Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 680 Still believe him

"Compared to us, they are indeed weak and pitiful, but how many people like us can there be? It's already great that they can achieve what they have today."

Although they were as embarrassed as they are now, they were faced with hundreds or even thousands of brachions. They had no trouble meeting ten brachions back then.

They quickly got rid of their own monsters, not just them, but the ones in Shenlong City were also quickly dealt with. Your uncle will always be your uncle, and his words are not rough. Compared to people in other cities, the people of Shenlong City are, Both status and strength are much stronger.

After they completed the killing mission, they were teleported directly to the secret realm.

After leaving the secret realm, they stood there quietly, watching the people in the secret realm fight with the monsters.




When many people face monsters, apart from being able to fight back at the beginning, they are beaten the rest of the time. The longer the time, the more serious the injuries, the weaker the combat effectiveness, and finally they fall into coma and are teleported.

"Junior brother, let's work together to kill him. Otherwise, we won't be able to pass the test at all."

"Okay, senior brother."

These people were none other than Yang Wu and the others. The remaining people also failed to pass the first level. Only four people, Wu Tian, ​​Yang Wu, Young Master Yunxiao and Shura Nu, were left.

Their strength has improved a lot. All four of them have reached the peak of the God King, and are one step away from reaching the God Emperor. With such strength, it will be difficult to reach the top 100, but it can also be done if you are lucky.

But the prerequisite is that they have to pass here. It is still a bit difficult for the four of them to face the monster. They are already injured, so they can only cooperate.

Although Yang Wu can't stand his senior brother, it is really difficult for him to break through here with his own strength. Only by working together can they have a chance.

"I hope you won't do anything outrageous, otherwise, I won't let you go."

Yang Wu didn't notice, but Su Long saw the look in Wu Tian's eyes that the conspiracy had succeeded. It seemed that he was planning to take action against Yang Wu.

Su Long was teleported out and had no way to remind Yang Wu, so he could only rely on himself.

"Junior brother, leave the defense and attack matters to us."


After hesitating for a while, Yang Wu agreed. He still chose to believe that his senior brother would not harm him for the time being, otherwise the master would not let him go.

Yang Wu withstood the attacks of all the monsters, and soon became scarred, and the powerful attacks of the three people almost killed them.

"Let's go, the hunt has been successful."

Yang Wu raised his head and looked at Wu Tian unkindly: "Elder brother, what do you mean? I helped you withstand the attack, and you only hunt your own monsters?"

"Hmph..." Looking at the injured Yang Wu, Wu Tian laughed disdainfully: "Little brother, today I will teach you a lesson. Never believe the enemy's words. Do you really think I will help you? You are a waste. Always trash."

"If the immortal had not given you the method of divine realm, what qualifications would you have to be on par with me? If you want to leave here, there is no way."

Yang Wu's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that Wu Tian had become so mad. Today he had no choice but to admit defeat. It was impossible to leave. His body was already scarred and he couldn't withstand the attack at all.

"let's go."

Shura Girl and Master Yunxiao looked at him indifferently and did not move.

Wu Tian's face was very ugly. He looked at the two of them and didn't know what they meant.

"Let's go. I feel that it is very dangerous to cooperate with you. People like you will betray your partners at any time. Cooperating with you is undoubtedly seeking the skin of a tiger."

"Yang Wu seems to be more suitable for cooperation than you. At least he won't do anything dirty. Don't think about it. The combined strength of the three of us will definitely crush you."

Yang Wu looked at Wu Tian disdainfully and stood up. They were now completely on opposite sides.

"Okay, okay, very good. Remember, if you accidentally die here, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Wu Tian turned around and left, being teleported out, leaving only the three of them.

"You continue to defend and leave the rest to us."

"Thank you."

The three people kept fighting. With one person missing, the pressure became much greater, but they still passed without any danger. After the three people passed, they were directly teleported out.

Su Long fought directly in front of Yang Wu and threw a pill to each of them: "You have done a good job. If you betray Yang Wu, you will be disqualified from leaving Shenlong City."

"Su Long? You're still alive, that's great."

Yang Wu separated from Su Long after entering the Divine Realm. His strength was not outstanding in the Divine Realm, but good luck allowed him to sneak into Seven Star City. Ten years of training made his strength improve a lot.

However, with his qualifications, he was not able to get in touch with high-level officials, but he was very satisfied with this. After leaving, he continued to practice and grew to where he is today.

"You, don't you know who he is? You still chose to believe him. Now you know what will happen if you believe him. Do you need me to help you get revenge?"

Yang Wu shook his head, took the elixir, and the injuries on his body healed quickly: "I don't need your help for this little thing. I can deal with him by myself."

After chatting with them for a while, Su Long turned around and left, because the competition was coming to an end. Those who should pass had almost passed, and the rest had all failed.

"Three thousand people, but there are still so many. There are quite a lot of geniuses in this class. I thought there would be only three hundred people left."

Looking at the three thousand scarred people in front of them, they couldn't help but sigh.

"Very good. I'm really satisfied with you. Go and rest. The third and final round of tests will begin in a week. Those who pass can participate in the final ranking battle."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Everyone is holding a fire in their hearts. In order to participate in the qualifying competition, they must work hard to pass the last level and perform well to let the forces of Shenlong City see it.

Within a week, the wounds on their bodies had almost healed, and their combat effectiveness had all returned to its peak. Everyone gathered in the Dragon Palace to prepare for the third round of tests.

"The test in the third round is very simple. There are only 300 people participating in the ranking, but there are 3,000 of you. But the rules are the rules. This time we will select 300 people."

"The qualification for selection is the length of time you last in our hands. The longer the time, the safer it is, so everyone must use all their strength. No matter what means you have, as long as you last for the first three hundred people out of three thousand, then You’ll succeed.”

The ranking competition is an arena battle, and many fast people cannot display their combat effectiveness at all, but now there are not so many restrictions, and they have a better chance of passing.

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