Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 658 Loss of fighting spirit

Su Long smiled helplessly. It seemed that he had hit the muzzle of the gun and was taken advantage of. However, it didn't matter. Xianyunzi's alchemy skills were pretty good, so he just thought of helping him.

It's just up to him whether he succeeds or not. If he continues to be decadent like this, he won't be able to reach the end even with good talent, and he won't be able to reach the pinnacle of alchemy.

Time passed day by day, and Su Long was busy hunting blood demons every day. Under the protection of the seven-star formation, the pressure on the blood demons they faced was much less. Only tens of thousands of blood demons could come in at a time. Only then will more blood demons come in.

Even though Su Long's strength is not as strong as theirs, his hunting speed is much happier than theirs, and his strength is improving more and more, and he can directly break through the gods and reach the primary level of gods.

And it is still improving steadily. If he keeps killing like this, he will soon be able to break through to the God King in thirty years. As for the God Emperor, he may be close, unless he keeps hunting down the God Emperor-level blood demons. .

It's a pity that such a thing will not come true. There are only a few blood demons at the level of the God Emperor. They will not come out to seek death. However, they know that there are many God Emperor masters here.

They will only let the blood demons continue to die, and then their strength will steadily increase.

After hunting the blood demon all night, I got a lot of blood demon stones.

The blood magic stone is a very good thing, it has a very violent aura, and it directly affects the soul, but it can hone the strength of a person's soul.

Su Long was absorbing the breath of the blood magic stone every night. Although it had little effect on him, the strength of his soul was also increasing little by little.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, are you there?"

"come in."

Wang Huayang entered Su Long's room and saw that Su Long was practicing, and was a little embarrassed to disturb him.

"You have something to say."

"Brother-in-law, Xianyunzi is useless. You and I should go and have a look to see if there is any way to save him. I don't want him to be useless like this."

Wang Huayang went to visit Xianyunzi today, but this person was completely defeated by Su Long.

"Didn't come out?"

"Hey, I didn't expect him to be so fragile. He may have been pampered since he was a child and didn't encounter any major setbacks. This time we smashed everything about him in one fell swoop. It's hard to accept it all."

"Let's go and have a look."

Although it was for Xianyunzi's good, they were the ones who caused this situation, so they should save it if they could.

Su Long followed Wang Huayang to Xianyunzi's room. It was a mess, filled with wine jars. It seemed that Xianyunzi had let himself go.

In the messy wine jar, I finally found Xian Yunzi. Xian Yunzi still looks like he was at the beginning. He has become very decadent and unshaven. He is still drinking wine from the wine jar in his hand. Anesthetize yourself with alcohol.

"Brother Wang, you are here, come and drink with me."

Throwing a jar of wine to Wang Huayang, Xian Yunzi drank by himself.

Wang Huayang frowned and lifted Xianyunzi up: "Xianyunzi, what do you mean? You can't bear any blow. What do you look like now? Are you worthy of your master?"


Xianyunzi was lifted in his hand like mud, and he smiled: "What's wrong with this? You don't have to worry about anything. It's great to drink."


Throwing Xianyunzi to the ground, he had no choice but to listen to the advice.

"Brother-in-law, what should we do now?"

"There's no other way. Since he wants to do this, let him do it. Mud can't hold up the wall anyway, and it's fine this way. You don't have to worry about anything, and you don't have to make elixirs."

"In order to completely cut off his thoughts, I smashed the alchemy furnace and smashed it to pieces."

"Okay brother-in-law, I will smash the alchemy furnace right now." Wang Huayang, who wanted to refuse, knew that Su Long had serious intentions when he saw Su Long blinking, and agreed directly.

Su Long did this to see if Xian Yunzi was really hopeless, but it seemed that he still had alchemy in his heart. When it came to smashing the alchemy furnace, he couldn't help but stop his movements, and there were waves in his eyes. .

"By the way, all those elixirs will be destroyed. Out of sight, out of mind. Then notify everyone in Seven Star City and tell them that Xianyunzi will no longer be refining elixirs from now on. He has failed and will never be able to stand up again."

"Okay brother-in-law, I'll order you down immediately."

"Well, after leaving the divine realm, we will inform the entire divine realm that Xian Yunzi has become a useless person, and he will live the life of Xian Yun Yehe from now on."

"Okay, this kind of life is not bad."

The two people kept singing and jostling Xian Yunzi. Xian Yunzi's face became more and more ugly, and his dignity was once again trampled on the ground.

"Since he is a useless cripple, do you think the Danmen will still take him in?"


"After leaving Danmen, what do you think will happen to him?"

"Although the Danmen is powerful, there are still many people who are looking for it, and there are also many enemies. If you lose the protection of the Danmen, there will be many enemies looking for trouble."

"Oh, that's right." Su Long nodded, glanced at Wang Huayang, and said earnestly: "As a former friend, how could you watch him being bullied by others? In order to let him adapt to his future life, you first let him He got used to it and broke all the bones in his body."

"Okay brother-in-law, I will teach him a lesson."

Su Long's soul transmission had already informed him of his plan, so Wang Huayang went up to beat Xianyunzi without any hesitation.

Every punch and kick was done with all my strength, and there was no mercy at all.

With one punch, Xianyunzi's face swelled and his whole body kept flying backwards.

"Keep fighting. By the way, let others see Xianyunzi's appearance. I believe they are very willing."

"Okay brother-in-law."

Xian Yunzi was kicked away with one kick. Such a big movement directly caused a commotion in Qixing City. Everyone looked in the air and found that their eldest young master Xian Yunzi was being beaten non-stop, without any The power to fight back.

"Young Master, please save the Young Master quickly."

It's a pity that their strength is very different from Wang Huayang's. With one palm strike, they all vomited blood and flew backwards. They lost their fighting power and could only watch Xianyunzi being beaten continuously.

"Huayang, stop, don't do anything."

Seeing Wang Huayang violently beating Xian Yunzi, Xian Hezi hurriedly stopped him, but was stopped by Su Long: "If you want your senior brother to regain his fighting spirit, then just watch obediently."

Looking at Su Long in confusion, Xian Hezi still closed his mouth and looked at Xian Yunzi worriedly.

"That's it. It's pretty good. Let your subordinates see what kind of trash their eldest young master is."

Wang Huayang kept attacking Xianyunzi, who had turned into a pig's head, his eyes were still blurred, and he had no fighting spirit at all.

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