Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 779 Shengge every day

"Father, do you think Su Long's return will affect me? His strength is so strong. No one is his opponent except the eldest brother. The eldest brother doesn't care about the position of the clan leader. If he covets the position of the clan leader, wouldn't I... …”

"Don't worry about these unfounded things. Your grandfather knows it well. If you want to be the head of the Li family, you are still not strong enough. Even with the help of your elder brother, your own strength is the most important. Google search to read"

"And I think Su Long doesn't take the position of the head of the Li family seriously. He is the same type of person as your brother and will not be disturbed by external objects."

Not to mention whether the old man would give up the position of clan leader to a person with a foreign surname, even if he was willing, Su Long might not agree.

At night, their family gathered together, and now they were just waiting for Su Long.

After Su Long finished his sentiments, he walked towards the lobby step by step. His aura changed again. He was like an ordinary person, and all his aura had calmed down.

"Okay, okay, okay."

The old man glanced at Su Long and said hello three times. Su Long also smiled and saluted the old man. This gift was both respect for the elders and a favor to him.

After saluting the old man, Su Long glanced at the lobby. There were many people there. When he saw his father and his wife, his smile became even stronger. They had not seen each other for a long time.

Su Long walked towards them step by step. Ye'er and the others were also very excited. Since they came to Longyu, they have never stopped feeling lovesick and can only numb themselves through constant hard training.

Now that they finally met, tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Thank you for your hard work."

One sentence shattered the most fragile aspects of their hearts. They hugged Su Long and sobbed softly. The people around them looked at them quietly and did not stop them. Even if they wanted to, they could not. After all, Su Long did not Don't be afraid of them.

"Okay, sit down quickly, everyone is waiting for you, don't let others laugh."

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he pulled Su Long to sit down. Su Long's sitting position was not suitable according to his strength, but now that he was acknowledging his relatives, his seniority was not too high, so he could only sit in the lower seat.

"Today is a happy day. Our Li family has welcomed a child, a very powerful child. He is my grandson, Su Long, Li Yantian."

"I believe you all know something about him. He was left alone by Senior Zulong. The Supreme Divine Tribulation alarmed everyone. The most important thing is that he is strong. The Supreme Beginner is already as strong as me."

"Long'er, follow mother. Mother will introduce you to the Li family."

"This is my eldest brother, your uncle."

"Hello, uncle."

"This is your second uncle."

"Hello, second uncle."

"Third uncle..."


Su Long really has a lot of uncles. I have to admire the old man's genes. He gave birth to eighteen boys and only one girl to his mother. No wonder he cares so much about his mother. She is the treasure of the family.

And looking at the situation of the Li family, it seems that there is no power struggle like other families. The whole family is quite harmonious, and the kindness they show does not seem to be fake.

"Sister-in-law, leave Xiaolong to us. We young people can chat together."

While eating and chatting, Su Long got along quite happily with them.

"Everyone be quiet, Xiaolong, come here, I have something to ask you."

Everyone seemed to know what to ask, so they all quieted down and looked at Su Long and the old man quietly.

"Old man, what's the matter? It's so grand."

"Do you want to be the leader of the Li family?"

As soon as the old man said the words, Su Long froze there and looked around. The people around him behaved differently.

"Don't care about other people's opinions. Are you willing to be the leader of the Li family? You are strong enough, and I am getting old. The Li family needs someone new to lead it."

Looking at the old man's sincere eyes, Su Long knew that as long as he agreed, the old man would definitely make him the head of the Li family.

"My surname is Su, not Li."

"It doesn't matter, even if your surname is Su, you are still my grandson, Li Yantian, and half of your body is filled with the blood of my Li family."

He didn't mind Su Long's surname at all, but Su Long still shook his head: "Forget it, you should find someone else for the position of patriarch of the Li family. I am not interested in this position. My goal is to dominate, and I don't want to be tied down by the world. Stop it."

The old man seemed to have known what Su Long was thinking, but when Su Long said it, he was still a little disappointed. With Su Long's current strength, his future achievements will definitely be higher, and the Li family may be brought to a new height by him.

"Think carefully, you only have this one chance. Once you decide, you will not be eligible to participate in the competition for the position of clan leader in the future."

Everyone in the Li family has been questioned in front of everyone. Once they refuse, they will lose opportunities in the future. This is also the reason why there are few conflicts in the Li family. Everyone does not have so many conspiracies and tricks, and they all rely on their true strength.

"Think about it, I won't compete for the clan leader. I don't have enough time to practice now. I still have time to take charge of a clan. You'd better find someone else."

"Even if someone else becomes the clan leader, the blood of the Li family flows in my body. As long as my mother is not wronged, I will still help the Li family if anything happens."

The old man was very satisfied with Su Long's promise. As for the position of clan leader, he wanted to accept it, but he didn't want Su Long to accept it. This position was a layer of shackles. Too many things would delay his practice.

His strength has not improved for tens of thousands of years, but the Li family has also been brought to a new level by him.

"Xiaolong, I saw you right. You will not be restrained by a mere head of the Li family."

"Isn't it the same for you? Strength is the most important thing to us."

Su Long gave up the position of clan leader, and others were obviously more enthusiastic about him. It seemed that they were worried that Su Long would accept the position of clan leader. Now that Su Long gives up, Su Long will no longer be their competitor, and he will not even be their competitor in the future. helper.

The family dinner lasted very late, and Su Long had the opportunity to leave. He hugged his wife and made love to her all night long, and handed over all his savings of hundreds of years.

And no one disturbed them. Knowing that they had not seen each other for such a long time, tenderness must be indispensable.

After staying for a full month, Su Long walked out of the room.

"Brother, it's okay. It's been a month. Your body hasn't broken down yet."

Being teased by everyone, he felt a little embarrassed on his face. He came to the old man's yard and paid his respects to the old man first.

"What, you want to leave? Are you uncomfortable staying in the Li family? Or has someone messed with you?"

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