Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 689 The final begins

"This kid is so lucky that he made it all the way to the finals. What a piece of shit luck. Google search to read"

"That is, if Wang Huayang and Xianyunzi hadn't protected him, he would have been out long ago."

A group of people who couldn't eat the grapes and thought the grapes were sour kept teasing Su Long. Su Long didn't care about their opinions. Even if he was lucky, they would come if he had the ability.

"What a bunch of idiots. They actually think you got there just by luck and our help."

Xianyunzi glanced at them disdainfully.

"Isn't it? It is with your help that I have reached this point, two brothers. I will rely on your help in the future to make me reach the top successfully."

"Okay, then I wish you good luck and kick them all down."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

"Jing Jing, the next competition is the real competition. You are all extraordinary in strength. You are all the top descendants of each family. However, this competition may determine your future achievements, so you must go all out. The better your ranking. , the greater the reward, and there will be a surprise for you that you can’t imagine.”

They also know about this surprise. The family has told them that they must go all out to continuously improve their rankings. The higher they are, the more generous the rewards will be, but they don't know what the specific rewards are.

This time everything was done mysteriously, and no news was revealed.

"If you are ready, the game will start immediately. In the first game, Su Long will face Jiang Xiong."

Su Long is temporarily ranked first, and Jiang Xiong temporarily takes the tenth place. It has to be said that Su Long's luck is really bad, and the opponent he encountered at the beginning was the weakest existence.

"Jiang Xiong."

"Su Long."

The two came on stage and gave a slight salute.

"They all say you relied on luck to survive until now."

"Isn't it? I have two good brothers beside me. I got to the finals by luck. Do you feel very lucky? When you meet an opponent like me, you can win easily."

Listening to Su Long's self-deprecation, Jiang Xiong smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, meeting you is probably the most unlucky thing. They say you are lucky, but I can see that you have strong power in your body. Just because you didn't take action this way doesn't mean you're weak, but it proves your disdain."

"Perhaps none of us are taken seriously by you. Maybe only the few in front are your opponents."

Su Long looked at Jiang Xiong with admiration. Even Jiang Sheng always thought that he got there due to good luck. Of course, Jiang Sheng was blinded by hatred and unwilling to admit his own strength.

But the person in front of him can actually rationally analyze his own strength, which should not be underestimated.

"I don't plan to defeat you today. I know this is unlikely, but I hope you can go all out and let me see the gap between us."

Jiang Xiong was very satisfied to be in the top ten. He now wanted to see Su Long's full strength and let him leave with dignity.

"Attack with all your strength? No." Su Long shook his head, he would not attack with all his strength against Jiang Xiong.

"Disdainful?" Jiang Xiong smiled bitterly and shook his head. His own strength was not worthy of his full strength.

"It's not disdain, it's just that I can't. If I attack with all my strength, you will die miserably. I don't want my friend to die in my hands."

Su Long looked at Jiang Xiong with a smile. After hearing Su Long's words, Jiang Xiong raised his head and said, "It's good to be your Su Long's friend, but if you don't go all out, it's impossible to defeat me. I But he is the eleventh master.”

"Then come on and let me see your strength."

Jiang Xiong took out a sword, and his aura changed instantly.

"Swordsman, that's interesting. I happen to be a swordsman too, so let's have a duel between swordsmen."

In order to show respect for Jiang Xiong, Su Long also took out his sword, and his aura also changed. This aura even pushed Jiang Xiong's aura back.

"So strong. They are really blind. How could such people get here by luck?"

"I'm going to take action. If I continue like this, I will lose the confidence to draw the sword."

His momentum was constantly being forced back by Su Long. If this continued and his momentum completely collapsed, he would have no chance and would not even be able to draw his sword.

"Thousands of swords pierce the heart."

He quickly waved his sword to interrupt Su Long's momentum. His divine power was stirred up by him, and tens of thousands of swords appeared densely in the air.

"Be careful, don't let me poke a big hole in you."

All the swords were attacking Su Long. These swords were all real. They were all condensed swords formed by the sword energy stirring up the divine power. If they were really stuck, they would be full of big holes.

It's a pity that this trick is not enough in front of Su Long: "Are you testing me? This kind of trick is useless to me."

"One sword can separate the world."

Opening his eyes, a sword light flashed through his eyes. With a strong wave of the sword, a huge sword light came to Jiang Xiong in an instant, with an astonishing speed.

Jiang Xiong hurriedly dodged, but when he looked back at his Wan Jian, he found that all Wan Jian was broken, and all of them turned into divine power and dissipated into the air.

"I still underestimate you. You are very strong, very strong, but this move is just my test. The next step is my real attack."

Jiang Xiong's body exuded a strong sword intent, and everyone around him felt that his weapons were eager to try. If they hadn't suppressed him, the weapons on his body would fly away.

"Jiang Xiong is so strong. I can feel his momentum even outside the secret realm. My sword actually feels like surrender."

"With the momentum of becoming a king, this kid is not bad."

The only one who dares to comment on Jiang Xiong like this is the Sword Emperor. No one dares to say that he knows more about swordsmanship than the Sword Emperor, not even the Supreme Sword Master.

"But it's a pity that he is just claiming to be king."

Everyone's weapons left eagerly, but the sword in Su Long's hand didn't move at all, and even showed some disdain.

"Jiang Xiong, you are really strong. Your aura as a king is very good, but my swordsmanship is what makes me a king."

Su Long's aura also exploded, and Jiang Xiong's aura was completely destroyed in an instant.


He kept backing up, with an expression that was difficult to describe in detail.

"My sword."

"My stick."


After Su Long's momentum exploded, they could no longer suppress their weapons and all flew into the air, worshiping in the direction of Su Long.

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