If the people of Wuya Sect were not gathered together, how could he reveal their faces?

"Guizi, the sect master has been so kind to you, but you actually attacked the sect master for the sake of his position. You still dare to come to the door today. Don't think that you can be lawless with two helpers. Our Wuya Sect will not let you go. Today Let us avenge our lord."

"Revenge, revenge..."

Seeing the performance of the first elder and the second elder, Su Long applauded: "What a pity. If you were on earth, you two would really be Oscar winners."

"Oss what emperor, what is the earth?"

Su Long's words made them feel baffled and they had no idea what they meant.

"First Elder, Second Elder, if you are honest, you must admit what you have done. Hand over the sect master. Don't think you can deceive these guys. Where has the sect master been hidden by you two? Hand over the antidote of Wushensan. ."

"Now that the news about the Chaos God Emperor has spread, you no longer have to hide it."

The faces of the two people changed uncertainly, but they still denied it: "If you keep talking nonsense, the sect master was killed by him, and everyone saw the sect master's body. Do you want me to dig out the sect master's body? The dead man will be buried in the grave." Don’t you know why?"

"Digging someone's grave will be punished by God, and we will not agree to it."

"No, no, no."

I have to say that they are better at deceiving people, but if there is no other way, they can only rely on their strength to speak.

"To be honest, what I don't like the most is fighting and killing. This is not good, it's really not good, but sometimes there is nothing we can do. Some people just don't listen."

"I'll leave the rest to you. I'll give you three minutes, is that enough?"

"Them? It won't take three minutes."

After taking a sip of wine, the alcoholic maniac looked at them with disdain. These little shrimps were not enough for him.

"Xiao Ling, you should be fine if you take him to find his father."

"Don't worry, I'm the best at hide and seek."

Su Long was the only one there, standing in front of the shopkeeper and watching them quietly.

"Start your show."

"Kill them. Those who blaspheme the sect will die."

"A bunch of little shrimps."

The alcoholic lunatic didn't look at them at all, and all the people who came were knocked away by him. He didn't even need a second hand. One punch made them lose their fighting power.

"Boy, come on, have a drink. Drinking wine is my friend. Go help me beat them up."

The drunkenness of the drunkard is very strong. After one sip, he can't tell the difference between east, west and north. He directly listens to the drunkard's words and starts to attack the people around him crazily.

"You guys also have a sip of wine and help me beat them up."

A sip of wine gives you a helper, which is more useful than the Beast Taming Technique. The Wuya Sect is already in a mess, attacking each other.

"Your opponent is him, don't attack your own people."

The first elder and the second elder were all anxious, but there was nothing they could do. How could a drunk person wake him up?

"By the way, there are two of you who are the culprits."

The alcoholic maniac rushed over and grabbed both of their necks. Even if they were the peak gods, they had no power to resist.

"Let go of the Great Elder."

After saying that, he attacked towards the alcoholic madman. The alcoholic madman gently raised his hand, directly passed the great elder's face over, and punched the great elder's face with one punch.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just stretching, but I didn't expect them to attack you. It seems they really hate you."

"Great Elder, I..."

"Damn guy, let go of the great elder."

A group of people surrounded the alcoholic madman and kept attacking, but how could their attacks hit the alcoholic madman? They all hit the face of the first elder and the second elder without pulling a punch.

"Stop, stop, stop fighting."

The two of them have turned into pig heads. These guys didn't act lightly or harshly.

"Oh, look at how you have beaten the two elders. You are finished. I will never let you go. Just wait for the punishment."

They shuddered as they listened to the drunk maniac's words. They knew best who the First Elder and the Second Elder were. Having punched them so many times today, they would definitely not let them go in the future, even to save them.


Everyone looked at each other, nodded, and continued to attack the alcoholic lunatic: "Don't talk nonsense, let go of the first elder and the second elder."

The attacks were harder and sharper, punches hitting the flesh, the first elder and the second elder screamed in agony.

"Stop, stop it all."

But it had no effect at all, their attacks were even sharper.

It was to save people before, but now it is to take revenge, even to kill the two of them.



The two people had blood pouring from their mouths, and they were completely inhuman. If the drunk maniac hadn't protected them both, they would have been beaten to death long ago.

"Yeah, yeah, it's so scary. What on earth did you two do that is so outrageous and so outrageous that you deserve such crazy revenge from your subordinates? It's so miserable for you."

"I won't……"

Before he finished speaking, he completely passed out.

"Okay, stop playing and let them fall."

Soon, everyone was lying on the ground, holding their stomachs and wailing, but they couldn't stand up.

"Let them both wake up."


There were two crisp sounds of bones breaking, and the drunk maniac trampled their legs directly.


The two people woke up immediately, holding their legs and wailing.

"First Elder and Second Elder, can you speak now? Where has the sect master been hidden by you?"

"I don't……"


The drunk maniac didn't hesitate at all, and his other leg was trampled off again.

"You still have two chances. The next one is your arm, and the last one is your head. Don't let me lose my patience, otherwise, your life will be in danger."



The arm was trampled off, trampled off for no reason.

"Why me……"

The great elder was very depressed now. He had just planned to speak out, but his arm was stepped on and broken before he could speak.

"I forgot to tell you, he is the most annoying person to wait. He just made him wait too long, so he stepped on your arm and broke it. By the way, you still have three seconds. His patience should be up. I don't know this time. Will it step on your arm or your head?"

"I said, I said, I said it all, I told you everything."

He couldn't bear the pressure and collapsed, but what greeted him was that his arm was trampled off.

"why why……"

"I'm so sorry. I'm used to stepping on it, so I didn't stop. But luckily, you saved your life. Otherwise, your head would have turned into a pulp."

In the eyes of the great elder, the drunken lunatic's smile is the smile of a devil.

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