Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 624 God Emperor Tiansha

He took out the token of the young master of the Zhao family: "Where is the thunder beast?"

When they saw the young master's token, they didn't dare to stop it. Although they were very confused and didn't know who Su Long and the others were, seeing the token was like seeing the young master. Google search reading

"Two adults, I didn't know you were..."

"Do you need to question our identity?" Su Long glanced at them coldly: "Even if the ancestors of the Zhao family dare not talk nonsense when they see us, who are you?"

Anyway, the ancestors of the Zhao family didn't know Su Long, and Su Long didn't know him either, so he just started to pull the tiger's skin.

"Yes, sir, but the thunder beast is..."

"My lord, the Emperor Tiansha, asked us to take away the thunder beast. Your strength is too weak. I am afraid that something will happen to you. You should know what will happen if the thunder beast is gone."

When they heard Su Long mentioning the Heavenly Evil God Emperor, they did not dare to question anything and could only watch as Su Long and the others were taken away.

"You did a good job. I will tell the God Emperor when I go back."

"Thank you very much, sir."

Su Long left the room with Dada directly and rushed towards Leicheng. He believed that these people would react soon. When they saw the pig head of the young master of the Zhao family, they didn't know what their reaction would be.

"Captain, these two people are very strange. I always feel that something is wrong with them."

"There's something wrong. It's not good. Go find the young master quickly."

When they came to the young master's room, they didn't find the young master. There was only a pig's head lying on the floor, and he was wearing the same clothes as the young master.

"Damn it, they must have lured the tiger away from the mountain. The young master was captured by them."


A slap hit Zhutou's face. The young master of the Zhao family woke up from the pain.

"Who are you? Where has my young master gone?"

"I am your young master." He murmured to himself, but how could they believe it and slapped him directly.

The young master of the Zhao family couldn't believe that his men dared to slap him: "You, you dare to hit me."

"Hit you? Tell me the whereabouts of my young master quickly, otherwise, I will kill you."

The killing intent in his eyes made the young master of the Zhao family tremble, but he was indeed the young master of the Zhao family.

"I am really the young master, please take a good look at me."

After staring at his head for a long time, I really didn't find anything like the young master, so I slapped him again.

"You are worthy of pretending to be my young master. My young master is as handsome as a tree and has a graceful demeanor. Look at your pig-headed appearance. Please tell me the whereabouts of my young master."

The young master of the Zhao family was not angry at all when he was slapped by his subordinates and said so. On the contrary, he was still very happy. With his jade tree facing the wind and his graceful demeanor, it was indeed him.

It was Su Long and the others who caused all this and had nothing to do with his men. It was normal for his men not to recognize them.

"I am really the young master of the family. By the way, you should recognize this ring."

"Also, I can save the lives of you, you, you and the three of you. Have you forgotten?"

They looked at each other and stared at the young master of the Zhao family for a long time: "It does look a bit like the young master, but I can't confirm it. I want to ask something that only the young master knows."

"What is our purpose this time?"

"Thunder Beast."

"Who arranged it?"

"The God Emperor of Heavenly Evil."


"Within a month."



Everyone knelt down on the ground. They had confirmed that the man in front of them was indeed the young master of the Zhao family, but they couldn't bear to look like this.

"Master, we didn't recognize you just now, and we beat you. You deserve death. Please forgive us."

"Get up quickly, isn't it just a slap in the face? It's no big deal. Young Master, I am a jade tree facing the wind. I am charming and unrestrained. I won't care about you for the most part."

Although his face was still burning with pain, he still endured it in order to maintain his perfect image.

"Master, who beat you like this? Isn't he afraid of the Zhao family's revenge?"

Thinking of Su Long and the drunkard maniac, the young master of the Zhao family looked like he was gritting his teeth.

"A young man, a middle-aged man with a wine gourd, and the little spirit, they are all in the same group."

"It turned out to be them, young master. They took your token and took the thunder beast away, and they also pretended to be the Emperor of Heavenly Evil God. What should we do? Chase them?"

The young master of the Zhao family shook his head, with a smile hanging on his head: "Chasing? Why chase?"

"But young master, the Emperor of Heavenly Evil?"

"That's right, it's the Tiansha God Emperor. How can I let them leave easily if they offend me? Let's go back and tell the Tiansha God Emperor everything. But we still need a little cover up. If you attack each other, you must be injured."

Although they were reluctant, they also knew that the young master was doing it for them. If they were not injured, they would probably suffer revenge from the Emperor Tiansha when they returned.

A group of people returned to Zhao's house with injuries. After returning, they added fuel to the fire and made themselves look very pitiful.

The Emperor Tiansha didn't care about their life or death at all, but he couldn't bear to take away the Thunder Beast in his own name.

Su Long, on the other hand, led the thunder beast towards Leicheng, unaware that the Emperor Tiansha had already set out to capture them.

"Da Da, how could you be caught by them?"

I had met Su Long before, so I felt relieved about Su Long and told him everything.

When they saw Da Da alone, they couldn't find the way and asked Da Da to lead the way. Da Da had a pure mind and never thought that they would kidnap him away.

After taking them to the exit, they knocked Da Da unconscious and quickly escaped from Leicheng. The original plan was foolproof, but unexpectedly, an accident like Su Long occurred, causing their plan to fail completely.

"I always have an uneasy feeling. If you take Dada first, something might happen."

"But Master."

"Don't worry about me, I have a way to leave, and you will take me back with you."

As soon as Drunken Maniac and Xiao Ling left, Su Long spotted an old man in the crowd.

Su Long couldn't go to see the old man, but the old man seemed to have a magical power that made people look at him.

Others seemed not to notice the old man, but wherever the old man went, everyone chose to avoid him, perhaps out of instinct.

"is it you?"

"That's right."


"It's just a favor owed."

The two of them were like good friends who had known each other for a long time. The old man walked up to Su Long and spoke calmly.

Su Long also responded calmly. In fact, he was extremely vigilant in his heart, fearing that the Emperor Tiansha would suddenly take action.

"It seems you have recognized me."

"The God Emperor of Heavenly Evil."

"You are very smart, but you did something wrong, so I can't keep you today. You can commit suicide. Maybe your death will be easier."

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