Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 774 Overcoming the Tribulation

The dark red divine thunder usually hurts the supreme being upon contact, which shows how powerful it is. Google search reading

If they had been faced with so many dark red divine thunders, they would have been blasted into pieces long ago, but now the dark red divine thunders were blasted away by Su Long's punches.

The shattered dark red divine thunder fell to the ground, turning the ground into large craters, proving that it was indeed the real dark red divine thunder.

"It's been a month. The dark red divine thunder has been bombarding for a whole month. This kid is too powerful."

A month is just the blink of an eye to them, but they are all people who have survived the thunder tribulation, and every minute and every second is torture for those who have survived the tribulation.

When they were going through the tribulation, they wished it would end as soon as possible, but now they have been bombarded for a whole month, and the ground has dropped a lot.

But Su Long was still full of energy. Although his body was somewhat damaged, Que did not pose any threat to him.

"Go on, Master, I'm not comfortable enough yet."

Su Long's voice resounded throughout the sky, shocking the onlookers. It was not enough. This was so outrageous.

"No, Zixiao Divine Thunder, get out of the way."

It seems that in response to Su Long's provocation, the Zixiao Divine Thunder was directly lowered. Judging from the performance of the onlookers, one can see the power of the Zixiao Divine Thunder.

"What on earth did this guy do? How did he provoke the Purple Night Divine Thunder? One Purple Night Divine Thunder is enough to kill a group of supreme high-level people. With so many Zixiao Divine Thunder, he will definitely not be able to withstand it. "

None of them refuted. They had seen the Zixiao Divine Thunder once before, and everything was destroyed. The tribulation-rider could not withstand the remaining power of the Zixiao Divine Thunder, and was directly shaken to pieces.

Moreover, wherever the Purple Night Divine Thunder falls, a thunder field will be formed, which will not recede for a hundred years. Now that so many Purple Night Divine Thunder have fallen, they no longer have any expectations for Su Long.

"Look at him, he actually rushed forward. Isn't he seeking death? Provoking the law of heaven will only make the thunder disaster more intense."

Su Long's behavior of seeking death made them even more confused. It's not that no one has done anything to provoke Tiandao. It's just that everyone who has done it has died. No one can survive from Tiandao. Over time, people have given up on this kind of action. .

Now that Su Long actually provoked Tiandao, they naturally became even less optimistic about Su Long.

The Zixiao Divine Thunder descended desperately, and Su Long was instantly submerged in it, unable to find anyone at all.

"It's over, the thunder tribulation is over."

"No, you see, the thunder calamity is still falling, which means that the person who has overcome the calamity is not dead yet, he must still be persisting."

"Even if he persists for a long time, he must have used means to save his life, and he won't last long."

Everyone was waiting like this, they wanted to see Su Long destroyed by Zixiao Divine Thunder with their own eyes.

But they had been waiting like this for a month, and the Zixiao Divine Thunder had not stopped falling for a full month.

The onlookers were all numb: "Is he not dead yet? What kind of means did he have, and he persisted for a month without being killed."


The purple light collapsed, and the Zixiao Divine Thunder was directly dispersed by Su Long. Su Long took the opportunity to attack Jie Yun, and Jie Yun was directly opened by Su Long.

This blow completely angered the robbery cloud, and the robbery cloud began to roll continuously. The black robbery cloud began to change continuously, dark red, white, purple, black... seven colors were constantly changing.

"What's going on? Why has Jie Yun changed?"

"Impossible, how is this possible, impossible, it must be an illusion."

Some people in the crowd looked at the seven-colored calamity clouds in the sky in horror. Their bodies were trembling and they kept saying it was impossible.

People around him looked at him in confusion: "What's wrong with you? What are you afraid of?"

"Seven colors appear, and wontons appear. This is the Thunder Tribulation of the Chaos God, the most powerful attack. One blow is equivalent to the full strength of the Supreme Peak."

"What? Chaos God Thunder Tribulation?"

Everyone's eyes began to stare at Jie Yun. Sure enough, the seven colors kept changing, giving people an even stronger sense of oppression.

"Is it true that the thunder tribulation of the Chaos God has finally come? Come on, I'm ready."

"The field is fully opened and blessed."

"Thunder Sword."


Su Long was not one to sit back and wait for death. So what if he was struck by lightning? He could break it with one sword.

Su Long repeatedly provoked Tiandao, and everyone became calm and looked at Su Long quietly. They did not jump to conclusions. A month ago, they thought Su Long would be killed, but Athlon was still alive and well.

Now facing the Chaos Divine Thunder, they also believe that Su Long cannot survive, but they always hope that Su Long can survive safely. They are very contradictory now.

"Break it for me."


A chaotic divine thunder fell from the sky and struck Su Long's head directly. Su Long raised his sword to meet the thunder and was struck down from the sky in an instant. It was still difficult to resist the power of heaven.

However, the Chaos Divine Thunder only chopped Su Long from the sky and did not cause any harm to him.



Before the first divine thunder could be resisted, hundreds of divine thunder crackled down from behind, all heading towards Su Long.

With a loud "Boom...", the ground began to tremble, spreading to a distance of tens of thousands of miles, trembling non-stop.

Seeing the Chaos Divine Thunder continuously striking down, everyone thought Su Long was dead.

"Let's go, no matter how strong a person is, there is no way he can withstand such a powerful attack."

"Yes, his good luck has come to an end. It's a pity. Without the Chaos God Thunder, he would have been a giant."

I feel very sorry for Su Long, but the law of heaven cannot be violated. It can only be said that Su Long committed suicide by himself.

The Chaos Divine Thunder kept coming down and spread over a long distance. They did not dare to touch the Chaos Divine Thunder and retreated away one by one.

"What a powerful force, it will kill you if you touch it."

No one dares to get close to the Chaos Divine Thunder. Even the place where Su Long passed the tribulation has become a barren land. The Chaos Divine Thunder will not disappear without a thousand or even ten thousand years.

In the center of the Chaos Divine Thunder, Su Long sat cross-legged and began to absorb the power of the Chaos Divine Thunder crazily.

He is originally a thunder body, and with the power of the Law of Chaos, he has an inexplicable attraction to the Chaos God Thunder. Although the Chaos God Thunder is very strong, he was still able to carry it down. Now he only needs to absorb the power of the Chaos God Thunder. That's it.

He has now successfully broken through to the Supreme, and more than half of the power in his body has been emptied. Now he is in great need of replenishing his strength.

"With my current strength, I am comparable to the six of them, and even stronger than them. When the time comes for the Demon Ranking Competition, I will give them a try."

He closed his eyes and began to absorb the power. The power of the Chaos God Thunder was decreasing day by day.

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