Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 744 Seriously injured

You can't cause much harm to An Wuyue's dragon roar, but it can slow down his movements for a second.

This second of being slow would give An Wuyue a great chance. If he kept attacking, he would probably lose here. He didn't believe that An Wuyue would spare his life.

"Keep attacking. Aren't you very strong? Come and try to kill me."

Even in dragon form, Anwu Yue's provocative expression can be seen.

However, Su Long ignored An Wuyue's provocation, and instead mocked disdainfully: "An Wuyue, you don't feel ashamed to say it. You are a dignified and supreme strong man, and a strong man of the Dark Dragon clan. A human at the peak of the God Emperor has been pushed to this level, I really don’t know where your pride comes from.”

"It's true that the Dark Dragon clan doesn't seem to be very strong. It's really embarrassing to be forced to this level by a God Emperor."


"Hurry up and commit suicide. We are all embarrassed. No, you are a lost dragon."

The people of Shenlong Academy are naturally on Su Long's side, and they will not be afraid even of the Dark Dragon clan. After all, this is the territory of the elemental dragon, and the Dark Dragon does not dare to be too presumptuous.

Listening to their taunts, An Wuyue's expression turned very bad. Lingshu kept scanning them, and finally looked at Su Long.

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude. I will kill you bit by bit, peel off your skin, cramp your muscles, and then life will be worse than death."

After saying that, An Wuyue's huge body came towards Su Long. Although An Wuyue's body was huge, her speed was not impressive at all. It was very fast. In an instant, she came in front of Su Long and waved the dragon claw clap. Toward Su Long's head.

"No, hide quickly."

After all, the Dragon Clan still has a great physical advantage. This move is very powerful, and it will be injured if it is hit hard.

"It's not that easy to run away, roar."

"Damn dragon roar."

While flying backwards, Su Long looked at three more wounds on his chest. He frowned and gave himself a dragon roar every critical moment, causing his soul to fall into chaos. He was so seriously injured after he was slow to move. .

"No, if this continues, he will drag you to death sooner or later."

Looking at Su Long's injuries, An Wuyue looked proud: "Aren't you very strong? Take action. If you don't, I will kill you."

After saying that, he rushed over again, not giving Su Long any chance at all. Su Long could only keep dodging.

But it failed every time. A dragon roar made Su Long stop, and then he was attacked.

It didn't take long for Su Long's body to become scarred, and he kept donating blood. An Wuyue had no intention of killing Su Long soon, just like a cat catching a mouse. He wanted to kill Su Long. Su Long played to death.

"Is this all you do? Keep fighting, aren't you very strong?"

Su Long didn't say anything, just stood there, staring blankly at An Wuyue, and then attacked An Wuyue.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities, roar."

The dragon's roar made Su Long pause. An Wuyue took the opportunity to attack Su Long's body with a claw. Su Long flew backwards and fell to the ground with serious injuries. The wound on his chest was so severe that his internal organs could almost be seen. , Su Long immediately took the elixir and stopped the wounds on his body.

"go to hell."

"Stop, Su Long has given up."

An Wuyue pursued the victory and wanted to kill Su Long, but was stopped by the outer sect elders. The outer sect elders stood in front of Su Long and withstood all An Wuyue's attacks.

"Outer sect elder, do you want to violate the rules?"

Seeing the outer elders coming out, the outer elders from Shenlan Academy also came out and came to him.

"Su Long has given up."

"Admit defeat? You don't have to say this. You'd better not interfere in the battle between them. Otherwise, I don't mind having a competition with you."

The expression on the outer elder's face was very ugly. Although he was not afraid of the outer elders of the Divine Slaughter Academy, if he was delayed, no one would be able to save Su Long. He did not want to see Su Long being killed.

"Elder, I'm fine. Just step away. I will win this game."

Su Long stood up and walked to the outer elders, signaling to the outer elders that he could still fight.

"But Su Long, your injury..."

"Elder, this is my battle, don't interfere."

He blinked at the elder of the outer sect and let out a smile. Looking at Su Long's appearance, the elder of the outer sect seemed to understand something and glared at Su Long fiercely: "Don't lose."

"Don't worry, I will kill him, but then I will trouble the elders."

The elder of the outer sect naturally knew what Su Long meant, so he nodded and retreated.

"Let's go ahead and I'll kill you in the next fight."

Seeing Su Long's miserable situation and still talking big words, An Wuyue smiled disdainfully: "Just what you are now? If you want to kill me, then just die."

"Dark Dragon Fist."

An Wuyue rushed over and struck at Su Long's head. Su Long hurriedly raised his hand to block An Wuyue's attack.

"If you want to block my attack, you're still far from it, Dragon's Roar Soul-Suppressing."

With a dragon roar, Su Long's movements became sluggish again, but Su Long had already defended his body and withstood An Wuyue's punch, but flew backwards and did not suffer much damage.

"Yes, yes, you can actually use this move to counter my attack, but I don't know how many moves you can block."

An Wuyue began to play with Su Long crazily, kicking Su Long around in the air like a ball. Su Long didn't make any movement and just endured it.

"Elder, Su Long..."

Tianyu and the others watched Su Long being attacked non-stop, and they couldn't bear it any longer, but they were stopped by the elder of the outer sect: "Don't move, trust him."

"But Anwuyue..."

When he was about to speak, he was stopped by the elder of the outer sect: "Has Su Long ever disappointed you? Don't you know his strength well?"

When the outer sect elders said this, they were stunned. They knew Su Long's strength very well. One against two was absolutely no problem. But now, forget it and believe Su Long. The outer sect elders all said so.

They stood there quietly, watching Su Long being abused.

An Wuyue played for a while and no longer had any interest in Su Long: "You have already made me lose interest. I will kill you next and suffer death."

This attack was different from the previous ones. A punch hit Su Long's body, knocking Su Long directly from the air to the ground.


Su Long withstood such a powerful attack and vomited blood suddenly, falling to the ground a little sluggishly.

At this time, An Wuyue also fell from the sky, changed into its original appearance, and walked towards Su Long step by step.

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