Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 764 Fantasy Ancient City

"Then you have to be careful. The dog bites people when it is anxious. It's not enough for you to hold on to your immortal body."

The two of them refused to admit defeat and kept taunting each other.

"Then let me see if you are qualified to kill."

Dense fish hooks appeared on the old man's body and he rushed towards Su Long, and also swept up the madman. The madman now had no fighting power and could not block such an attack.

"You go first, I'll deal with him."

After kicking the lunatic out, he faced the old man's attack alone.

It has to be said that the old man is really strong. The fishhook in the old man's hand can exert extremely powerful force, suppressing Su Long tightly, without any room to fight back. Now he can only defend. At a disadvantage.

However, Su Long is not discouraged. He is just retreating, not losing. If he wants to defeat him, the old man's current strength is not enough.

"Boy, aren't you crazy? Why don't you even have room to fight back now? I'm still waiting for you to kill me."

The old man didn't take Shuang seriously. The only people he could take seriously were people with a similar ranking to him. No one else was qualified, let alone Su Long, an ant at the peak of the divine emperor. He was just an ant now. Just teasing Su Long.

Su Long didn't accept his trick: "Kill me if you can. After living for such a long time, you have such little strength. It's really despising."

Neither of the two was stimulated by the other's me. They were both testing each other. Once they figured out each other's strength, they would attack with all their strength.

But right here, there was a huge explosion in the secret realm, and the sky seemed to be torn open, and everyone looked into the sky.

A castle unexpectedly fell from the sky and was located directly there. Seeing this castle, the old man stopped attacking with an excited look on his face. Even Su Long ignored him and flew towards the castle.

Su Long did not pursue. He still had some difficulty facing the old man. He was no match for the old man. However, he was more curious about what it was about this castle that could make the old man give up dealing with him.

"Crazy brother, do you know what this is?"

"Dream ancient city, a rare contract. There are rich treasures in it, but there are also great dangers, but the opportunities inside are so exciting. When someone enters, he is still a god emperor, and when he comes out, he becomes the supreme peak. People Everyone hopes to encounter such an opportunity, but the dreamy ancient city has never appeared, and I didn’t expect it to appear here now.”

The madman also had an excited look on his face, and it seemed that he really wanted to get in and get a chance.

"Take good care of your injuries. Your current injuries used to lead to death. Let's go together after you recover."

"It's wasting your time. Give me two days and we'll set off."

He did not refuse Su Long's help. He really needed someone to protect him now. He had no fighting ability at all and would be killed by anyone he met.

Two days later.

"Let's set off. My injuries have healed to some extent, and I will be able to fight when I go in."

During this period, they saw many people heading towards the Dream Ancient City, and they were very anxious. However, Su Long still let him recover from his injuries before leaving. They were not in a hurry. Opportunities cannot be obtained just by wanting them. There was already a river of blood.

Now that they have recovered from their injuries, it's time for them to go. After all, the earlier they get, the better their chances will be.

But when they arrived at the Ancient City of Dreams, they found that a large number of people had gathered outside the Ancient City of Dreams, but no one could get in. They were all guarding outside.

"What's going on? Why don't you go in? If you're scared, get out of here. I'll go in first. The treasures inside are all mine."


"stupid guy."

"This kind of person can still survive until now."

There is always a reckless man who can't stand the temptation. Seeing others not entering, he couldn't help it and rushed towards the Dream Ancient City.

"The treasure is mine."

When he dared to touch the gate of the ancient dream city, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and chopped him into ashes. In an instant, there was no trace left behind.

No one sympathized with him. This was the price paid for being reckless, but they couldn't wait like this.

"How should we enter? Are there any restrictions on the ancient city of dreams? Age? Realm? Gender?"

"I don't know. You can't enter now anyway. Many people have died just now. They are all dead. There is no residue left."

Everyone is studying the Dream Ancient City, but they don’t know how to get in.

"System, do you know the Dream Ancient City? How can I get in? Are there any conditions?"

"No more than 50,000 years old. When you enter, you must bow three times. You cannot rush. You must walk in slowly."

The corner of Su Long's mouth twitched slightly. What kind of way to enter is this? Is this to see the Bodhisattva? But the system said so, it must be the correct way to enter.

"Brother Crazy, go find Second Senior Sister and the others. You will see my movements clearly in a moment. My movements are the key to entering the door. Please don't follow me. You will become everyone's target."

The lunatic also knew that this was for their own good, and did not ask why Su Long knew the way to enter, but just believed in Su Long.

Su Long walked towards the Dream Ancient City step by step, ignoring the mocking glances around him.

"Another idiot looking for death. Although the treasure is important, what's the use of having the treasure if you're dead?"

"Idiots are always blinded by treasures, let's just watch him die."

Everyone was laughing at Su Long, but Su Long just smiled disdainfully. How could a group of idiots know what he was thinking.

"One bow, two bows, three bows..."

"Hahahaha." Seeing Su Long kowtow three times to the Dream Ancient City, they all burst out laughing. This was the first time they saw someone kowtow to the ancient city.

"a bunch of idiots."

After giving them a disdainful glance, Su Long walked in slowly. In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Su Long disappeared.


"No, there was thunder and lightning. Could it be that the gate of the Dream Ancient City has been opened?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry and rush, otherwise all the treasures will be snatched away by him."

Seeing Su Long walking in, how could they bear it? They rushed towards the Dream Ancient City one by one, but before they could walk in, thunder and lightning crackled down, and they retreated again.

Looking at the bodies on the ground, they couldn't believe it: "Why, wasn't it already turned on? Why did it appear again now?"

"Could it be that he bowed down just now? But how could the ancient city of Dreams accept the bowing?"

"Whatever it is, why don't you just give it a try?"

They had forgotten how they had laughed at Su Long just now. They followed Su Long's example, kowtowed three times to the dreamy ancient city, and then walked in step by step with uneasiness.

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