"You can ask any questions. As long as I know something, I will definitely tell you."

"Don't say you don't know what kind of dangers you will encounter after accepting the inheritance. Judging from your looks, you definitely know. Don't try to fool me."

This is the question Su Long wants to know the most at the moment. He wants to know what kind of danger can scare so many God-Emperors away. You must know that there are powerful forces behind them, and they dare not touch them even if they are like this. How dangerous that is.

"I knew you would ask this question, but I can't tell you. I can only tell you that if you accept the inheritance, the enemies you face will be very strong, so strong that you can't resist."

"Then I refuse."

Su Long refused simply. He cherished his life very much. How could he let himself face such a powerful enemy, even though he didn't know who the enemy was.


This is the most frustrating day in the life of the Chaos God Emperor. If he meets someone like Su Long, if he is still alive, he will definitely take care of Su Long.

"This is not up to you. When you come to my territory, you must obey my command. The inheritance begins."

"No, I don't want to accept the inheritance."

No matter how much Su Long screamed, no one could help him. Moreover, his body was completely under control and there was nothing he could do.

After the inheritance was opened, the power of chaos continued to enter Su Long's body.

"So warm and familiar."

It was not as painful as I imagined, but it felt like I was going home.

"What's going on? The power is still being lost."

The inherited power made Su Long very comfortable, but suddenly he found that the power was constantly being lost.

Not only Su Long felt it, but the Chaos God Emperor also felt it.

"What's going on? Why is the power lost?"

"Could it be the Yulong Chaos Platform?"

The Yulong Chaos Platform has been in a sleeping state, and Su Long has been nourishing him with the power of chaos. Now that so much chaos power has poured in, it may directly stimulate the Yulong Chaos Platform to wake up.

Sure enough, upon inspection, the Yulong Chaos Platform was constantly rotating, absorbing the power of chaos, and the power of chaos was constantly being injected into it.

"This is...the most precious dragon-taming chaos platform, the most precious dragon-slaying tower."

"Oops." Su Long forgot that there was also the Chaos God Emperor. Although the Chaos God Emperor was only an energy body, he might also reveal his secrets.

"Senior, you are wrong."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, these are definitely treasures, two treasures, hahahaha."

The Chaos God Emperor seemed to be crazy and kept laughing there.

"Senior, senior..."

"Boy, I read it right. You are the protagonist in the future. Don't ask me why the treasure is so good. I'm here to help you."

Without talking nonsense to Su Long, the Chaos God Emperor began to continuously inject power into Su Long's body.

The Yulong Chaos Platform spins faster and faster.


A ray of light shrouded Su Long, and the Yulong Chaos Platform completely woke up. It had rejected the power of chaos and began to operate on its own.

The remaining power all went into Su Long's body, but it did not enhance Su Long's strength. It was all condensed into the Yulong Chaos Platform.

"Senior, how are you?"

When all the inheritance entered Su Long's body, the Chaos God Emperor had become extremely weak, and his entire body had become thin, as if it could be dispersed by the wind.

"I have nothing. I was originally an energy body, a lifeless existence. Now that my mission has been completed, the inheritance has been passed on to you. You have an extra cause and effect on your body. I can only rely on you in the future. "

"But senior, I..."

The Chaos God Emperor stopped Su Long: "Don't blame me, you can't escape even if I don't inherit. Unless you stay with the God Emperor all your life, your fate is doomed."

Naturally, Su Long could not stay with the God Emperor all his life, he had to become the Supreme.

"Thank you, senior."

"You still call me senior."


"Okay, okay, hahahaha, I didn't expect that I, the Chaos God, would finally receive a good disciple. My time is running out for my teacher. I have all my savings here. Take them away, and then my teacher will Send them all out."

From the look on his face, Su Long knew that time was running out, so he took away everything with a wave of his hand, and kowtowed twice to the Chaos God Emperor sincerely.

"You must be careful not to let anyone know about the existence of the treasure."

Exhausting the last of his power, he teleported everyone directly, but not to the same place.


Su Long didn't know where he was teleported. Anyway, after he opened his eyes, he started falling down.

"This... Master, you are trying to trick me. This place is several thousand meters away."

Thousands of meters in the air, if you fall like this, you will definitely fall into pieces.

"What is this, a dark cloud?"

Su Long fell directly into the dark clouds, and then he was dumbfounded. Thunder snakes kept shuttled back and forth.


Su Long lost consciousness, and the divine thunder kept hitting Su Long's body. The smell of barbecue came from Su Long's body.

"Boom..." A large human-shaped crater appeared on the ground. I don't know how deep it was. Anyway, Su Long lost consciousness, and his body had become tattered and scarred.

"Hurry and save people, they are still alive."

A group of people carried Su Long to an unknown place.

Anyway, when Su Long woke up, he found that he could not move. It was not that there was something abnormal in Su Long's body. Su Long was in very good condition now, with no injuries on his body.

It was just a thick layer wrapped around his body, almost turning him into a rice dumpling.

"Grandpa, grandpa, uncle is awake."

"Oh, you woke up so soon, let's go take a look."

A child and an old man came in and looked at Su Long's condition: "I recovered so quickly. All the bones in my body were broken and the displaced internal organs were still recovered. My medical skills seem to have improved a lot, hahahaha. "

Su Long looked at them awkwardly there. Although he didn't know who they were, his body was definitely not cured by them. He still knew that everything on his body recovered by himself.

But it’s good that they saved me and didn’t expose me to the elements.

"Grandpa, can you please let me go? This makes me feel very uncomfortable."


As soon as Su Long spoke, he was rejected by the old man: "Your body needs to be observed to see what if there are any sequelae."

"I'm fine, really."

Su Long tried to break free, but found that he couldn't break free: "What is this thing? Why can't I break free?"

No matter how hard Su Long tried, he couldn't break free, which made people even more curious.

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