Soon they arrived at the gathering place, which was not accessible to ordinary people.

Those who enter here are all top forces, and of course the strongest ones are the seven major forces.

"Let's go in."

After taking Su Long and the others, they walked in. The room was very large, but now it was packed with people. Only the seven seats at the top were empty.

"Looks like I'm the first to arrive. These guys are really ink."

Xianyunzi sat on it without saying anything, of course it was the seat on the far side. After all, they were divided based on their strength.

"You two find your own seats. The people here are not static. If you can't sit down for a while, you will be kicked out."

The biggest rule here is that there are no rules. If you want to sit here, you must have matching strength, otherwise you will only be kicked out.

Of course, the seats of their seven major forces cannot change. Even if someone is stronger than them, they cannot take their positions. Otherwise, they will be against the seven major forces. No one can bear such consequences.

“You still have to find your own seat.”

The two people looked around and found that the people here were all about the same strength. Many people were at the level of God Kings, and there were even experts at the peak of God Kings.

"Forget it, we don't want to offend anyone, so just find the one closest to me. You two can get out of the way. This place is ours now."

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about?" Being selected by Su Long and the others made the two of them look very ugly. Although it may not necessarily take away their positions, being selected can be said to be that they were selected. How can you endure this if you think you have the worst strength?

Su Long Wang Huayang ignored the anger of the two of them: "Let me take action, these two guys don't look very strong."

It was all experience, so naturally he couldn't let it go. Su Long directly attacked the two of them, and even included them both.

This made them even more angry. A small god actually wanted to deal with two god kings at the same time. He was really seeking death.

"Go to hell, soul-catching finger."

"Crazy Tiger Split."

Without any mercy, they launched the strongest attack towards Su Long, hoping to kill him with one blow, but they still underestimated Su Long's combat effectiveness.

He was the one who single-handedly captured four Blood Demon Kings, and the two of them would only be killed by Su Long.

At least Wang Huayang didn't have any worries and just sat there: "It's really sad for these two people. They were targeted by their brother-in-law and they dared to take action. I really don't know how to write death. A mere middle-level God King dares to be so presumptuous."

Even if he was a peak god king, he would not dare to say anything after seeing Su Long's move, for fear that his energy and blood would be stripped away.

"The first form of the nameless swordsmanship is oppression."

The swordsmanship became very slow, and the movements of the two god kings suddenly stopped, unable to move, as if there was a mysterious force imprisoning them.

"Move, move."

Seeing Su Long's sword getting closer and closer to them, they were powerless and couldn't move with all their strength.

The sword was getting closer and closer, and was about to pierce their necks. At this time, a sound pierced the air and attacked Su Long. This kind of thing often happens in the divine realm. Su Long didn't pay attention and moved towards Dodged aside.

"You're actually seeking death by playing a sneak attack."

Su Long didn't even need to look back. Wang Huayang had already stepped out of the chair and attacked the person who made the move.

"You are really lucky, but can you still escape the second attack?"

Su Long continued to press forward, and they had no strength to fight back. But at this time, someone attacked again, which made Su Long very unhappy. Killing someone for so many things.

"The person who sneak-attacked me didn't give me face." Hearing this, Su Long stopped dodging. Xian Yunzi was now a God-Emperor, so he could still block the attack.

"Stab it."

With two sounds of the sword entering his body, Su Long easily killed the two god kings without any feeling or any sense of oppression.

The only person who can pose a threat to Su Long now is Wang Huayang, the peak god king, and the rest are the god king masters.

"Do you still want to fight? Your people are already dead, Master Cheng."


Master Cheng also didn't expect that Xianyunzi's strength would improve so quickly, and he would actually be promoted to the level of the God Emperor. Although it was still unstable, it would be impossible to win over Xianyunzi in a short time, and it would even hurt both sides.

It's not worth it for two intermediate god kings.



There was a sound of bones breaking, and everyone looked at Wang Huayang, only to see him wiping the blood on his fists. The head of the man he was fighting had turned into shreds, and he was already dead.

"You really don't overestimate your capabilities. You dare to come out and attack people with such strength."

They didn't have any sympathy for the dead. Only Master Cheng looked ugly. The dead people were all his people. Unexpectedly, they all died before they set out to hunt the Blood Demon Emperor. But he couldn't say anything, so he I can stand there in anger.

Those eyes seemed to want to eat Su Long and Wang Huayang, but they didn't care at all. With the two of them joining forces, even the ordinary God Emperor couldn't defeat them.

"It's really boring. I don't know whose family's three useless dogs come out to bark randomly when they have no ability. Do you know this young master? It's a pity that any kind of useless young master will have his own kind of useless subordinates."

The look of Su Long needing a beating made Master Cheng look ugly. He wanted to kill Su Long now, but he didn't have that kind of strength, and there was a man named Xian Yunzi who was about the same strength as him watching from the side.

If the three of them join forces, he may be pulled down, so the best way now is to stay silent.

But Su Long's favorite thing is to be slapped in the face, and he slaps him in the face so hard that it hurts.

"Master, seeing how ugly your face is, these three losers are not your subordinates. Are you the loser young master?"

Master Cheng's face began to tremble slightly, and his anger was almost unbearable. Su Long stopped talking at this time and sat there quietly.

"This brother is right, any young master leads any subordinates, they are all a bunch of trash."

"Meng, do you want to fight?"

"If possible, of course I would, but how can trash be my opponent?"

The major forces also have fights with each other. The conflict between the Meng family and Chengjia is the deepest, so they are at odds with each other when they meet. Fights often happen, but each other is about the same strength, so no one can do anything to the other.

"Very well, Mr. Meng, you'd better watch your men. If you are accidentally killed, don't blame others."

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