Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 750 Second Senior Sister

After breaking through Su Yi's entanglement, the madman looked at Su Long with a vigilant face. The burst of power just now had already strengthened his physical strength. If he continued to be entangled by Su Long, he might be defeated by Su Long. Long's hand is on him, which is not good news for him.

"I admit your strength. You are really a genius. No, you are a monster. Apart from the senior brother, I don't think anyone is more talented than you."

Regarding the madman's comments, they all admitted that Su Long's strength surprised them a lot. A person they thought was an ant actually posed such a big threat to them and forced a supreme high-level person to this extent.

"Thank you for the compliment. Are you going to let me go?"

If he could be allowed to pass without fighting, this would naturally be the best result, but this was obviously his extravagant wish. How could a madman let him pass like this?

"I admit your strength, but it doesn't mean that you can defeat me. You still can't defeat me now. That was your last resort just now, so now you should see my methods. "

Su Long will also not admit defeat. His desperate measures have not been used yet, but he does not plan to use them now. He will only use them after he feels that he has withstood the attack of the madman.

He will definitely not give up. Only by entering here and meeting people can he improve his strength. Fighting with these people will be interesting.

"The world is crazy."

The madman became serious, and the aura on his body was mobilized crazily. Su Long looked at the madman with a vigilant face. This move was worthy of his all-out effort.

"Madman, that's about it. Stop it."

Just when the madman's momentum was at its strongest, the second senior sister took action and directly suppressed the madman. Even the madman's supreme high-level strength was unable to resist in the hands of the second senior sister.

Being disrupted by the Second Senior Sister, the madman's aura was completely destroyed.

"Second Senior Sister, what do you mean?"

The madman stood up from the ground and looked at the second senior sister. He didn't know what she meant. This was a task assigned to him by the dean. He tried his best to stop Su Long.

But now that he had been destroyed by the Second Senior Sister, his energy had been exhausted and he no longer had the strength in his hands to continue fighting.

"Don't be angry. Don't be so harsh on my junior brother. You should leave your unique skills to the enemy. And you can't destroy this place. Leave the rest to me."

"Second Senior Sister, are you the second test?"

The madman glanced at the second senior sister with a look of disbelief, but when he saw the second senior sister nodding, he couldn't help but believe it.

After receiving the confirmation from Second Senior Sister, Madman glanced at Su Long, his eyes filled with sympathy.

"If I had known that the second level was guarded by the second senior sister, I wouldn't have fought him. He couldn't have passed anyway. The dean was so ruthless. I didn't expect that even the second senior sister would be used."

The madman retreated, leaving the battlefield to the second senior sister and Su Long. Su Long took this opportunity to recover quickly. Although the woman in front of him looked harmless, he knew as soon as he took action that this woman was not ordinary.

A person who can defeat the madman's attack and interrupt the madman's rhythm is definitely stronger than the madman. However, he is not yet at his peak, and the probability of defeating the second senior sister is almost zero.

The dean wanted to play him to death. He made it clear that he didn't want him to pass, but since it was already like this, there was no need for him to hide and choke. A good fight was the most important thing. They wouldn't kill him anyway. Own.

"Su Long."

"Second Senior Sister." Su Long still had some respect for the strong and bowed slightly to Second Senior Sister.

"Polite little guy, but it's useless. I am your assessor for the second level. Go ahead and attack with all your strength. I will only give you one chance to attack."

Su Long didn't refute, maybe he only had one chance to make a move, and he would be defeated by the second senior sister after one move.

"Wind God Realm, blessing."

"Blood Sea Realm, blessing."

"The realm of sex demons, blessings."

"Tai Chi field, blessing."

The power of the four realms was simultaneously blessed on Su Long's body. The powerful power made Su Long somewhat unbearable. His tough skin was torn apart, and his blood donation kept falling.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough." He could feel how powerful the woman in front of him was. Even in the face of such a powerful force, she acted calmly. It seemed that she could take it easily.

If it's not enough, then continue to strengthen your strength: "Blood Cry."

This time, after consuming the essence and blood of Su Long, his strength was strengthened again. This time, the second senior sister was moved, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Su Long was different.

"This kid actually has such great power, but he looks like he's trying his best, so let me try how strong he is."

"You all get out of the way, this attack will affect you."

Without any hesitation, everyone took two steps back. The second senior sister took out his purple silk silk, and the aura from her body exploded, and she was not weaker than the current Su Long.

"Split the sky."

All the power is concentrated on this sword. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

Where the cracked sky floated, the space was torn apart and the surrounding environment was destroyed. The second senior sister kept staring at Su Long's attack.

"The purple gauze fills the sky and is torn."

Second Senior Sister's attack followed, attacking Su Long and colliding with Liakong.

"The purple gauze is torn."



Although Zisha's attack was worse than that of Riakong, it was constantly broken, but it was reborn faster, weakening Su Long's attack bit by bit. By the time Riakong got in front of the second senior sister, there was only a very weak attack left.

The second senior sister crushed him with one hand and the attack failed. Su Long lost his strength and fell from the air.

It was already three days after Su Long woke up. After waking up, his body was still very weak, but it was no longer affected and he was just waiting to recover slowly.

Looking around the surroundings, Su Long didn't know where it was, but it should be a woman's room.

"you're awake."

When the door was opened and Su Long woke up, the second senior sister put the food on the table.

"Second Senior Sister?"

"You have been in a coma for three days and your body is still very weak. Eat something to replenish your body."

Sitting up tremblingly, Su Long still didn't understand. He didn't know what was going on. If he failed, shouldn't he be taken back by the punishment elder? Why was he in the second senior sister's room?

"Second Senior Sister, what's going on? I..."

"Are you wondering why Elder Punishment didn't take you back? Don't worry about it. If you pass, you will stay here to practice from now on."

Su Long was very excited after hearing what Second Senior Sister said, but he still didn't understand how he could pass.

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