Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 655 Xian Hezi

Su Long is naturally not afraid of competing in elixir refining. When it comes to elixir refining, he can be regarded as an ancestor, and his 100% success rate is unprecedented and unprecedented. Google search reading

And the quality of the elixir is definitely the best.

Just because Su Long didn't care didn't mean that Xian Yunzi didn't care. When he heard that there was an alchemy master, his aura immediately became fierce.

"Brother Wang, you know the consequences of what you said. You should know my character. If you are an old man, I may not be as good as me, but for the younger generation, although I, Xianyunzi, am not the strongest in terms of martial arts, my alchemy skills are I dare say there is no one else."

"You'll get your friends into trouble."

Of course he is not jealous, the trouble is just that he wants to challenge, No. 1 in Wenwu, No. 2 in Wu, and No. 1 in alchemy. He wants to establish his position as the No. 1 person of the younger generation.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think?"

"I stood and watched."


Seeing Su Long's unconcerned look, Wang Huayang knew that Su Long accepted the challenge. He walked towards Xian Yunzi with a smile and patted Xian Yunzi on the shoulder.

"Xiaoyun, we can be considered friends."

A small cloud sound made Xianyunzi's scalp tremble twice, but there was nothing he could do not to hit the smiling man.

"Even if we are good friends, once you say that, you can't take it back. This is my code of conduct."

Xianyunzi thought that Wang Huayang was going to take back what he just said and block his own escape route, but what he didn't know was that he was blocking his own escape route.

"Hey, now that you've said that, I can't say anything else. Just ask for your blessings. Your alchemy skills are very strong, but compared to others, you're still inferior. Just be the second best."

"Huh, freedom will be determined in the future. After we finish participating in the struggle in Shenlong City, I will decide the outcome with him."

"No need to bother, why wait until then, just do it now."


Xianyunzi looked at Wang Huayang in confusion, and after looking around, he found no alchemy masters. Apart from the two of them, Su Long was naturally excluded by him.

A divine king is not worthy of his attention. Alchemy also requires strength to support it. Without strength, an explosion will kill people.

"You can't be talking about yourself, right? I know you very well. You have no talent for alchemy at all, and your physique is not suitable for alchemy."

"Are you kidding? How can I do such troublesome things as alchemy? But I didn't lie either. The master of alchemy is indeed here, and right in front of you."

Such an obvious reminder, if Xianyunzi didn't know it yet, then he would really be a fool.

"Are you kidding me? Is he really a master?"

He still didn't believe in Su Long. A strong man at the peak of the God King was like an ant in his eyes. How could he be a master at the level of a God King.

"I guarantee it with my own personality."

"Do you have a personality?"

"I... don't say so many useless things. Do you dare to compete? If you can't even compete with a divine alchemist, you should give up your position as the senior alchemist of the alchemy sect."

Xianyunzi's temperament is relatively stable, and others generally will not anger him, but as long as the matter of alchemy is mentioned, Xianyunzi will not remain calm.

"Okay, I'll compete, but isn't it boring to compete like this? How about we try some luck."

"No problem, whatever you want to bet on."

"Shock wood."

"Damn it, you're taking advantage of the situation."

The Fright Wood was a treasure he got by chance. It could be used as both a weapon and a material. The most important thing was that he could slowly improve his soul. It was something that could only be found but not sought.

"Why, don't you dare? If you don't, just apologize. I won't argue with you after our relationship for so many years."

"Compare, why don't you compare? Isn't it just Jingxunmu? I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

When it comes to the Frightening Wood, Wang Huayang still feels a little distressed, but he will not give up easily: "What if you lose? I have the Frightening Wood, what do you have?"

"I have Xian Tsuruko."

"You are despicable, you are shameless, you are not a senior brother, and you actually used Xian Hezi as a bet... Do you keep your word?"

At first, his face was righteous, but in an instant, it turned into a look of flattery. It seemed that Wang Huayang had big thoughts about Xian Hezi.

Now that Su Long thought about it, a large part of the reason why this guy set his target here was because of Xian Hezi.

"Of course. My eldest brother is my father. She must listen to what I say. Don't worry about the master. I believe the master is very happy for you to be together. Otherwise, when you pestered Xianhezi, you would have been disabled by the master."

"Hey Hey……"

Thinking of Xian Hezi, Wang Huayang kept giggling there, as if Xian Hezi had already obtained it.


Su Long coughed twice before Wang Huayang woke up and came to Su Long's side with a flattering look on his face: "Brother-in-law, please help me and beat this guy down. My lifelong happiness depends on you." , I can’t live without Xian Hezi.”

Wang Huayang said with runny nose and tears, and kept rubbing against Su Long's body. Su Long kicked him out. It was really disgusting.


"Don't come over, otherwise, your wish will be in vain."

With a sudden brake, Wang Huayang stopped there with a look of hope on his face: "Then please leave it to my brother-in-law. This guy is quite capable, but I believe that my brother-in-law will beat him down. If that doesn't work, I'll take him first." To cripple him, yes, that’s okay, as this will give you a greater chance of winning.”

After saying that, he looked at Xian Yunzi fiercely. Looking at Wang Huayang's eyes, Xian Yunzi took two steps back. His strength was even worse than Wang Huayang's. This guy would do anything for Xian Hezi.

"Okay, stop messing around. Since I promised you, I will definitely help you do it. I won't let my siblings run away."

"Brother-in-law, I love you so much, okay..."


Just kick the disgusting Wang Huayang far away. This guy is as good as Long Yang, so he must stay away.

"You're confident."

"Of course, I'm never afraid of anyone when it comes to alchemy."


The two people were fighting against each other there. This was a battle between alchemists, and Wang Huayang would definitely not take action.

But after waiting for a long time, the two of them were still fighting: "You two, stop staring at each other and let the game start quickly. Xian Hezi and I will be the referees, one on each side. Let's start quickly."

The corners of Su Long and Xian Yunzi's mouths twitched. This guy must be meeting Xian Hezi for the purpose of being a referee.

"Then come with me."

"Xianhezi, I'm here..."

Along the way, he started shouting Xian Hezi's name. Su Long felt a little embarrassed and stayed far away from him, pretending not to know him.

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