Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 710 Fierce Battle

"Boss, we really can't go there, it's too dangerous. Please help us, be a bull or a horse, and do whatever you ask us to do."

"Okay, go to hell. I don't want waste around me. Since you listen to us, go to hell."

They don't look down upon them at all, but these people really don't deserve to be looked down upon by them.


"Go away, if you don't leave, I will kill you with my own hands."

The boss's loud shout startled them, but they knew the temper of the boss of the outer sect. If they continued to say another word, they would definitely be killed without any regard for human kindness.

More than a dozen people left in despair. Who made them weak? No one would sympathize with them. If they wanted to blame them, they could only blame themselves.

"The trash has left. It's time to solve the remaining problems. Do you think I will kill half of your life and take away your points, or should you just give me your points and work under my hand?" , give me one thousand points every month from now on."

The boss of the outer sect is really a fat guy. One thousand points a month for one person, even if he does nothing for a month, is enough for him.

But how could Su Long be afraid of him? It was impossible to give him points.

"Both of your paths are not good. I prefer the third path."

"Oh? The third way? I'm all ears."

The boss of the outer sect looked at Su Long with disdain. He wanted to see what kind of third path Su Long could take.

"The third way is actually very simple, that is, I will be the boss of the outer sect. As for the points, you can just give me two thousand a month, and I will reluctantly accept you as my little brother. As long as you have a bite of my meat." Definitely got your bones to chew on.”

"Otherwise, I will stop you and make it impossible for you to survive in the seminary."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The boss of the outer sect burst out laughing, and even the people behind him began to look at Su Long mockingly.

After laughing, the boss of the outer sect had a gloomy look on his face: "Very good, very good. You have successfully aroused my interest in you, so I will beat you half to death, even if it is the Shenlongyuan's welcome ceremony for you."

"Brother-in-law, leave it to me. I will take care of him, and you will be the boss of the outer sect."

Just as Wang Huayang was about to go out, he was stopped by Su Long: "No, just leave this guy to me. You are not his opponent. Your third brother's target is him. Although his strength is not as good as this guy, but It’s also stronger than the three of you. If you cooperate well, you three can hold on for a while.”

Although Su Long was not optimistic about them, he could at least persist for a long period of time, which was enough time for him to deal with the boss of the outer sect.

"Brother-in-law, do you think too highly of them? Although they are very strong, the three of us will not be able to defeat them."

"No, you are not his opponent. You can only resist his attacks. Believe me, if you are careless, you will end up like those who just left."

Seeing Su Long's serious attitude, the three of them also became serious. They still believed in Su Long's words. In this case, they would go all out to take action.

"Boy, it's okay for the three of us to fight you. Even if we have any objections, it's useless."

"I won't mind. If you do it together or one by one, the result will not change. I will beat you half to death."

There was no change on their faces, as if Wang Huayang and the others were just clowns who could be dismissed with a wave of their hands.

"Vajra God Fist."

Wang Huayang rushed forward first to test his strength.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The same fist was thrown at him, and Wang Huayang flew backwards. Although he was not injured, it made his face look ugly.

"Brother-in-law is right, this guy is very strong."

"I saw it. He can punch you out. He seems to be a master of body training."

The three people completely put away their contempt, and they no longer dared to make excuses.

"It's interesting. He didn't get hurt after being punched by me. It seems like it was worth my while."

Su Long ignored the fight between the three of them and turned to look at the boss of the outer sect in front of him.

"They've already started, I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Don't worry, I will beat you half to death, not your life."

Su Long also fought with the outer sect boss.

"The first form of the nameless swordsmanship."

"The second form of the nameless sword technique."

"Golden Dragon Breaks."

"Dragon Flame Impact."

Everyone was pushed back a long distance. The aftermath of the battle between Su Long and the outer sect boss was too strong. They couldn't bear it at all, and were forced back step by step.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you still have some strength and can support 30% of my strength."

"Really? I only used 10% of my strength. It seems like you, the boss of the outer sect, are just showing off."

Su Long is not inferior to anyone when it comes to talking words. If you use 30% of your strength, I will use 10% of my strength. Anyway, I will crush you.

"Fire Dragon Impact."

"It's useless, one sword will cut off the world."

One sword tore the Yanlong apart from the middle, and the two people hit each other again.

After fighting hard, the two gave up long-range attacks and started fighting in close quarters. The winner was also indistinguishable. Both of them turned into pig heads and continued to fight happily.

"Shuang, take a punch from me."

"You also take a punch from me."

Two people were punched in the face at the same time, and then flew backwards, constantly smashing into the buildings behind them, and more people were shocked out.

"This is Boss Yan. How did he become like this? He has a pig's head."

"Who is that kid? He keeps fighting with Boss Yan. He is so strong."

Although Boss Yan has a bad temper, his strength is unparalleled. No one in the outer sect can be his opponent, but now there is an opponent who is as good as Boss Yan. They are naturally surprised.

"I haven't seen this person before. He should be a newcomer. Today is the day for the masters of the God Realm. I didn't expect the newcomers of this class to be so strong."

Su Long and Boss Yan have ignored the others around them. Su Long is completely happy to see him, but Boss Yan has no opponent in the outer sect. He is a lonely master and can't care so much when fighting with Su Long.

The two people's non-stop fighting interrupted Wang Huayang's fight. The outer gate had become a ruin, but the two people still fought regardless.

"Stop, do you want to tear down the outer door?"

A voice came from the air, but Su Long and Boss Yan seemed not to hear it. They kept fighting, punching their opponents in the face one after another.

"You two guys, stop it."

Two big hands appeared in the sky and directly pressed Su Long and Boss Yan to the ground, unable to move.

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