Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 669 Intentional mistake

Danmen is one of the seven major forces in Shenlong City. It occupies one-seventh of the territory of Shenlong City and has countless forces under its control.

And Xianyunzi is the heir of Danmen. If nothing else, his status is extremely noble. Except for people from the seven major forces, everyone else looks like they are trying to please him when they see him.

"I didn't expect your kid's status to be so high. So many people are fawning over you, and we all followed you to take advantage of them."

After listening to Su Long's words, Xian Yunzi punched Su Long: "Are you kidding me? They only please me because of my identity. If they didn't have the identity of Danmen, they would still be like this. Do you respect me? Strength is always respected. Only when you have strength will others be afraid of you."

"Of course it's good to have good allies. Are you right? I'm only interested in alchemy. I only do it casually. After becoming the God Emperor, my progress will be very slow."

"But you two are different. I have a feeling that you two will definitely become a supreme being, especially you Su Long. I trust my intuition."

"So I will try to curry favor with you two now. You two will be my allies when I am in trouble in the future. What do you think?"

Seeing Xianyunzi's sincere eyes, Su Long and Wang Huayang laughed loudly: "Okay, but you can't be so flattering to us. We'll serve you well with good wine and meat."

"No problem, I'll make sure you have enough to eat and drink."

The three people came to Danmen arm in arm.

"This...is this the eldest young master?"

No one stopped Xianyunzi from returning to Danmen. He, Su Long and the others walked straight in. However, seeing the expression on Xianyunzi's face, everyone in Danmen was dumbfounded.

They had never seen Xianyunzi like this before. He was smiling unscrupulously and even holding hands with two people. Even if they were people from other factions, Xianyunzi was a serious and nodding acquaintance.

"Who are these two people?"

"One is the apprentice of the old madman, Senior Sister Hezi's man. He is very strong. I don't know about the other one. I have never seen him."

"You can't provoke them anyway. Remember these two people, and you must treat them politely when you meet them. Otherwise, we can't afford it if Senior Brother blames them."

Since being defeated by Su Long, Xian Yunzi's personality has changed. He has taken everything lightly, and he doesn't care so much about winning or losing.

"You two live here now. The servants can give you orders as you please. Just tell them what you want. I'll see the master first and entertain you later."

"Go, you don't have to worry about our place. Danmen is my other home and I'm very familiar with it."

Wang Huayang chuckled. No one was more familiar with Danmen than him. In order to see Xianhezi, he often broke into Danmen at night. Although he was under the surveillance of others, there was no interference.

After Xian Yunzi left, Wang Huayang also left to find Xian Hezi, leaving Su Long alone in the room. Su Long was very bored by himself, so he walked out to see the appearance of Danmen.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see the Danmen. You are busy with your business and don't worry about me."

Su Long was walking alone in Danmen. Danmen was exuding the fragrance of Danmen, but more of it was the sound of furnace explosions. Many of the people walking on the road were in a hurry and had been blown into black.

However, they are used to it and are even proud of it. As an alchemist, everyone has to experience the explosion of the furnace, but not everyone can have a 100% success rate like Su Long.

"You will definitely lose today, but I will definitely win."

"Don't forget that the result of the current competition is that I win one thousand and you win nine hundred and ninety-nine."


Su Long was walking on the road to Danmen and saw a group of people gathering not far away, seemingly fighting for Danmen.

"Brother, what are you doing there? Why are there so many people?"

He glanced at Su Long, and then said helplessly: "Seventh Senior Sister, Eighth Senior Sister, they are used to it. The two of them are happy enemies. Just because of this ranking, Eighth Senior Sister is not convinced, and she has been fighting against the ranking. ."

"Every time there is something gained in seclusion, the two of them start fighting elixirs. They have competed many times. The seventh senior sister has won a thousand times, and the eighth senior sister has won nine hundred and ninety-nine times."

"Interesting." Su Long looked at the two of them. This kind of healthy competition is the best. The two people's alchemy skills will improve very quickly. No wonder the master of the Alchemy Sect didn't stop them.

"Thank you little brother, I'll go take a look."

Su Long walked towards them step by step. He wanted to see how far these two people could fight.

"I am betting on my ranking. What I am refining this time is the Divine Pill Qi Return Pill, which is very difficult."

"Hmph, the difficulty of refining Huang Xuandan this time is no worse than yours, and the quality of my refining is definitely higher than yours."

The two people are at about the same level, so the difficulty of making alchemy is also about the same. Next, it depends on which one of them makes mistakes and how good the quality of the alchemy is.

"I won last time, so you refine it first this time."

This is the rule they specified. The loser practices elixir first.

The eighth senior sister, Xian Huizi, was lying cross-legged on the ground, recovering her energy and energy. Everyone had three incense time, and if the three incense time was not successfully refined, it would be considered a failure.





Su Long looked at Xian Huizi refining the pill and nodded. The success rate was very high and there were no big mistakes. It was just that he was not very proficient and not very coherent. There was a pause in the middle, which caused the loss of the medicine's effect and the quality of the medicine. a lot of.

"Come out." Huang Xuandan grabbed it in his hand. The quality was medium, not bad.

"Mid-grade Huang Xuandan, it's your turn."

Seventh senior sister Xian Mengzi saw the Huang Xuandan refined by Xian Huizi and nodded: "It's not bad, but it's far worse than me."

After Xianmengzi regained her energy and spirit, she began to refine pills non-stop.

Her movements are also smooth and smooth. Compared to Xian Keiko, her movements are more skillful, but the quality of the pills she refines is definitely not as good as Xian Kezi's.

Because she released the water and deliberately made a mistake in the process, which caused the medicinal properties of the elixir to be lost.

When he first heard about the rules, Su Long knew that there was something fishy between the two of them. They said they were not convinced by each other, but in fact they were putting pressure on themselves and urging each other. Otherwise, they would have made alchemy together long ago, so why did they have to do it alone? Refining begins only after the preparation is successful.

After one person refines successfully, the other person can make mistakes based on the refining situation. Once the score is even, there is an excuse to continue the competition.

"These two little girls are very interesting."

As expected by Su Long, the elixir refined by Xian Mengzi was a bit off, and was just an inferior elixir.

"Senior sister, I won this time, haha. The score is a thousand to a thousand. The winner is still undecided. Next time we continue to compete, I will definitely beat you."

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