After being promoted to Divine Lord, he stopped practicing and could not improve much in a short time.

"Everyone has failed, the inheritance has failed, you can leave."

Qinglong's voice appeared in everyone's ears. Su Long was also a little stunned. All of them failed. These people are too stupid to inherit the inheritance. If it were him, he would definitely succeed. It's a pity that he doesn't need it. .

"I'm just one step away. Give me a little more time and I'll succeed."

"I want to pass on, I have not failed, I have not failed."

Many people seem to be only one step away from the inheritance. In fact, they are still far away from each other, but they don't know it and make a big fuss in the place of inheritance.

Qinglong is not a kind person. He has countless blood donations on his hands. In his eyes, these people are nothing more than a swarm of ants.

"Those who cause trouble in the land of inheritance will die."

Qinglong only said one sentence, and no one saw him take action. Those dissatisfied people burst to death and dissipated in the air without leaving any blood.

Qinglong's hand directly suppressed everyone. They didn't dare to resist or complain at all. Qinglong had the final say in everything.

"You can get lost."

"Senior Qinglong, can we look for some treasures here."

They worked so hard but got nothing, and they still felt a little unwilling.

"Huh?" Qinglong glanced at Su Long and knocked them away with a slap.

After being knocked away, they fell out of the place of inheritance and could only leave dejectedly. Su Long did not laugh at them. Making a fortune silently was the way to go, and he was the biggest winner this time.

"Leave quickly, Tianji Mountain will disappear soon. If you don't want to disappear with Tianji Mountain, hurry down the mountain."

The top of Tianji Mountain has begun to become blurry. It seems that the time has come and cannot be delayed any longer.

Although the treasure was important, life was even more important. Everyone walked towards the foot of the mountain without stopping. They encountered dangers during the process. There were relatively few of them following the city lord. With the city lord opening the way, Su Long was happy and relaxed.

"I finally came out. It's too dangerous. Sure enough, great opportunities always come with great dangers."

This time the three major forces suffered heavy casualties, but they also had a lot of success. I believe that the strength of these people will improve after a while.

"Surround them."

After the monster came out, it immediately surrounded everyone.

"What do you mean, are you planning to start a war with us?" These shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and the city lords have not noticed them yet. There are only three demon kings worthy of their attention.

"It's nothing, I just made some progress recently, and I want to compete with the three of them to see if their cultivation has declined."

Everyone knows the demon king's heart. If they can't defeat the city lord and the others, of course they will let this matter go. But if they win, none of them can escape the demon king's grasp.

"A group of beasts are threatening us. We must teach them a lesson."

Su Long looked at the monsters around him, slowly approached Kuanghu, and began to discuss quietly.

"We also want to know whether your strength has improved."

The three people looked at each other and rushed forward, fighting the Demon King and the others together. Every move of the God King and Demon King was extremely powerful.

In order not to hurt their own people, they stayed away from the scene.

"Now, Senior Kuanghu, we cannot let them lead us by the nose. Our strength is not weaker than theirs."

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