Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 665 The Purpose of the Blood Demon

Humans and blood demons stand face to face. These blood demons are their final targets. As long as they are killed, the divine realm can be opened.


Surrounded by many blood demons, the four blood demon kings looked at everyone with disdain.

Everyone felt very uncomfortable when they saw the look in the Blood Demon King's eyes, but with their current strength, they could definitely take down these Blood Demons.

Only Su Long always felt something was abnormal after seeing the eyes of these blood demons. He felt very uneasy in his heart. He always felt that something was going to happen, but he didn't know what would happen.

In this case, as long as there are no accidents, humans will definitely win. Before, they might have been evenly matched with the Blood Demon, but now with the addition of the God-Emperor-level Xianyunzi and Wang Huayang, their fighting power has already overwhelmed the Blood Demon. magic.

But even this still made Su Long feel uncomfortable: "System, do you know what will happen? Why do I feel so uneasy in my heart."

"The Blood Demon is making big moves, which is also an opportunity for you."

"Big move?"

"That's right, even though they are Blood Demon Emperors now, they have been secretly gathering strength. The combined power of all the Blood Demons will become the pseudo-Supreme. Although their strength is much inferior to that of the Supreme, it is the same as that of the God Emperor. Much stronger.”

No wonder Su Long felt something was wrong. It turned out that these guys had such an idea and actually wanted to become pseudo-supremes and keep them all.

"Then should I stop them now? Otherwise, even a group of God-Emperors can't do anything to the pseudo-Supreme."

"Yes, logically speaking, it is impossible to obtain the pseudo-supreme without a dozen strong men at the level of God Emperor. After all, the pseudo-supreme is also the supreme, but you have forgotten the identities of these guys."

"Their identities?"

Su Long looked at everyone and instantly understood that these guys were the training targets of every major force. How could they be put in a dangerous place? He must have given them something to save their lives.

"They all have life-saving treasures on them."

"Yes, they all have the aura of the Supreme. When they encounter danger, the aura of the Supreme will appear, and a blow from the Supreme will appear. That's when you take advantage."

"If you can kill the pseudo-supreme, your strength will directly reach the peak of the God King, and you will also get a lot of points. The first place reward is very safe and belongs to you."

Su Long couldn't help but swallowed. The temptation was indeed great. Su Long was indeed moved, but he couldn't act rashly, otherwise he would die quickly. He had to seize the opportunity.

"Humans, you will all die here today."

"You are so shameless, let me kill you."

Everyone rushed towards the Blood Demon, leaving only the powerful God Emperor and the Blood Demon Emperor who did not move. They were still floating in the air, looking at each other. They would only take action after the winner was decided below.

Even God King Su Long would not let go, rushing into the blood demon's camp and killing them quickly.

At this time, the Blood Demon no longer had a numerical advantage and could not gain any advantage against humans. Coupled with Su Long's cross-level challenge, the Blood Demon was quickly killed.

After the killing, Su Long did not stop, but kept shuttling through the crowd and making sneak attacks. Many Blood Demon Kings died in Su Long's sneak attacks.

At this time, no one blamed Su Long for robbing them of their points. There was the Blood Demon Emperor watching behind them, and they might be killed if they were not careful. Su Long helped them and relieved their pressure a lot.

At a small price paid by humans, all the Blood Demon Kings were wiped out, but even so, the Blood Demon Emperor was still watching quietly, as if the deaths of his men had nothing to do with him.

"Blood Demon Emperor, your doom has come. Surrender obediently and I will give you a happy life."


The four Blood Demon Emperors looked at each other and rushed toward them.

Facing the four Blood Demon Emperors, they did not dare to be careless, and the six of them rushed forward.

The battle between the God-Emperors was very fierce. In addition, the Blood Demon Emperor did not care about his life at all. He was completely exchanging injuries for injuries, injuring the enemy by 800 and damaging himself by 1,000.

This makes them dare not take action with all their strength. Human beings are like this. Unless they are very close people, they will not trust others at all, and they are still in a place like the God Realm.

This also resulted in the four Blood Demon Emperors suppressing the six powerful God Emperors until they could not lift their heads.

"Jie Jie Jie, human beings are indeed the stupidest things."

Although blood demons are creatures produced from human blood, they are no longer human in nature. Coupled with the confusion of consciousness, they have developed a lot of resentment towards humans.

"There is no way for us to continue like this. If we continue like this, we will only be defeated by them one by one. Use all your strength to capture them. I know you want the Blood Demon Emperor's points. Beat them until they lose their combat effectiveness. Then we will decide the outcome. The winner in the end gets four Blood Demon Emperors."


"I agree."


After a simple agreement, the six people were ready to go all out. As for the others, they had not taken them to heart yet, and I believe they did not dare to pay more for their prey.

The four-headed Blood Demon Emperor couldn't resist the full strength attack of the six people. His body quickly became scarred, his breath became weak, and he seemed to be about to collapse in the next second.

The four blood demon kings quickly lost their fighting power and fell to the ground twitching.

"They have lost their fighting capacity, so the next step is our battle."

Each of the six people occupied one side. Xianyunzi and Wang Huayang were relatively close, while the others fought on their own.

Soon they were fighting together. Even Xianyunzi and Wang Huayang did not join forces. They were all looking for their own opponents.

But none of them noticed that while they were fighting, the bodies of the four blood demons began to collapse little by little, and their bodies became lighter and weaker.

"Have we started? I really hope to see what the pseudo-supreme looks like, but my life is still at stake."

Su Long did not continue to look and left quietly. He did not have the means to save his life. It would be bad if he was killed by Yu Wei.

While the six people were fighting fiercely, the Blood Demon changed, and the ground began to tremble violently.

Everyone felt the change and looked at the shaking ground.

"Where is the Blood Demon Emperor? How could he disappear?"

"I don't know. Let's stay away. If anything happens, we'll just be cannon fodder."

The six of them did not expect such a change to occur. Now they don't know what is going on, so they can only watch quietly.


There was a burst of sinister laughter from the ground, and after hearing the laughter, their faces became ugly.

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