"Since you don't obey my arrangements, I can only let you die. Don't worry, your soul will not dissipate like this. I will detain him and no secret of yours will escape my control. Google Search and read”

"You seem to be too confident. Do you really think you can catch me with a few broken fishhooks? What a naive idea."

Before the old man could refute, he felt the pressure on his fishhook increase greatly.

"How could this happen? His strength has increased so much. Let me suppress him."

The fishhook floated out of his body again and moved towards Su Long to suppress it. The iron ring doubled in thickness, but this did not stop Su Long, but instead shook him even more.

"Open it for me."

The fishhook was directly suppressed by Su Long and became torn into pieces. The old man was also knocked back three steps and looked at Su Long in disbelief: "Your strength has improved so much. What did Zu Long give you?" The baby can increase your combat effectiveness by more than ten times."

The old man's words made the eyes of the people around him gleam, and they all became eager to move. Something that can increase a person's strength tenfold is definitely a good thing.

"You want to know what treasure I got?"

"Of course, and it's not just me who wants to know, everyone here wants to know."

The old man brought everyone here with him. Although Su Long's strength has improved a lot, more than half of the top combat power in Dragon Domain is gathered here. It is impossible for Su Long to escape.

"If you want to know, then defeat me. As long as you can defeat me, everything I have is yours, but your strength is really too bad. If you want to kill me, you are not qualified, and you are not qualified either. ."

After saying that, Su Long looked at the six people in front of him, should you come up one by one or together.

"Junior brother, let's keep the fight between us on the Demon List. I won't be merciful when the time comes. Although I also want to know, I won't take anything that doesn't belong to me."

Of course, the reason why he doesn't know how to rob is because his strength is about the same as him. If the difference in strength is too big, it would be a sin to hold the treasure.

"Thank you very much, Senior Brother."

There are five people in front of him, and their strength is no worse than that of the senior brother. It is very stressful for him to face five people at the same time, but he is not willing to fight without a fight. It is not bad to escape if he cannot defeat them.

"The eldest lady has an order not to get involved in anything that concerns you. If there are any requests, the Li family will go all out to help you."

Everyone was stunned, even Su Long was dumbfounded. He didn't know what it meant. The Li family had no contact with him. How could it be possible? Could it be...

Su Long seemed to have thought of something. He turned to look at the leader of the Li family. He nodded. It was indeed as Su Long thought. The Li family was his mother's family, and the eldest lady they talked about was his mother.

Finally found it, it seemed that it was time for him to go to the Li family, and now that he was qualified, even the Li family couldn't keep him, and it was impossible to offend him.

"You four can come together or one by one, I won't refuse anyone who comes."

Su Long's words made everyone stunned. These four people were the most powerful people on the Demon List. Su Long actually challenged four of them. This kind of courage has never been seen in Dragon Realm.

"Hmph, I heard that you killed many people from the Divine Slaughter Academy. Since you killed my junior brother, I can't be polite to you."

The Divine Slaughter Academy and the Divine Dragon Academy have been at odds since ancient times, so he will naturally stand up now.

"Really? Now that all the senior brothers from the Divine Slaughter Academy have come out, I naturally can't back down. If you want to teach my junior brother a lesson, shouldn't he pass my test?"

The eldest brother of Shenlong Academy stood up. This was related to the honor of the two colleges. As the eldest brother, he would naturally not let Su Long bear the responsibility. Otherwise, if word spread, others would think that he was afraid.

"Which of you wants to deal with him, then go through me first. I just want to test how your strength has improved."

With the obstruction of the eldest brother and the people from the Li family, there were only two people left to deal with Su Long. However, they did not have much grudge against Su Long, and they had offended three supreme powerhouses for no reason, so there was no need.

"There is no rush in the battle between us now. We can only compete for the Demon List in ten years. The winner will naturally be determined between us by then."

If they fight now, they will only gain an advantage over others. When they fight, there will never be a winner or loser in a short period of time. Once the winner is decided, injuries will definitely be inevitable, which will definitely be very detrimental to the subsequent battles.

"Hmph, kid, put your head on your neck first, and I will kill you with my own hands during the Demon Ranking Competition."

"Devil Ranking Tournament? If I don't participate, your plan won't succeed."

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Su Long to say this, but Su Long did tell the truth. If Athlon didn't participate, he would have no chance.


"Idiot, it's not just you who wants to kill me, I also want to kill you. Don't worry, I will participate in the Demon Ranking Tournament, and I will crush your head by then."

The battle couldn't start, and they couldn't attack Su Long. After all, there were two behemoths from Shenlong Academy and the Li family standing behind Su Long. If he offended them, he would be killed in minutes.

"let's go."

As quickly as they came, they left even faster. Everyone had evacuated, leaving only Su Long, the Li family and Shenlong Academy.

"Elder brother, I need to go to Li's house, so I won't go back now. I'll go back after I finish my work."

"let's go."

The eldest brother didn't mess around and went back with the people.

"Let's go too."

Following the people of the Li family, Su Long and the others quickly arrived at the Li family. The Li family was not weaker than the Sun family, and the people at the beginning of the supreme level were actually the gatekeepers.

Moreover, except for the servants in the Li family, they are basically the most powerful people. They are worthy of being one of the six major forces in the Dragon Realm. They are indeed huge. If they offend the Li family, they will probably die without knowing how.

Even the most powerful people would not dare to offend the Li family easily.

"Let's go. The clan leader is already waiting for you. He knows he will come back, but I advise you to be careful. The clan leader is very strong. I am not the clan leader's opponent. I think the clan leader will test your strength."

Su Long nodded, naturally knowing the reason, but it was not that simple to test him. He was not a lamb to be slaughtered. At worst, he would cause a big stir in the Li family, and I believe no one would be able to keep him.

"Clan leader, the young master is back and has brought the young master back with him."

"Long'er is here too."

Just as he was about to stand up to greet me, the patriarch pushed him down on the chair with force: "You are not allowed to go out. Have you forgotten what your father said? You are not allowed to interrupt for a while."

Su Long's mother looked at his father with a troubled face, and finally nodded in agreement.

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