Su Long retreated step by step, being suppressed and unable to fight back, but he was not nervous at all, all of this was in his imagination.

If a mid-level god can't even suppress the god, then he really doesn't deserve to live.

"Admit defeat. You have no chance at all in my hands. I don't want you to lose too badly. I still have to give you the respect of the senior Sword Emperor."

Su Long smiled disdainfully: "You are still close to defeating me. If you could defeat me, you wouldn't say this."

This is indeed what makes Yang Wu most depressed right now. His attacks can't touch Su Long at all. Even if they hit him, they will be swept away. They can't seriously hurt Su Long, let alone defeat him. But on the surface, it looks like he is him. In suppression.

"The ultimate sword."

Taking advantage of the gap between Yang Wu's attacks, Su Long found an opportunity and attacked Yang Wu with his backhand, widening the distance between the two. Both of them got a chance to breathe, and then they fought hard together.

"Senior Sword Emperor, this guy is very strong. He can persist for such a long time without getting hurt, and he can even fight back. He can indeed be called a genius."

"But this is not enough. Yang Wu is a master of the gods, and the winner will be determined soon."

Although the city lord valued Su Long very much, he was still full of confidence in Yang Wu.

"Then let's wait and see, Yang Wu is still close."

The Sword Emperor also has confidence in Su Long, and he knows that this is not Su Long's full strength.

Yang Wu kept approaching Su Long, but the Soaring Snake Flash made Su Long invincible. If he wanted to defeat Su Long, he had to break Su Long's Soaring Snake Flash and let his own attacks hit Su Long.

"you think too much."

While Yang Wu was attacking, he was trying to think of ways to break Su Long's tricks. This caused his attack to change a little, becoming slower for just one breath. However, in just such a breath, he was caught by Su Long. Seized the opportunity.

"The Great Blood Demon Extermination Technique."

Su Long's strength suddenly increased, his attacks became more sharp, and he directly turned against the enemy, and actually suppressed Yang Wu.

"not good."

Su Long's sudden increase in strength surprised Yang Wu, but he quickly regained his composure and hurriedly retreated.

"Hey...lost..." Yang Wu retreated like this, and the city lord sighed. After a vigorous effort, Yang Wu's situation was over. If he had just withstood Su Long's attack and had a showdown with Su Long, he would still be able to win. It is possible to win, after all, Su Long's secret method will not be used for that long.

But by retreating like this, he gave up all opportunities to Su Long. As long as Su Long didn't make any mistakes, the outcome would be determined within ten moves.

At this time, Yang Wu was obviously aware of this. He was constantly being forced back. Su Long's attacks became more and more sharp. Every time he wanted to resist, he would be interrupted by Su Long.

He had lost his chance and had no way to suppress Su Long.

"The Thirteen Swords of Dielang."

One sword was stronger than the other, and all thirteen swords attacked Yang Wu. Even if Yang Wu defended with all his strength, he could not block Su Long's attack. He was knocked to the ground by Su Long, with bloodshot eyes already appearing at the corners of his mouth.

"Admit defeat?"

Su Long's sword was placed on Yang Wu's neck.

"I..." Yang Wu didn't want to admit defeat. It was a great shame and humiliation for the god to lose to the god. But when he saw Su Long's eyes and felt the cold light on the sword, he was afraid.

Yes, the dignified god is scared. If he doesn't admit defeat, he can be sure that Su Long will kill him. At that time, even the city lord will not be able to protect him.

"I surrender."

The three words used up all Yang Wu's strength. After speaking, he collapsed directly on the ground. His self-esteem had been completely shattered, and he might become a useless person in the future.


The moment Yang Wu surrendered, Su Long also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily. The burning of blood and essence made him uncomfortable, but he was very happy. He crossed the line and successfully challenged the god.


The Sword Emperor came over and slapped Su Long hard on the head: "I'm so disappointed. Will a mere god let you use secret techniques?"

Su Long received a slap in the face, which was inexplicable, but when he heard the Sword Emperor's words, he was stunned. He was originally very proud, but looking at the Sword Emperor's look, it seemed that he had done something wrong.

"Are you unconvinced and think you are very powerful?"

"Yes." Su Long nodded. He had already crossed the threshold to challenge. It was impossible for ordinary people to cross the boundary to challenge.

Seeing Su Long nodding, the Sword Emperor shook his head: "Frog in the well, real geniuses can cross the level to challenge. Even the Iron Blood City has three geniuses of the younger generation. They have all killed the god in the middle level of the god king." A strong man at the pinnacle, and he only suffered a minor injury."

"They even left the God King's hands unharmed. Without help from others, they all relied on their own strength."

Su Long was dumbfounded. He was so beaten by the Sword Emperor that he lost all his temper.

"is this real?"

"Yes, what Senior Sword Emperor said is right, because one of them is my apprentice, my only apprentice."

Speaking of his apprentice, the city lord also looked proud.

Su Long swallowed, but was not hit. Instead, his face was excited and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"The learning is too complicated. Each of your martial arts skills are top-notch. Although I don't know where you learned them from, they are too complicated and messy. They have not shown their true level at all."

Su Long was silent. These things were directly taught to him by the system. Logically speaking, he should have already mastered them.

"Nothing is the strongest, only the most suitable, and the most suitable is the strongest."

"Boy, listen carefully to the words of Senior Sword Emperor. Senior Sword Emperor has gradually improved to the current level by relying on the basic moves of swordsmanship. Even though his moves are simple, no one can stop him."

"Basic moves?"

Su Long was even more confused. The basic moves had no power at all.

"Master, please enlighten me."

The Sword Emperor also knew what Su Long was thinking, so he took out his sword and looked at Su Long quietly.


Su Long used all his strength to attack, knowing that it would be impossible to hurt the Sword Emperor.


Su Long's sword flew away directly, and the Sword Emperor's sword was placed on his neck.

Su Long looked at the Sword Emperor in astonishment. He could feel that the Sword Emperor didn't use any force at all, and his sword flew away with a very simple thrust.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Su Long fell into an epiphany. The Sword Emperor and the City Lord looked at each other and smiled.

"Genius, no matter what, is a malleable genius who can achieve enlightenment with a little guidance."

"Let's go, it will probably take a while."

They left. Before leaving, Yang Wu did not forget to glance at Su Long. He had lost the qualification to compete with Su Long.

"Yang Wu, you are defeated."

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