Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 762 Confrontation

Su Long was there quietly watching where he struggled. He knew that the ghost eater would not surrender so simply. He must be trying to use tricks. Unfortunately, he still underestimated Su Long's control methods. Google search reading

No one controlled by Su Long has ever escaped, not even the ghost eater. After struggling for a long time, the ghost eater stopped struggling and looked at Su Long pitifully.

"Can you please let me go? I don't want to be controlled."

"Do you think it's possible?"

The ghost eater lowered his head. This was simply impossible. He had no room for resistance now and could only stay quietly in Su Long's hands.

"Can you control the zombies outside?"

"Yes, they were created by me, and I can control them."

After receiving this news, Su Long was very satisfied: "Put them all away."

After controlling the ghost eaters, Su Long no longer needed to fight with them. After taking them all away, he walked towards the passage.

At the end of the passage was a stone door. Su Long smashed the stone door with one punch. After passing through the stone door, Su Long came to a room.

"Is this the alchemy room? You're pretty lucky."

The shelves are filled with elixirs, all of which are super holy level elixirs. Although the medicinal properties are somewhat lost, they are still valuable.

After searching the room clean, he came to another room. In this room were books of secret techniques. These were not of much value to Su Long, but they were of some use to his subordinates. These tips can be practiced.

As soon as Su Long put away his secret skill, he felt the sound of breaking through the air behind him. With a wave of his hand, he directly killed the attacker.

"You actually want to kill people and buy goods without looking at your own level."

Ignoring him, Su Long began to look for an exit, but it was indeed a closed space with walls on all sides and no exit at all.

"Break it for me."

A sword smashed the wall in front of him, and Su Long looked helpless: "Where is the exit? I don't believe how many walls you have to stop me."

Su Long began to attack the wall in front of him non-stop, walking forward in a straight line, the god blocking the god would kill the god, and the wall blocking the wall would shatter the wall.

But the hard work paid off. After Su Long attacked for two days, he finally saw an exit. Although he didn't know what dangers there were, he couldn't care less now and walked out directly from the exit.

"Holy crap, the exit is actually in the air."

Su Long was floating in the air. He didn't know where he was below, so he was cautious when he went down.

And below Su Long, a battle was taking place.

"King Eagle Claw, don't go too far. Aren't you afraid of my senior brother's revenge? You are only the forty-two, and my senior brother is the second. Killing you is like slaughtering a dog."

The person who spoke was none other than Madman. Madman had been seriously injured. He had just experienced a big battle. Otherwise, he would not have been forced to do this by the Eagle Claw King. You must know that Madman was ranked forty on the Demon Ranking.

The Eagle Claw King looked at the madman and the people behind him with disdain: "I really can't offend the senior brother of Shenlong Academy, but I can offend you madman. I haven't forgotten the hatred I had last time. Today, my God Look after me and let me find you.”

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone here go. It's impossible for me to let them pass on the news."

The madman looked at the Eagle Claw King warily. His combat power was now at a loss. Facing the Eagle Claw King, he was a little powerless, but he could still resist for a while.

"You guys run quickly and go find Second Senior Sister. I'll help you stop the Eagle Claw King."

"Crazy you..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the Eagle Claw King is not something you can deal with."

The Eagle Claw King just looked at them quietly. In his opinion, these people in front of him were all dead.

"Run for me."

The people behind him heard the madman's voice and fled in all directions, while the madman also killed the Eagle Claw King.

"The world is crazy."

"Vulnerable to a single blow, the eagle strikes the sky."

Facing the seriously injured madman, the Eagle Claw King didn't take it to heart at all.


The palm of the Eagle Claw King hit the madman's chest, and there was a harsh sound of broken bones. The madman flew backwards, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his whole state became even more depressed.

"If you dare to challenge me with such strength, go to hell."

The madman's eyes widened, and he tried his best to resist the attack of the Eagle Claw King. But how could he block the attack of the Eagle Claw King now? His arm was directly shattered, and the aura on his body became even more depressed.

"No? Then let's see how you can resist my next attack."

The Eagle Claw King looked ferocious as he stepped forward and attacked the madman's chest. The madman closed his eyes. He had no power to resist now and could only wait to be killed.


Just when the Eagle Claw King's attack was about to penetrate the madman's chest, a sound pierced through the air came from behind him, and it locked onto him. If he attacked the madman, he would be penetrated by the attack instantly.

He didn't dare to gamble, couldn't gamble, there was no need to risk his life for a dying person, so he gave up on killing the madman and hid aside.

As soon as the Eagle Claw King dodged with his front foot, a lightning flashed through his back foot, and there was a sword beside the madman.

Feeling the power in his ears, Madman opened his eyes and looked at the familiar sword: "Is this, Junior Brother?"

"Brother Crazy, are you okay? Fortunately, I arrived in time."

The sword arrived before the others arrived, and Su Long quickly rushed over, stood beside the madman, looked at the injuries on the madman, and frowned: "Brother Madman, what's going on with you? Why are you so seriously injured?" injury."

After taking the elixir, the madman sat up cross-legged: "Compared to life, this injury is nothing. Senior brother owes you a life, but you have to be careful. This guy's strength is on par with mine. Demon List 42 Name, Eagle Claw King."

Madman didn't let Su Long run away. He knew that Velociraptor wouldn't run away, and Su Long was no worse than him in strength. He was still 50-50 against the Eagle Claw King.

The Eagle Claw King had been staring at Su Long since Su Long came. Seeing that Su Long was only at the peak of the God Emperor, he had a ferocious smile on his face. He was very angry at the attack just now. A small peak God Emperor could actually Dare to attack him.

"Another one is going to die. You attacked me just now, so I will cut you into pieces and let you watch yourself die bit by bit."

Su Long didn't take Du Yu's Eagle Claw King's threat seriously at all: "A little chick is still talking nonsense here. Apart from sneak attacks, your strength is meager."

Su Long's words made the Eagle Claw King very angry, and he came towards Su Long and said, "The eagle strikes the sky."

"You are just a hen laying eggs. The power is too weak. Get out of here."

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