Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 105: Fighting Dongfang Xueqi

When the time comes, he will formulate a rule somewhere.

Both sides play chess, whoever wins lives.

He thinks that he still has a certain level in chess and backgammon.

With such a rule, he can kill the opponent without any effort.

"Dreams have everything."

"However, this kind of dream has to be saved until night."

"Now, compete with me first." Dongfang Xueqi looked at Song Wenwen and said.

"Since senior sister wants to play, then Uncle will play with you for a while."

"Sister, please make a move." Song Wenwen looked at Dongfang Xueqi and said.

He originally planned to go Yibo just now, first stealth, and then use the [Put to the bottom] skill to hide. In this way, it is impossible for Dongfang Xueqi to find him.

In this way, the two sides are considered a draw.

However, just seconds before he did so, he changed his mind.

Because he suddenly felt that this was an excellent opportunity to test his strength.

He has many skills, and he used to rely on sneak attacks to kill gold-level supernatural beings.

But he has never fought head-on with a supernatural being above the golden level, so he can't say how strong his current combat power is.

Now, I just want to experiment with Dongfang Xueqi.

He just wanted to see how powerful he could be in combat after using those commonly used skills.

"I will suppress my strength to Silver Three." Dongfang Xueqi looked at Song Wenwen and said.

"No need, just use whatever means you have." Song Wenwen said.

Hearing what Song Wenwen said, Dongfang Xueqi glanced at him in surprise.

"Since you asked for this yourself, don't blame me for bullying the small."

"I'll let you make the first move." Afterwards, Dongfang Xueqi said.

The reason why she has been targeting Song Wenwen like this is to see what kind of ability Song Wenwen has to make her grandfather accept him as a disciple.

Others, there is nothing bad about it.

It's not that you have to have trouble with Song Wenwen.

She didn't know whether Song Wenwen was able to win the first place in the freshman contest because he relied on opportunistic tricks with the [Camouflage] ability, or because he had real strength.

Before, Song Wenwen always avoided fighting.

From the looks of it now, he intends to be serious.

This is exactly what she wanted.

She just took a look at how much Song Wenwen weighed.

"Then Uncle is welcome!" Song Wenwen said, and immediately opened the word, covering a space with a radius of 300 meters


Then he filled himself colorless.

In this way, Song Wenwen disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Disguised as light to achieve the effect of invisibility."

Dongfang Xueqi knew about Song Wenwen's ability, so she wasn't too shocked.

She was not in a hurry to attack Song Wenwen, but with a wave of her palm, she scattered a lot of seeds around her.

However, as soon as the seeds were planted, she found that her eyes instantly became pitch black.

This surprised her because it was the first time she met Song Wenwen in this way.

However, she wasn't panicked at all.

It was so dark that it didn't affect her much.

She hurriedly urged the seeds she had planted just now, hoping to rely on the seeds to find Song Wenwen's figure.

However, the next moment, her brows furrowed tightly.

Because she could no longer feel the existence of those seeds.

What she didn't know was that Song Wenwen deleted the scattered seeds on the ground as soon as he filled the background with black.

Therefore, Dongfang Xueqi naturally couldn't feel the existence of the seeds.

However, Dongfang Xueqi had rich experience in fighting, so she didn't panic in the slightest when faced with such a scene. Biqu library

She flipped the palm of her hand and took out some more seeds.

However, before she had time to push it, she felt the danger from above her head.

I saw spears stabbing at her continuously.

She moved her body, dodging as fast as she could.

"Insert the form!" Seeing Dongfang Xueqi dodging so quickly, Song Wenwen's heart moved, and a super big net enveloped her.

In an instant, Dongfang Xueqi was enveloped in it.

Afterwards, several spears stabbed at her.

"Ten years of trees!"

Dongfang Xueqi stood on the spot without moving. At this moment, four seeds in her hands quickly took root and germinated.

Then, these germinated seeds began to grow at an unimaginable speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into four towering trees.

These four towering trees not only blocked the spears falling from the sky, but also lifted up the big net that engulfed Dongfang Xueqi.

At this time, Dongfang Xueqi regained her freedom.

"The first person in the sophomore year is indeed a little level." Seeing this scene, Song Wenwen thought silently in his heart.

"Try one of the skills I'm looking forward to the most."

"[Delete]." Song Wenwen said, using the mouse

Dongfang Xueqi was chosen.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has used the [Delete] skill on a supernatural being.

[To delete the target, the remaining time required is 14 minutes and 59 seconds. 】

When Song Wenwen saw this prompt, he was instantly stunned.

He didn't expect that it was really possible to delete the supernatural beings.

However, the time required is a bit long, it takes fifteen minutes.

That is to say, as long as he can hold Dongfang Xueqi for fifteen minutes, so that she does not leave the scope of the word.

After fifteen minutes, Dongfang Xueqi will be deleted.

Song Wenwen didn't know that once Dongfang Xueqi was deleted, from then on, there would be no such person in this world anymore.

It will still be put into the recycle bin like other things.

"Next time, try finding an enemy!" Song Wenwen said silently in his heart.

He then undoes the delete.

Although he hated Dongfang Xueqi for targeting him, he didn't have any deep hatred with the other party, so he couldn't use the other party as an experiment.

In case of an accident, what face does he have, go see his master.

After Song Wenwen canceled the deletion, Dongfang Xueqi let out a long sigh of relief.

Because she felt an extremely strong danger just now, but she never discovered where the danger came from.

It seems to come from all directions, and it seems to come from my own body.

She has never encountered such a situation.

"This black space is too weird, I can't stay here any longer."

"We must leave here as soon as possible." Dongfang Xueqi thought silently in her heart.

Then, as soon as she moved, she galloped away into the distance.

Seeing Dongfang Xueqi like this, Song Wenwen hastily inserted the cell.

"Bang!" The next moment, Dongfang Xueqi bumped into the cell.

She turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

Afterwards, without any pause, she raised her fist and swung it at the place she hit just now.

"Boom!" In an instant, the border of a cell shattered.

"The border of this cell is so fragile that it was easily broken by a platinum-level supernatural being."

"Xiaoyi Xiaoyi, how to increase the hardness of the cell border?" Song Wenwen asked.

"Please upgrade the version of excel." Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing Xiao Yi's answer, Song Wenwen's eyes flashed a hint of enlightenment.

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