Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 754 Crocodile

Su Long just did it casually, destroying the corpses and eliminating traces. The strong corrosion of the swamp could destroy the three of them in an instant.

But when Su Long threw the three bodies of them down, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the swamp and took the three bodies away.

The speed of the black shadow was so fast that even Su Long didn't react. When he came back to his senses, he saw the ugly crocodile lying on the swamp, chewing the body.


The crocodile monster stared at Su Long, and the movements in his mouth did not stop at all. However, he did not take action rashly. He could feel that Su Long's aura was very strong. If he took action, he would probably be injured.

Moreover, Su Long is on land now. If he is not in the swamp, the crocodile's combat effectiveness will be reduced a lot. Only in the swamp can his combat effectiveness be strengthened. This is where he is like a fish in water. Even those who are stronger than him may not be able to Beat him.

And even if you can't defeat him, you can still escape through swamp escape.

Soon the three corpses were eaten by the crocodile. The power in the corpses made the crocodile feel full and burped.

The fishy evil spirit with a corrosive aura attacked Su Long.

Su Long frowned and hid aside. He didn't want to fight this crocodile. It was too disgusting and his body reeked of stench.

Su Long did not intend to fight the crocodile, but the crocodile did not intend to let Su Long go. Seeing Su Long about to turn around and leave, the crocodile rushed towards Su Long and opened its big mouth full of fangs in the air.

As if he wanted to swallow Su Long, feeling the attack from behind, Su Long calmly punched the crocodile in the abdomen, and the dozens of meters long crocodile was directly knocked away.

However, it did not cause any harm to him and just made him retreat.

"I don't want to fight you. Eating three corpses is enough. If you dare to sneak attack me again, don't blame me for being rude."

Su Long stood there quietly. He had no idea about this crocodile and there was no need to fight.

But at this time, the crocodile was already furious. He had never been directly knocked away by anyone. Now he felt humiliated and continued to kill Su Long. The corrosive aura on his body became even stronger.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Su Long's eyes also turned cold. Looking at the speeding crocodile, Su Long took out the Thunder Sword and rushed towards the crocodile.

The exquisite sword moves and Su Long's impressive strength caused the charging crocodile to fly upside down, with more and more wounds on its body. However, this did not make the crocodile give up, but instead became more bloodthirsty.

"Fuck me." Su Long had lost his patience. This sword hit Su Long's strongest attack. The indestructible sword light directly pierced the crocodile. With a strong stroke, the crocodile was beheaded by Su Long. Became two halves.


After cutting the crocodile open, a jet black bead fell out of his body.

"It's such a big inner elixir, and the corrosive power inside it is so strong. As long as this is absorbed, the power of the law of corrosion will be greatly improved."

Su Long also sighed and put away the inner elixir. He was not interested in this corrosive power, so he moved on after putting it away.

Not far away, danger continued to appear. Su Long was unexpectedly surrounded by piranha flowers. The piranha flowers here were not comparable to those before.

The most important thing is that deep in the piranha, Su Long felt a more powerful force.

"Piranha King?"

Without giving Su Long any chance to think, the piranha flowers surrounded Su Long and attacked Su Long continuously. Su Long kept killing, but these piranha flowers were simply endless.

The killed piranha flowers fell to the ground and disappeared quickly. They turned into fertilizer, nourishing the piranha flowers. The ones that were chopped off soon grew new piranha flowers, and it was like this endlessly. Yes, they can't be killed at all.

"Destroy you more than I can."

Take out the guts of the crocodile. Since it can't be killed, let's corrode it all. If it's corroded, he doesn't believe that piranha can still grow.

Sure enough, they were still timid about the piranha inside the crocodile, but they stopped moving forward and kept swaying there.


A strange voice sounded, and all the piranha flowers became violent and rushed toward Su Long desperately. It seemed that the piranha flower king gave them the order to attack Su Long.

"In this case, you all go to hell."

Su Long directly crushed the inner elixir, and the violent corrosive power raged around. The piranhas were the first to be eroded by the corrosive power, and they fell to the ground one by one and could not stand up.

The corrosive power was still spreading. Su Long kept walking towards the depths of the piranha. Every step he took, the piranha had to pay a heavy price. I have to say that there are really many piranha. .

Soon Su Long came to the Piranha King. Compared with ordinary Piranha Flowers, the Piranha Flower King was more powerful and larger. The most important thing was that the Piranha Flower King actually had one eye.

"Human, you just slaughtered my people, I want to eat you."

The King of Piranha Flowers doesn't care about his people. One of his seeds can grow many, many Piranha Flowers. However, this is related to his face. If he doesn't care about Hua Mian, he must kill Su Long and cut him. He felt that there was a very powerful force in Su Long's body. As long as he swallowed Su Long, he could continue to evolve.

"You're a little piranha, you're so arrogant, wait until I kill you."

The Thunder Sword went directly towards the Piranha King. There was nothing unusual about the Piranha King. But when his single eye lit up, Su Long felt a sense of crisis and hid aside.

As soon as he dodged in front, he saw a burnt area where he had just stood. The most important thing was that he didn't see how the attack passed.

"It's a very fast attack, but it's not very powerful."

After dodging the attack, Su Long continued to rush forward, but this time he was stopped by the swarms of piranha flowers. Even if Su Long could clear it quickly, it would still take time. The piranha flower king kept attacking from behind.

Su Long couldn't dodge wholeheartedly. He relied on his sense of crisis to dodge. Sometimes if he reacted slowly, he would be hit.

Although the damage caused to Su Long was not too great, it still made him uncomfortable. However, being entangled by so many piranha flowers, it was a bit troublesome to get close to the piranha flower king and kill him.

"It's really troublesome to be entangled by a little piranha king."

Su Long thought he could easily get rid of him, but he didn't expect the Man-Eating Flower King to have these methods.

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