Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 729 Sex Demon

"It is indeed him, then don't worry. Google search to read"

Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief. It would be no problem if it was Su Long. He turned to look at Xiahou: "Xiahou, please find another mission."

Xia Hou turned to look at Tianyu in confusion: "Tianyu, what do you mean, are you just going to watch that kid die? After all, he is our junior brother. I will not watch him die. Even if there is no mission, I will Go to the butcher and take him down.”

Tianyu knew Xiahou's temper, but obviously his worries were unnecessary and he could only explain patiently.

"Xiahou, it's not that I don't care about Su Long, but we don't need to care about him at all. Even though Su Long is only a high-level God Emperor, he is very strong, so strong that no one of you here can compete with him in a one-on-one fight. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard Tianyu's words. They looked at Tianyu in disbelief. They also knew that Tianyu was not a big talker, but for them to believe that a God Emperor was stronger than them, they had a little embarrassment on their faces.

"Do you think it's impossible that a God-Emperor is stronger than you?"

No need to ask, just look at the expressions on their faces.

"How is my strength?"

"Very strong, stronger than us. There are probably only a few people who can keep up with you."

They are not complimenting Tianyu. Tianyu is indeed very strong and is the best among them.

"Where's Tiansha, my old rival Tiansha."


"That's right, Tiansha and I are about the same strength. It's even said that Tiansha is a little stronger than me. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been fighting for so many years."

"But even the powerful Tiansha was still killed by Su Long alone. I was right next to Su Long, without any help, and I killed the Tiansha with my own strength."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the mission tower were stunned, their eyes filled with disbelief, but they had to believe it, but the next news surprised them even more.

"When he killed Tiansha, Su Long was only the first level of the Divine Emperor."


Everyone felt ashamed. When the God-Emperor was in the first level, he killed the Heavenly Evil. Now that the God-Emperor is in the advanced level, wouldn't it be easier to kill the Butcher?

"It seems that I am being too sentimental and they don't need our help at all."

Patting Xia Hou on the shoulder: "Don't be discouraged. Even the punishment elders prefer him. There will always be some monsters, just like those people. We just have to be ourselves."

Su Long wouldn't know that a task he took would cause such a big emotional upheaval among them, but it was none of his business, as long as he completed the task.

"Forget it, the butcher's mission is gone, just go and take on other missions. Give me other golden missions."

"Sorry, all the golden tasks for the past month are gone."

"What did you say? It's all gone?"

Xia Hou's loud voice resounded throughout the mission tower, but no one blamed him. They looked at them in disbelief, wondering what it meant.

"All gone. All the gold tasks have been taken over by Su Long. Now only the silver tasks and copper tasks are left."

Tianyu and the others were stunned. All the golden tasks were taken over by Su Long, leaving nothing for them.

"This guy is so awesome at what he does. He didn't even leave us a morsel of soup."

"That's all, just practice with peace of mind for a month. We will pick up the mission again after a month."

After returning, Tianyu told Elder Xing about Su Long. Elder Xing laughed when he heard about Su Long.

"This kid has a strong self-esteem and doesn't want my points, so he's doing crazy tasks to earn points. Don't worry about him. I believe he has his own control."

After Su Long left the mission tower, he headed towards the mission location, but the first target he was looking for was not the butcher. The butcher was still far away from him. His first target was the sex demon.

This guy is not a good guy. He bullies the weak and fears the strong. He specializes in picking out weak female figures to do evil. The most important thing is that this guy has a very flexible mind and can escape extremely fast.

Whether it is the people from Shenlong Academy or the people from Shenlan Academy, they all hate him to the core and want to crush him to ashes, but no one can catch him, and it is rumored that the pervert is a member of the Sun family, relying on the Sun family After doing all kinds of bad things outside, he was expelled from the Sun family.

Recently, I heard that the sex demon has appeared near the Sun family again. Many women have been poisoned, but they have no choice but to hope that Shenlong Academy and Shenlan Academy will get rid of the sex demon as soon as possible.

"Sun family? Sex demon?"

This is not good news. The Sun family is from the Divine Killing Academy, and he has a feeling that there must be many connections between the sex demon and the Sun family.

He had seen the sex demon's movement trajectory, and it basically revolved around the Sun family. But even if they knew this, there was nothing they could do. The Sun family had already announced that the sex demon would be expelled from the Sun family.

If they continue to entangle, they may suffer retaliation from the Sun family. They are no match for the Sun family. They will be destroyed by the Sun family in an instant, so they can only swallow their anger.

"Take me near Sun's house."

"One thousand points."

"Here." Without any bargaining, he took Su Long directly to the vicinity of Sun's house.

"That's the Sun family. Don't get close. Otherwise, even if you are beaten to death, no one will be able to avenge you. Judging from your appearance, you should be looking for clues to the pervert. Be careful. There are many people coming here."

"For the sake of giving you points, I will give you a piece of information for free. Have you seen those people? They are all here to find the sex devil. Don't ask me why I know. After being around for so many years, I can see it at a glance. Tell me what you do."

"Remember, this guy, the Sex Demon, must behave every day, otherwise he will explode and die."

After saying that, he turned around and left. This clue was of great help to Su Long. In this way, he had a targeted search. As long as there are many women, the probability of the sex devil appearing will be much greater.

Looking around the Sun family, it was too big. This was Su Long's only feeling that a family actually occupied such a large place.

After putting on a disguise, Su Long started looking for clues around him.

"A brothel shouldn't be possible. The target here is too big, and those who can open a brothel here in the Sun family should not be weak. The pervert will definitely not cause trouble."

"A restaurant? It's unlikely."


Su Long kept ruling out places where this pervert could appear, but he rejected most of them. Now there are only two places left, one is for singles, and the other is for ordinary people. However, this range is a bit too big. You have to try your luck to find the Blood Demon.

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