Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 671 Just give me some advice

Xianyunzi has blind confidence in the old man. He admits that Su Long's alchemy skills are indeed strong, but compared to the supreme-level old man, he is still far behind.

"Then please give me some advice, senior."

Su Long said a lot of advice, but in fact he didn't care. It wasn't that he was arrogant, but that his alchemy skills were indeed strong, but his strength was still not close. If he were allowed to break through to the God Emperor.

Even the old man's alchemy skills are not as good as his.

"Just here, old man, let me take a look at your alchemy skills. You don't need to refine the super saint level. Just refine a magic pill."

He knew that Su Long could refine super-holy level elixirs, but looking at a person's level and refining ordinary elixirs, it can be seen that the quantity, quality, and basic level all represent a person's level of elixir refining.

"Senior, let me start."


Without adjusting his breath at all, Su Long directly threw the elixir in and began to refine the elixir.

This moment made everyone stunned, wondering what Su Long was going to do.

The energy and spirit were not adjusted to the strongest state, and all the medicinal materials were thrown in. This was obviously not the intention to make an elixir.

In fact, contrary to what they thought, Su Long was indeed refining alchemy seriously, just to save time, but just like that, they misunderstood.

Everyone's expressions were ugly. In their hearts, alchemy was very sacred. Every time they made alchemy, they had to put all their energy into it. How could they be so casual as Su Long.

In their hearts, they all thought that Su Long was perfunctory with them, but none of them stopped Su Long. After all, it was taboo to disturb the alchemist's alchemy.

Just looking at Su Long refining the elixir with such an ugly expression, Su Long naturally didn't know that they would change like this. He was also curious about why these people's faces were so ugly. Could it be that the elixir he refined was too low-level?

Su Long stopped thinking about the things he couldn't figure out and started refining pills non-stop.

As Su Long continued to refine the elixir, the old man's expression slowly changed, from anger at the beginning to surprise.

Others couldn't see it, but he could see that Su Long did this not because he was disdainful, but because his skills had reached this point.

The energy and energy gathered quickly during the alchemy process, and when so many medicinal materials entered the alchemy furnace, not only did it not explode, but it also emitted bursts of elixir fragrance.

Coupled with Su Long's skillful techniques and superb techniques, he was impressed step by step.

"Amazing, very amazing. I can't even do this. There are so many talented people. It seems that it's me, Meng Lang, who actually wants to teach him."

The old man sighed silently in his heart, and his expression became helpless.

When Xianyunzi saw the old man's appearance, he felt relieved, thinking that the old man was angry.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. He probably didn't mean it. I will talk to him nicely."

The old man shook his head and looked at Xian Yunzi: "Yun'er, grandpa is not angry. He is a genius, a geek, and a monster. His alchemy skills are already perfect. Even I can't teach him. Maybe he really is He must be the number one among the younger generation."

Listening to the old man's remarks, Xianyunzi was surprised. His grandfather had never respected a person so highly. He was the head of the Alchemy Sect and the one with the strongest alchemy skills. He was unable to give advice to Su Long.

"Grandpa, are you telling the truth? Is his alchemy skills really that good?"


Xianyunzi was silent, but in an instant he became full of fighting spirit. He kept staring at Su Long. Su Long felt the coldness on his back and shuddered unconsciously. He almost failed to make the alchemy.

"It's done, take it."

After patting the alchemy furnace, Su Long collected the elixirs.

"Twenty pills of perfect quality, very powerful."

Su Long came to the old man with the elixir: "Senior, please give me some advice."

The old man looked at Su Long's serious look, rolled his eyes, and slapped Su Long on the head angrily: "Are you making fun of the old man? Is there anything else you can give me? My alchemy skills are not as good as yours. "

Hearing what the old man said, Su Long smiled awkwardly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. The senior's alchemy skills are still very powerful. I don't dare to compete with you."

People have to bow their heads under the roof. It is impossible for Su Long to leave recently. He needs to stay in Danmen. He will not leave until the game is over, so it is better to keep a low profile.

The old man is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years. How could he not know what Su Long is thinking: "Don't fight these useless sloppy eyes with me. Before the end of the game, you all stay in Danmen to practice. I will find someone to help." You improve your strength."

"Thank you, senior."

"But I have conditions. I won't force it. If you have time, kid, you can help teach these guys how to make alchemy. Compared with you, they are too inferior."

Seeing the sincere look in the old man's eyes, Su Long didn't want to refuse. After all, it was such a big favor, so he should just return the favor so that he could stay at ease.

"No problem, senior, just in these two days, I will give them some guidance on alchemy, but it is the most basic. Yesterday I watched the competition between the seventh and the eighth."

"The technique of alchemy is good, but the foundation is very poor. Tall buildings rise from the ground. If the foundation is not laid well, the achievements will not be too high. Many people ignore the foundation too much."

"They always think that a good alchemy furnace, good medicinal materials, and good alchemy techniques can produce good elixirs. Although these things are also factors that cannot be ignored, the real factors are technology and experience."

Su Long is not joking. The experience he has gained and the reason why he is able to do this is because he has a very good understanding of the medicinal properties of all medicinal materials and knows the required heat for each medicinal material so that each medicinal material can be brought into full play. .

"Good boy, after listening to your words, I feel like I have an enlightenment. I feel that the bottleneck has been relieved a lot. I will make arrangements for you. In three days, everyone in Danmen will listen to your lecture."

The corners of Su Long's mouth twitched slightly and he looked at the old man: "Senior, this is not necessary. Isn't the lineup too luxurious and will be scolded?"

"What are you afraid of? Old man, I believe in you. Anyone who dares to scold you will get out of Danmen."

The old man was very domineering and made the decision directly. Su Long had no choice but to agree.

But these three days have been hard on Su Long. After hearing the news, everyone in Danmen was shocked. They all wanted to meet Su Long. Some were curious, some were unconvinced, and some were competing. There were endless numbers of people among them. .

Su Long had no choice but to stay in the room and not go out, leaving Xianyunzi and the others to laugh at him.

Three days passed in a hurry, and everyone was gathered in Danmen Square, where tens of thousands of disciples all sat obediently.

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