Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 767 Surrender to me

"How on earth do you want to return my treasure to me? Google search to read"

Jiaolong is very fond of these treasures and has no resistance at all. These are the stocks that he has worked hard to collect for thousands of years. Now that they have been taken away, he feels very unhappy.

"Well, I have to think about this carefully. There are so many treasures worth a lot of money, so I definitely can't give them to you for free."

Hearing what Su Long said, Jiaolong opened his eyes angrily: "These things are all mine. You are a thief. You took my things and negotiated terms with me."

"Tch." Su Long rolled his eyes at Jiaolong with disdain: "Are these things yours? They were just stolen by you. Let me ask your explanation. If you kill them and take away their treasures, this thing becomes yours. Yes, then if I snatch yours now, then these treasures will be mine."

Jiaolong was angry and itched his teeth, but he had no choice but to ask, "What do you want to do?"

"Submit to me and I will give you all these things."

"Impossible, you are dreaming." Su Long's request made Jiaolong even more angry. He was a majestic Jiaolong, and it was impossible for him to submit to humans.

"It seems you don't want to take these treasures anymore."

"Hmph, don't threaten me with treasures. Although I love treasures, these treasures are nothing compared to freedom. At worst, I am collecting them."

Su Long knew that he was not so easy to fool. It was impossible to subdue a supreme high-level dragon with some treasures, but fortunately he had a secret weapon.

"It's such a pity. I see that you are extremely talented and have the hope of becoming a dragon, so I want to help you. And I have many shining treasures here. Since you don't appreciate it, forget it. You can only be It’s impossible to become a dragon if you want to become a dragon.”

It was his lifelong regret that he did not transform into a dragon. Although the dragon was also very powerful, his status was much lower than that of the dragon clan, and even his bloodline was much thinner.

But there was nothing he could do about it. An accident occurred when he transformed, and his transformation into a dragon was interrupted. This also resulted in his strength being only able to rise to the supreme level. If he wanted to break through to the supreme peak, he must be Complete dragon bloodline.

Now that he heard that Su Long meant that it could help him improve his bloodline, he was very excited: "Is what you said true? Can my bloodline continue to improve?"

He no longer cares about those useless treasures. Bloodline is the most important treasure. If he can transform into a dragon, he can get as many treasures as he wants.

But Su Long's conditions made him very embarrassed. Although he was only half of the dragon bloodline, he was also very arrogant. He couldn't do it if he was asked to submit to a human.

"Can you change the conditions? As long as you can help me improve my bloodline, I will do three things for you."

The transformed dragon stood in front of Su Long and looked at Su Long with an equal attitude. Unfortunately, Su Long would not leave such a big trouble for himself.

No one knows whether humans will go to war with the dragons in the future. If they help, they will be subsidizing the enemy. Only if they are firmly in their own hands is the safest way.

"This matter is simply impossible. Although the relationship between humans and dragons has eased, it is not that harmonious. You are still from the dragons after all. I can't help you improve your strength. There is no other condition except surrendering to me."

Jiaolong's eyes dimmed, and then he looked at Su Long fiercely: "Since I know you can help me improve my bloodline, I won't let you go. I will imprison you until you are willing to help me improve my bloodline."

After hearing what Jiao Long said, Su Long burst out laughing: "Are you serious? If you are willing, I can help you now. Do you want to use it?"

Jiaolong didn't dare. Su Long did this, but Jiaolong didn't dare anymore. If Su Long harmed him, he would die inexplicably.

But he was not willing to let him miss the opportunity like this: "Huh, even if you can't improve your bloodline, I won't let you go."

"Don't let me leave? Then we can try. How much stronger are you than me? If I want to leave, no one can stop me. You can't find any trace of me at all."

Jiaolong was so angry that he was itching his teeth. Sulong was always being a hedgehog, leaving him nowhere to start.

"What do you want? Are there no other conditions? I will protect you for a hundred years and do three things for you."

"No, surrender to me."

"Submission is impossible. I am a proud dragon."

"No need to talk about that."

One person and one dragon looked at each other in the air, and no one wanted to let go. The dragon was a very powerful fighting force for Su Long. After improving his bloodline, he could reach the supreme peak. His strength was very strong. If he could conquer it, it would be very useful to him. benefit.

Jiaolong also couldn't let go of Sulong. He had stayed here for tens of thousands of years and his strength had reached its peak. No matter how much he accumulated or how hard he worked, he could not break through the bloodline barrier.

Now it's hard to find someone who can help him improve his bloodline, and he doesn't want to let this opportunity go easily.

But none of them were willing to give in, which made it very difficult to handle.

"I don't have time to waste any more time with you. I have to go find the treasure. I'll say goodbye. You can only stay here for the rest of your life. You won't be able to see the vast world, and you won't be able to travel around the world as a dragon."

Su Long turned back three times with each step, seducing as he walked: "I'm really leaving. There will definitely be no one except me who can improve the bloodline."

"I really left, don't regret it."

"After passing this village, there is no such shop. I have to leave."

Su Long seduced Jiaolong with every word. Jiaolong watched Su Long walking farther and farther, and was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. He really wanted to become a dragon, but the price of becoming a dragon was too high, so he had to surrender.

The two must make a choice: to be a dragon for the rest of their lives, or to become a dragon, to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

He was very conflicted now, his brows were knitted together, he thought about it a lot, and finally made up his mind.

"Wait, I surrender."

Su Long and Jiao Long breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Su Long's goal was achieved, and Jiao Long no longer struggled with his decision.

"You made a very wise decision, follow me, you can eat whatever you want and spicy food, and do whatever you want."

"Are you sure you can help me transform into a dragon? I need to verify it. If I am controlled by you and find out that I have been fooled, there is nothing I can do, so I want to see your methods first."

"My method? It's very simple."

A very huge drop of blood appeared on Su Long's hand. Looking at the blood drop on Su Long's hand, Jiaolong suppressed the urge to grab it.

"I still have a lot of authentic dragon blood. Surrender to me and I can help you exchange blood and replace your impure blood. Then you will be able to transform."

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