Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 112: The Reason For Encountering Jin Zizai

"If you really have the guts, just wait for me here for a few minutes, and see if I don't play you to death today." The rich kid said something, then turned and left.

"Old Jin, who is this hollow kimchi? So arrogant?" Song Wenwen asked at this time.

The reason why he called each other hollow pickles.

That's because he can tell at a glance that the other party's body has been hollowed out by wine and sex.

On the surface, it seems that there is no serious problem, but in fact, it is already not good enough.

"His name is Qian Yonglai, and he is the second young master of Longteng Wanli."

"Longteng Wanli is the second largest business alliance in the Dragon Kingdom, second only to our Sihai Pavilion."

"However, those who have been crushed to death by our Four Seas Pavilion can only be the second child of a thousand years."

"So, all along, the Qian family and our Jin family have not been very friendly."

"Sihai Pavilion and Longteng Wanli are both dignified existences in the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally they can't fight like the underground forces."

"And you can't secretly attack the other party's people, because no matter which party, you can't afford the other party's reckless revenge."

"Once a certain party decides to retaliate, there is only one final result, that is, both sides will suffer."

"This is how the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits."

"Therefore, the two parties have formed a rule that the competition between the two parties can use any commercial means, but they must not use any shady means."

"However, Longteng Wanli's business methods have been falling short, and they have been overwhelmed by our Four Seas Pavilion."

"That's why the Qian family wanted to overwhelm me and save some face."

"More than three months ago, when Qian Yonglai and I had a verbal argument, because of our clumsy mouth, we were at a disadvantage."

"He said a lot of nasty things at the time."

"Boss, you know me well, I definitely can't bear this."

"So, I left the imperial capital and went to various parts of the Dragon Kingdom, looking for people who are more quarrelsome to study."

"Then I wrote down some golden sentences in a small notebook, thinking that when I meet Qian Yonglai again, I will find my way back."

"Later, I met you, the boss, in Phoenix City, so I have been studying by your side."

"I didn't expect to meet Qian Yonglai here today, and finally let out a bad breath."

"The long series of outputs just now made me extremely happy.


"Even if you are served by a dragon, it is not so comfortable."

"To be honest, I don't even know how to describe my current mood at this time."

"To sum it up in one sentence: it's really cool!" Jin Zizai became more and more excited as he spoke.

It can be seen that he is really happy.

"You are all young masters of business giants, why do many people call you young master? But he doesn't have this title."

"Is it because the strength of Sihai Pavilion is stronger than that of Longteng Wanli?" Huang Tianba asked suspiciously at this time.

"Not for that reason."

"Sihai Pavilion is a bit stronger than Longteng Wanli, but its strength is limited, and it has not reached the level of crushing."

"The reason why outsiders call me the young master is because I am the only male in my generation of the Jin family."

"I have the absolute right of inheritance."

"Longteng Wanli is different. There are quite a few men of the same generation as Qian Yonglai."

"Because he is the second in his family, many people call him Second Young Master Qian." Jin Zizai explained.

"Xiao Jin, I found that you have been in a misunderstanding all along."

"You are the young master of the Jin family, the only heir of the Jin family, and you have the absolute right to speak."

"And Qian Yonglai is just a young master of the Qian family, you two are not equal."

"The second young master is everywhere. The second young master in the imperial capital, if not one hundred, there are eighty."

"But there is only one young master."

"When you meet Qian Yonglai again, or meet other members of the Qian family, you don't need to argue with them, you just crush them with your status."

"Just say that in their capacity, they are not worthy to talk to you."

"As soon as these words came out, they were directly controlled to death."

"From now on, no matter what they do, you will be invincible." Song Wenwen said at this time.

"Boss, show!"

"It hits the nail on the head, why didn't I think of it."

"You are right, they are not equal to me."

"Thank you, Boss, for your guidance!" Jin Zizai said with a face full of enlightenment.

While several people were talking, Qian Yonglai finally came back.

Coming back with him was an old man with a mustache.

"Jin Dasha, I'm back?"

"We are just randomly picking a piece of rough stone here now, whoever solves the element

Su Zhixin is big, who will win? "

"The one who loses will lose one million spirit stones to the other party." Qian Yonglai looked at Jin Zizai and said arrogantly.

The reason why he has always called Jin Zizai Jin Dasha is because Jin Zizai's performance in the past was like the stupid son of a landlord's family.

"Garbage, a mere one million spirit stones, I'm ashamed to take it out."

"Sure enough, my status and status are not on the same level as mine."

"Compared to a poor guy like you, it's an insult to my identity." Jin Zizai immediately learned and applied Song Wenwen's previous reminder.

However, what he said not only made Qian Yonglai's face ugly.

It also made the corner of Huang Tianba's mouth twitch.

Although he knew that Jin Zizai didn't say anything about him, the words sounded extremely harsh.

Because he is not even poor.

Not to mention a million spirit stones, even a hundred spirit stones, he would have to make up for half a day.

"Then how much do you say?" Qian Yonglai said.

"Hollow Kimchi, how about this, if you can come up with five million spirit stones, I will play with you."

"If you can't get it out, go home and get some milk." Jin Zizai said.

He thought Song Wenwen's nickname for Qian Yonglai was very appropriate, so he used it.

Hearing what Jin Zizai said, Qian Yonglai's eyes flashed a trace of concern.

He is different from Jin Zizai. Jin Zizai can squander the spirit stones of the Jin family at will, but he can't.

Because he was not the only male in the Qian family, if he lost five million spirit stones, it would be enough for him to feel pain for a long time.

However, when he saw the mountain mustache behind him, he was immediately full of confidence.

"Five million spirit stones, I don't pay much attention to this young master."

"Go and call your stewards and give us a notarization." Qian Yonglai said to a staff member of the manor.

"Masters, please wait a moment." The staff of the manor said, then turned and left.

Such things are not uncommon in the imperial capital, even very common.

Because in the imperial capital, there are all prominent figures, it is impossible to encounter conflicts like other places, and fight like rogues.

Therefore, betting on certain things often happens.

As for betting, there is no basis for words, and someone needs to be a witness.

In this manor, the steward of the manor is the most suitable person to be a witness.

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