Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 698 I give up

"You kid, don't take advantage of me and act like a good boy. You don't know how many people envy your body. It's almost immune to elemental attacks, and physical attacks can't do much harm to you. You kid will be invincible in the future."

Wang Huayang shook his head: "The Vajra Indestructible Divine Body is indeed powerful, but it is very difficult to be promoted to the Supreme, and the Supreme tribulation will be a hundred times that of ordinary people, which is almost a narrow escape."

There are advantages and disadvantages. The Vajra Indestructible Divine Body is so powerful in the early stage, so naturally the thunder catastrophe faced will be the strongest. It will not only be a narrow escape from death, but may not be able to survive even ten deaths.

"Brother-in-law, I don't want to die yet. I want to be promoted to the supreme level safely. I know you have a way, right?"

Wang Huayang looked at Su Long with a charming look on his face. In his eyes, Su Long was omnipotent, but he also wanted to give it a try. After all, the Supreme Tribulation was no joke.

But he didn't expect that Su Long would actually start to meditate there. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "Your Supreme Tribulation is indeed powerful, but there is still a way. But you have to think about it carefully. If you are not careful, you will still be undone."

"Really...really? Brother-in-law, are you telling the truth? Is there really a way to deal with my supreme calamity?"

"Well, but don't worry, you are still some distance away from the Supreme. Build up your strength and lay a good foundation."

Wang Huayang kept nodding there, like an obedient child. His master was very worried about his supreme calamity and prepared various means for him to survive it safely.

But even then, there was no certainty. Now that Su Long said he was sure, he was naturally very happy.

"You will definitely not be able to escape the Supreme Tribulation, and enduring the Supreme Tribulation will be very beneficial to you. Your divine body will be more powerful and you can survive the Supreme Tribulation safely. You are also walking sideways in the Supreme Tribulation."

Thinking of such a scene, Wang Huayang felt a little carried away, but Su Long gave him a touch of cold water in the next second: "If you don't transition, it will be a dead end, and there will be no chance of reincarnation."


"Don't put your hopes on me. The only one you can really rely on is yourself. If you want to survive stably, you must improve your strength, do your best in everything, and you must make enough preparations. But I believe that my seniors have done this. Considered.”

"And I only think about saving your life at the most critical moment. It's really troublesome."

"Good brother-in-law, I will definitely put in a good word for you in front of my sister, so that you can have more sisters-in-law."

He slapped Wang Huayang on the head and gave him a fierce look: "Hurry up and recover."

"Yes, brother-in-law, don't worry, I will beat the shit out of him. I have prepared for him to kill for a thousand years, tease his vaginal feet, and kill him eight times in a row."

Su Long and Xianyunzi's only thought now was to stay away from Wang Huayang. They were stunned and didn't look like masters at all.

A month passed in a hurry, and the three of them were adjusted to their best condition.

"Draw lots."

"Su Long, Wang Huayang in the first game."

"I surrender."

Before Su Long could jump onto the ring, Wang Huayang immediately admitted defeat, very confidently and without any hesitation.

"You brat, what are you doing and why are you surrendering?"

"Brother-in-law, how can I be your opponent? Why waste that useless energy? It's better to save your energy to deal with him."

Since Wang Huayang said this, they had nothing to do.

"Su Long wins and gets one point, Wang Huayang gets no points."

"Then let the second game begin, Jiang Sheng and Wang Huayang."

Facing Jiang Sheng, Wang Huayang was no longer so careless. His mysterious power made Wang Huayang feel a little threatened, and he had to force out all Jiang Sheng's trump cards. Even if he lost, Su Long was prepared. Opportunity.

"Master Jiang, come on up. Our game has begun. I can't wait to help you kill."

The corners of Jiang Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, and after glaring at Wang Huayang, he jumped onto the ring.

He didn't take Wang Huayang's threat to heart at all. Wang Huayang was just using his physical strength to be faster than others and sneak up on others. This was of no use to Jiang Sheng. Jiang Sheng was not afraid of such a threat at all.

"Wang Huayang, don't worry about these useless things. You know these things are useless to me. It's better to show your true strength, otherwise you will lose miserably."

"Then as you wish, I hope you can withstand my attack."

She never dared to underestimate Jiang Sheng, so she directly used the indestructible divine body, which strengthened the body's power by more than ten times.

"Vajra God Fist."

With one punch, the air was torn apart, and there were even traces of fire burning in the air.

"Well done, take my punch too."

Jiang Sheng went head-to-head with Wang Huayang. Wang Huayang's King Kong was indestructible and still powerful.

Jiang Sheng's fingers were all broken and he flew backwards.

"So strong."

"Jiang Sheng, is this all you have? Use your mysterious power, otherwise you will fail miserably."

The two of them were no longer testing, Wang Huayang's strength was increasing, and his momentum was suppressing Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng also knew that now was not the time to hide his secrets. If he was not careful, he would be killed by Wang Huayang.

"Blood explosion."

"The power of the dark dragon."

Jiang Sheng carries a lot of qi and blood replenishing things with him. Every time he uses the power of the dark dragon, he wastes a lot of qi and blood. After a long time, he can no longer hold on.

However, although the price is high, the power obtained is also great, and he can already compete with Wang Huayang in terms of momentum.

"Isn't this the fun thing? Give me a punch."

"You also take a punch from me."


The two people collided, and no one could do anything to the other, but the ring could not withstand the attacks of the two of them, and was torn apart from the middle.


The two people retreated at the same time, and it was not difficult to find that their hands were trembling.

"So strong, even his physical strength has improved so much."

"How can this guy be so strong? He can't even compare to the power of the Dark Dragon."

Both of them were sighing at each other.

"Punch me again."

"You also take a punch from me."

There was no winner or lose, but they still kept attacking. The arena had become a mess, and the two people kept fighting in the air.

"It's great, it's so great. In this case, I won't hold back any more. No one has ever been better than me physically."

The veins in the body burst out, and the blood kept rolling in the body, speeding up the flow of blood, and the strength of the body increased again.

"Fall down."

After Jiang Sheng got used to Wang Huayang's strength, he didn't expect that he would suddenly exert his strength and be knocked to the ground with one punch.

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