Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 739 God Killing Attacks

The eighteenth level of hell has no effect on him.

"It's not enough, keep going, he can't affect me anymore."

Elder Punishment naturally felt the improvement of Su Long's strength. The strength of his soul had exceeded his thoughts. His eighteenth level of hell had a great influence on Tianyu and the others.

Now it can't cause harm to a God Emperor, and it can't even shake the soul's defense.

"This kid is indeed a geek. Maybe he can really be the last straw."

Putting away his thoughts, Elder Punishment began to squeeze Su Long's strength crazily. After all, there was still a big gap between Su Long and Elder Punishment. When Elder Punishment increased the pain to dozens of times, Su Long There is pain in the soul.

"Go on, a hundred times."

"as you wish."

Directly increasing the pain to a hundred times, Su Long suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, looking a little sluggish, and his face instantly became extremely pale, without any blood.

"Are you okay? Do you need to stop?" Elder Punishment didn't want to see such a good seedling ruined in his hands.

"It doesn't matter, that's it, I can still hold on."

Su Long had been under the pressure of the punishment elders, and his face became increasingly pale. After persisting for six hours, Su Long fell.

Still Tianyu, he took Su Long back to the room. Su Long did not sleep for a day this time. Three hours later, enduring the strong discomfort in his head, Su Long struggled and began to nurse his soul.

"The strength of my soul is also constantly rising, and the duration of my coma is getting shorter and shorter. It is estimated that my soul will reach a limit before long."

Without wasting any time, Su Long sat cross-legged to rest, recuperate his body, and then went to the sword tower to challenge and improve his sword skills.

Time passed like this day by day. After the soul was completely recovered, Su Long went to find Shao.

Elder Punishment, Sword Tower, Mission Tower, Room, Su Long's life is very regular, basically four points and one line, and his strength is slowly improving.

"No fight, no fight, you are really a monster. You are obviously the peak of the God Emperor, but you are so much more powerful than us."

Su Long shook his head and looked at Tianyu and the others: "No, now I can only fight to a draw with the two Supremes, and my fighting power is far from enough. My body, swordsmanship, and soul can continue to improve."

Su Long is not satisfied with the current situation. Facing one Supreme, he can easily win, but facing two Supremes, he can only draw a tie or even fall into a slight disadvantage. As for the three Supremes joining forces, All he could do was run away.

"You kid, be satisfied. You are just a God Emperor. Do you want to knock us all down? Where do you want to put our face?"

"Practice is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't want to be used as cannon fodder, you must work hard to improve your strength. Go eat. I'm hungry. Fighting with you will consume too much."

Su Long has not forgotten that he still has a mission. What he will face in the future will not be one or two supreme powerhouses, but thousands of supreme powerhouses. With his current level, he will be wiped out in an instant. .

"Eat, if you're hungry, please treat me."

"Why? My points are also very valuable." Su Long looked at them dissatisfied, always treating them to himself.

"Because we are stronger together than you. If you can, you can defeat us. Otherwise, you will have to treat us."

Su Long gritted his teeth and could only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach. He had to finish the evil he had done while crying.

"Just wait, one day I will knock you all down."

"Then we'll wait for you for this day." They didn't take Su Long's threat to heart at all. There were more than a dozen of them. If they were still beaten to the ground by Su Long, they would lose face.

They didn't know that what they didn't take to heart today was firmly remembered by Su Long, and this wish would be realized in the near future. They were all taught a lesson by Su Long together.

"Waiter, the best food and wine, please bring it up quickly."

Shenlong Academy also has a special restaurant. The meals there are made from ingredients with extremely high nutritional value and delicious taste. They are rich in energy. Eating every day can improve your strength.

Of course, these meal points are also very expensive. A meal will cost at least a thousand points. This is very expensive for newcomers. Even for them, they cannot afford to eat every day.

Su Long didn't care about this. Points were easily accessible to him now, and he could still afford a meal.

"Su Long, Su Long, something bad is going on."

Just when Su Long was eating, Xian Yunzi came in a hurry. Xian Yunzi and Wang Huayang had not yet been promoted to the supreme level, but they were not far behind. For Su Long's sake, the outer sect elder was very Take care of them.

However, they haven't gotten together for a long time, and Athlon has been busy practicing.

"Don't worry, Xianyunzi, what's going on? What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Go and have a look, Wang Huayang was injured, and the outer door was also picked on."


They thought that only Wang Huayang was in trouble, and the others didn't know Wang Huayang, so they would naturally not take action. However, when they heard that the outer sect had been picked, they couldn't remain silent. After all, the outer sect also represented the face of Shenlong Academy.

"What's going on? Aren't there elders from the outer sect?"

They are very clear about the strength of the outer sect elders, and absolutely no one can circumvent him to challenge the outer sect.

"The elder is here, but he can't take action."


"The people from the Divine Slaughter Academy are here. They are disciples who asked for a fight. One person defeated everyone in the outer sect. Even Wang Huayang only persisted for a moment and was defeated."

"Damn it, forget about this. Let's go. Today is the day of the challenge of the Divine Slaughter Academy. Last time they were picked by us, but we didn't expect them to strike first this time. Let's go to the outer gate first to protect the outside. 's little junior brother."

Everyone left with Tianyu, and Xianyunzi rushed to the outer gate with him.

As soon as I arrived at the outer gate, I heard the provocative voice of the Divine Slaughter Academy.

"Is this the level of Shenlong Academy? It is really a rubbish academy. It is not even a little bit worse than our Divine Killing Academy. This level is not enough to fill the teeth."

The outer disciples gritted their teeth one by one, but they did not rush forward because they had already failed and were all stained.

As for the supreme-level inner court disciples, they did not take action because it was the Half-Step Supreme who provoked them, and they could not be silenced by others saying that they were bullying the small ones.

But if they don't take action, no one in the outer sect will be his opponent, which makes them look ugly.

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