Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 622 Save Da Da

Doctor Lei looked at Su Long and nodded.

"I didn't expect that humans are still greedy and actually kidnapped Da Da. But I can't leave now. I can only leave this matter to you."

The scope of Lei Doctor's activities is only in Leicheng. This is his grounding order to protect the Thunder Beasts. If you leave Leicheng, you will be retaliated. At that time, all Thunder Beasts will be annihilated.

Now he can only rely on Su Long's power.

"Who are they? You should know their details. You can't let me cause trouble for the God Emperor."

Doctor Lei nodded: "It's not that serious. It's just a small family. When I was young, I knew their ancestor and owed him a favor. Now I just want to repay the favor and help his descendants improve their qualifications. No. To think something like this would happen.”

"But don't be careless. Their ancestor is the God King. The people who came here have the presence of the God King and are a great threat to you. But I believe you can save Dada, right?"

Su Long really wanted to say something, but he had no choice, but seeing the sincere eyes of Doctor Lei and the kindness of Thunder Beast, he had to accept this task.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. I will bring Dada back safely. Just wait for my good news."

"I trust you."

Su Long nodded and rushed out, ready to leave, but he rushed back within three seconds of leaving.

"What's wrong?"

"Where is the exit? What is their route? How can I get in after rescuing Dada?"


"Follow me, I'll tell you how to get in and out of Leicheng. Except for Leicheng, you can just walk along the main road. If you can meet the best on the road, if you can't, you can only go to Luoyan City to find the Zhao family. Of course I hope you don’t go.”

"Okay, I understand, wait for my news."

Su Long didn't want to owe others any favors. His body relied on Doctor Lei to become perfect, so he should repay Doctor Lei now.

They have been away for a long time, and Su Long can only speed up. Shenzun can rely on the alcoholic madman to deal with them, but when they return to the Zhao family, the trouble will be big. Shenwang and the others are no match.

"Xiao Ling, drunkard, you two, come out."

"Master, you finally released us. I'm almost bored to death."

"Okay, now is not the time for joking. The three of us are divided into three groups to find the Zhao family in Luoyan City. They have a thunder beast in their hands, and its name is Dada. When you find it, remember to notify me."

"Okay, young master, I'm the best at finding people. I'll leave first."

"Master, I'm leaving too."

The three people may be searching faster. The Zhao family is now slowly leading Da Da towards Luoyan City.

"Young master, I made a lot of money this time. I caught a lone thunder beast. From now on, young master doesn't have to worry about thunder tribulation. Even if I sell it, I can get a good price."

"Shh, don't make any noise. God knows and earth knows. I know you know that things were done well this time. The young master will reward you well when you get back."

"But young master, where is the ancestor? I'm afraid that Lei will heal him."

"What are you afraid of? He's just an old immortal. I got reliable news that Doctor Lei can't leave Leicheng. Otherwise, Leicheng will suffer disaster with him. Otherwise, how can you think I dare to steal the thunder beast?"

They didn't know that although Doctor Lei couldn't do anything, he could make people do it. If Su Long hadn't fallen from the sky, Doctor Lei would have been unable to do anything to them.

"Master Zhao."

When he heard someone calling his name, Master Zhao looked back and saw a top-notch beauty walking towards him.

"Stop, who are you?"

The people around Master Zhao stood directly in front of Xiao Ling. Although Xiao Ling was very beautiful and moved their hearts, the Master's life was above all else.

"Go away, why are you talking to a beautiful woman? This servant doesn't know the rules."

"It's okay, Master Zhao. There is a restaurant in front of you. Why don't you treat me to a meal? I'm already hungry."

Xiao Ling glanced around briefly and found that his subordinate was holding a small child in his hand. He was quite strong. It seemed that Su Long had grown up.

"Please, please, how can you let a beautiful woman go hungry?"

He took Xiao Ling to a restaurant not far away and said, "Waiter, give me all the good wine and good food."

"You guys, stay outside for me and don't let anyone disturb me and the beautiful woman while I'm eating."

"Master, then he..."

He glared at the servant and said, "Find a place to wait. You don't understand anything."

"It's the young master."

Turning around, Master Zhao regained his charming expression: "This beauty doesn't know your name yet."

"Xiao Ling."

"Xiao Ling? It's a very nice name. I don't know how you know me. It seems that we have never met."

Although he was attracted by Xiao Ling's beauty, he was not stupid. Although no one knew about the Thunder Beast, be careful to use the Wannian Ship.

"Master Zhao, you are so annoying." Xiao Ling's cooing voice instantly broke down half of Master Zhao's inner defenses.

"People have admired Young Master Zhao for a long time. I have long heard that Young Master Zhao is handsome and talented. He is the most powerful person among the younger generation in Luoyan City. It is a pity that I have never met him."

Even though I know it's not the truth, I'm still willing to listen.

Xiao Ling actually felt disgusted in her heart, but for the young master's purpose, she endured it.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, but it's actually not that good."

He was polite, but his face looked very happy.

Xiao Ling kept praising Master Zhao, and Master Zhao accepted the praise humbly.

After drinking and eating, Xiao Ling's face turned a little red, making her even more attractive: "Master, my legs are a little weak, can you help her into the room?"

Young Master Zhao swallowed. This reminder was already obvious. If he remained indifferent, he would really not be a man.

"Okay, Xiaoling, I'll take you back to your room right now."

"Master, we..."

"Okay, find a place to rest. That's it for today. We'll leave tomorrow."

The servant was interrupted by Mr. Zhao as soon as he spoke. He was only thinking about Xiao Ling now.

"Xiao Ling, let's go."

He supported Xiao Ling and walked towards the room step by step. At this time, Su Long and Jiu Kuai also got Xiao Ling's message and rushed here.

"It should be here, let's go in."

"Mr. Zhao, don't do it. I'm not ready yet."

Hearing the sound in the room, Su Long and Jiu Luoman smiled bitterly, then pushed the door open and went in.

"Master, you are finally here. If you don't come here, you will lose your virginity."

Seeing the person pushing the door, Xiao Ling jumped directly into Su Long's arms. Only Master Zhao was left in the room who didn't know what was going on.

"Xiao Ling, who is he?"

"Shut up, Xiaoling, you can call me too."

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