Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 685 Crush all the way

Everyone watched Wang Tian's attack and Su Long, who was standing there motionless. Seeing the attack getting closer, Su Long didn't even dodge or make any defense.

"What an idiot. Although Wang Tian is only thirty, his strength has reached the high level of God Emperor. Even if I take a hit from him, I will be seriously injured."

"Young Master, he is just a small peak god king. He has advanced through some small tricks. He cannot compete with the Young Master at all."

"That is, those who advance through crooked ways will be dealt with sooner or later. Let Wang Tian kill him here. We can be considered as contributing to him."

Everyone sneered at Su Long's indifference, thinking that Su Long had failed, but Wang Huayang and Xianyunzi looked at them with disdain.

Although they didn't know why Su Long didn't move, it was impossible to defeat Su Long with such an attack. Su Long's current physical defense was stronger than his. Although this soft attack would affect him, it would not be possible at all. Can't be seriously injured.

It is simply impossible to kill Su Long. They believe that Su Long must have his own plan.

"Go to hell."

Wang Tian's face was very ferocious. He had already seen the scene where Su Long's head was smashed by him, but just when his fist was about to smash Su Long's head, he suddenly found that he could not move his hands.

"You're moving too slowly."

"Damn it, how did you get rid of the chaos god."

Seeing Su Long's slightly raised head and the smile on his face, Wang Tian knew that the situation was not good and hurriedly pulled away to leave.

"Want to leave now? Isn't it too late?"


He squeezed Wang Tian's hand hard and crushed Wang Tian's arm directly.

Wang Tian was also very tough. His bones were broken and he didn't say a word, but he was still struggling hard.

"Stop struggling. It's not that easy to leave. Since you want me, be prepared to accept punishment."

He grabbed Wang Tian and started hitting him on the ring. The moment his head made contact with the ground, Wang Tian was knocked unconscious.

But this is not the end, Su Long is not a good man or woman. If his soul was not extremely powerful, Wang Tian's chaos god would have killed him long ago. If you want to blame him, blame him for using the wrong method.

Maybe if he uses another attack method, he might be able to last longer, but with the soul attack, he just dies faster.



The constant strong collisions with the ground caused the bones in Wang Tian's body to continue to break, and the whole person was disabled.

"Su Long, please forgive me if you have to. Wang Tian cannot die. Even if you offend the Wang family, you cannot leave Shenlong City."

Hearing Jiang Sheng's threat, Su Long raised his head and looked at him: "Are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you. Wang Tian is the eldest son of the Wang family. If you beat him like this, the Wang family won't care. But if you kill him, the Wang family won't let you go."

"Hey, if that's the case, let me see how powerful the Wang family is."

Wang Tian picked up his hand and was about to continue smashing it, but he seemed to have thought of something and turned to look at Jiang Sheng: "Also, who do you think you are? Do you need to intervene in my affairs? If you have the ability, come on stage. If you don't You call me grandson, and my last name will be yours."

Su Long's words made Jiang Sheng's face look very ugly. He really wanted to go up and fight Su Long, but he couldn't yet, and he was also not qualified.


He snorted and stopped talking.

"Why are you pretending to be superior? If it weren't for the Jiang family, who would you be?"

Everyone watched Su Long constantly provoking Jiang Sheng. Although his face was expressionless, he was talking happily in his heart. Jiang Sheng finally had enough to hold back. They knew clearly who Jiang Sheng was.

Relying on his status and strength, he always looks aloof, as if others are his subordinates.

They had endured it for a long time, and now they were really happy to be told it, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

"I vote..."


Before Wang Tian could finish speaking, Su Long threw him onto the stage and lost the last word.

"What did you just say? You voted. Whatever you voted for, I'll give you a chance to speak."

"I vote..."


The words were lost again. Everyone had seen that Su Long was playing tricks on him and would not let him surrender at all. Although they felt sorry for Wang Tian, ​​there was nothing they could do. The rules of the game were like this. No matter life or death, as long as you don't If you say surrender, you can keep attacking.

The only thing to blame is that he was blind, picked Su Long as his opponent, and even tried to kill someone, but now he was killed instead.

After playing with Wang Tian for a long time, Su Long felt that he was almost done and looked at Wang Tian with a smile.

"Is it painful?"


"Pa, answer my question..."

Wang Tian, ​​whose eyes were blurred, nodded.

Su Long smiled even happier: "I know you are in pain, but your pain will end soon. I am a very kind person and will not let you continue to suffer like this."

Listening to Su Long's words, everyone's hearts froze. Seeing that Su Long looked like he wanted to kill Wang Tian, ​​this was an undying feud with the Wang family.

"Be clear about being treated like a dog in your next life. He cannot protect you, and he is not qualified to protect you."


Before he died, he poured a basin of dirty water on Jiang Sheng. Regardless of his relationship with Jiang Sheng, if he poured a basin of dirty water on him, the dead person would not be able to answer.

Su Long directly broke Wang Tian's neck. Su Long did not leave the ring until Wang Tian died completely.

"Wang Tian dies, Su Long wins, the game is over."

He took a deep look at Su Long, and found that Su Long had not changed much. In a world where the jungle prevails, either you die or I die.

After Su Long came down from the ring, everyone stayed away from Su Long, fearing to make Su Long unhappy and kill them. This guy was not afraid of anything, even Jiang Sheng dared to mock him.

"Due to Wang Tian's death, there are only ninety-nine of you left. Su Long has a bye and will directly advance to the top fifty. The others will draw lots for the finals."

They didn't have any objections to the Supreme's words. After all, Su Long's strength was there and he could easily defeat Wang Tian. Fifty people would definitely advance easily.

"Brother-in-law, you are so lucky. You actually got a bye. If you had known, I would have killed one or two, so I would have had a bye."

"I can't help it. Who makes me so charming? But it doesn't matter whether you have a bye or not. It can be solved easily."

"That's right. I went up to draw lots. Make sure you don't get any powerful characters."

I don't know whether it was their luck or the Supreme's deliberate arrangement. Basically, the top ranked players played against the lower ranked ones, and the strong ones did not meet together at all.

"It's really good luck to draw one ranked 100."

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