Furious Dragon Slaying System

Chapter 781 Start the game

The six people from the six major forces are all working hard as cultivators. They will not be satisfied with their current rankings. They are about the same strength as each other. The most important thing is to compete for the first place.

"Tian'er, are you confident that you can keep your number one spot this time?"

In the secret realm of the Zhao family, an old man looked at his grandson with bright eyes and suppressed Zhao Tian with his domain.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I was able to hide from the first place last time, so this time it will be me, and no one will be my opponent."

They have invincible confidence in themselves and do not think that they will fail.

Time flies by, and the day of the Demon Ranking is approaching.

There were many people standing on the facade of a huge building in the central area of ​​Dragon Realm. The leaders were none other than the leaders of the six major forces. The six supreme peak powerhouses were enough to shock the scene.

"The competition for the Demon Ranking is about to begin. Everyone is here today to be the referee. The competition must be fair and just, without any favoritism."

"So we have to choose the most suitable referee. This is related to the fate of a family. I hope everyone will seriously consider it."

"Of course, the six of us still follow the old rules and do not participate. We are only responsible for the execution of the game. If anyone interferes with the game, we will take action without mercy."

After hearing what the old man of the Zhao family said, no one dared to refute. None of them together could be the opponent of the six major forces.

"Last time, Sanren Chu Shanhe was the referee. He did not belong to any force and was quite upright. Unfortunately, he was killed and we had to make a new choice."

"I recommend senior Zheng Cheng. His strength is already at the highest level and he is known as a gentleman. I feel he is suitable to be a referee."

"No, Zheng Cheng is from the Zhao family. He has received great favors from the Zhao family. When the time comes, he will definitely favor the Zhao family. Moreover, he is not a gentleman. I know his face. He is definitely a guy who eats people without spitting out their bones. ."

"I don't agree either. We have to choose Sanren, and they have to be strong, fair and discerning."

"How am I? I am..."

"Go away, with your strength, you will probably be killed immediately if you go up to it, and you are the only one who is the referee."

Everyone was having a heated discussion, but they found that there was no suitable candidate, either he was not impartial enough or he was not strong enough.

"Since you can't discuss the reason, let the two of us do it."

"What do you think..." Hearing the sound, some reckless people were about to curse angrily when they were stopped by the people next to them: "Don't you want to live? Even they dare to curse."

When they saw the person coming, they all stopped. Fortunately, they didn't say what they just said. Otherwise, they really don't know how they would have died.

"It turns out it's you two immortals. Are you interested in the Demon Ranking Competition?"

If Su Long were here, he would definitely recognize the two old men in front of him as the two old men who helped him.

"I heard that there are a lot of newcomers this year, and there are also a lot of masters. Let's take a look. Maybe we can harm one or two."

Listening to their words, everyone frowned, but did not dare to say anything. Each of these two old men was weaker than the six major forces. As long as you dare to provoke one of them, the other will definitely fight you to death.

The two old men at the peak of their powers were enough to give them a headache. Everyone turned a blind eye to what the two of them did. The two of them also knew that they couldn't go too far, so they rarely came out. .

But their reputation still spreads in the Dragon Territory.

"Okay, it's decided that I will be the referee this time."

"Huh? Why should you take the responsibility? I should take the responsibility. I am stronger than you, fairer than you, and even more discerning than you. If you want to take the responsibility, I will take the responsibility."

"What are you talking about? You're stronger than me, why don't you come and practice? I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself."

The two old men actually started to quarrel. Unable to stand them, the people from the six major forces spoke: "You two will be the referees in this game together. Noisy and noisy, there is nothing like a master, so be it." "

No one refused, even if they refused, it was useless, no one dared to fight for it.

Looking at the people leaving, the two old men stopped arguing: "There is no interest at all, and life is not boring. Let's go. We will be the referee in two days, and by the way, we will see how the little guy we are optimistic about has grown. reached the point.”

"He must be very strong. It's not because of my good taste that I can identify him at a glance."

"What? I'm obviously the one who identified him, so what does it have to do with you?"


The two people left noisily, and Su Long and the others also came out of seclusion. Their whole people had undergone transformation and their aura became more restrained, but no one dared to underestimate him.

"Junior brother, you are very strong. You are a strong opponent this time, but I will not give up so easily. The championship this time will definitely belong to me."

"Really? This time the championship may very well slip away from your hands and come into my arms, but it doesn't matter, I will give you two panda eyes."

Seeing the quarrel between the senior brother and the junior brother, the others shook their heads helplessly. Their strength had also been greatly improved, but they were far different from the two perverts in front of them.

In addition to practicing, the two of them were sparring, winning and losing without using trump cards. Su Long was not an opponent at the beginning, but his superhuman talent quickly helped him recover from the disadvantage. The more he fought, the more frightened he became. It was so slow that I couldn't suppress it anymore.

Su Long and he have become opponents on the same level. It is both lucky and unfortunate to have such people. They have almost reached the end of their lives, but Su Long's strength can continue to rise, and they may not be opponents by then.

After resting for a day, they all arrived at the huge building in the center of Dragon Domain the next day. This would be the venue for their competition. It was suppressed by the six major forces. No matter how powerful the attack, it was impossible to destroy this place.

"I'll go. These people came too early. There's no room left."

"These people haven't left at all. They have been practicing here just to find a good position."

Although they cannot participate in the game, it is also a good choice for them to find a suitable location to watch.

Everyone began to look for positions, but they did not dare to take action. No one here today dared to take action. If they disturbed today's affairs, they would be killed instantly.

Su Long followed the people from Shenlong Academy here, but found that there was only a small platform and couldn't help but frown.

"Is this the venue for our competition? It's too crude, and it can't be used at all. It will destroy this place as soon as it is used."

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