Fusion Computer: My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 119 Introspecting Myself Three Times A Day

When Song Wenwen returned to the villa of Imperial College, he found Zhong Hang standing at the gate of the villa.

It is already past eleven o'clock in the evening, unexpectedly Zhong Hang has not gone to bed yet, and is waiting for him here alone.

Suddenly, Song Wenwen was moved and wanted to sing "Thank You".

Express your gratitude to Zhong Hang.

"There are 120,000 spirit stones in here. From then on, you and I will be clear, and you don't have to talk to me if you have nothing to do." After Zhong Hang saw Song Wenwen, he hurriedly stuffed a spirit stone exchange card into his hand Li said.

The reason why he hasn't rested so late is because he is worried that after falling asleep, he will experience what happened last night again.

He had collapsed all night yesterday, and he didn't want to experience it at all today.

"Student Zhong Hang, you are a good person."

"Let me sing a song to express my gratitude to you." Song Wenwen looked at Zhong Hang and said.

"To shut up!"

"In the future, if you mention the word singing in front of me again, I will never die with you." After Zhong Hang finished speaking, he hurriedly left as quickly as possible.

He was afraid that if he moved slowly, he would hear the voices that made him collapse.

"It's not difficult to ask for a debt. You see, if you are reasonable, he will pay you back ten times." Song Wenwen turned to Huang Tianba and said.

Jin Zizai had already returned to his villa at this time.

"Boss, you really can't be a dog."

"Sooner or later, you will be beaten like this." Huang Tianba couldn't help but said, looking at Song Wenwen's embarrassing look.

"Looking at the entire imperial capital, who the hell dares to touch me, Song Wenwen?"

"Let's go, go back to sleep, I'm tired after playing all day today."

"Good night, Yigubigu!"

"Good night, motherfucker!"

Song Wenwen said, and went to the second floor to rest.

Lying on the bed, he calculated what he had gained today.

Three million to one hundred and twenty thousand spirit stones, a shop worth ten million spirit stones, and an elemental heart worth 120,000 yuan.

I have to say, it was really a rewarding day.

Afterwards, he glanced at his fate restoration prompt.

[Fate is being repaired, the countdown is 6 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes and 53 seconds. 】

"There are still six days!" Song Wenwen said to himself.

He couldn't wait any longer.

these six days

The time is too long.

"Examine myself three times a day."

"First province, am I more knowledgeable today than yesterday?"


"Second province, am I stronger today than yesterday?"

"It's so powerful."

"Third province, am I richer today than yesterday?"

"for sure!"

"Okay, you can sleep peacefully."

"Good night, readers in front of the screen."


The next day, Song Wenwen went to find his tutor and asked about exempting the theory class.

Embers also gave feedback to the school.

"The school's opinion is that it is not impossible to exempt theoretical courses. In the final exam, the theoretical score must reach 450 points or more."

"If you can't reach it, you will be repeated for one year." Ember looked at Song Wenwen and said.

The final full score of Imperial University is 480.

It is definitely not an easy task to get above 450 in the test.

"No problem!" Song Wenwen said.

Without thinking about it, he agreed.

He has already read all the knowledge in the four textbooks, and he only needs to verify it.

Just like that, Song Wenwen left the classroom.

You don't need to spend time learning theoretical knowledge, but you must not slack off in terms of cultivation.

So, Song Wenwen went to find his cheap master.

As one's own master, one should not just occupy a position, but always guide one's own cultivation.

Dongfang Xiao is a consultant of the Imperial Capital Academy and also lives in the Imperial Capital Academy.

But usually, he doesn't show up.

In addition to his own practice, he is studying some strange objects.

For example, the college entrance examination levels of Imperial University, or some objects and places used to assist training.

Song Wenwen inquired about Dongfang Xiao's residence and walked in.

"Dear, beloved, dear, beloved Master, I am your lovely, beloved, beloved apprentice Song Wenwen, here to see you." Before Song Wenwen could enter, the voice had already arrived.

"The door is unlocked, come in by yourself." Soon after Song Wenwen's voice sounded, Dongfang laughed.

Hearing Dongfang's laughing voice, Song Wenwen smiled, pushed the door open and walked in.

After entering, he saw Dongfang Xiao was studying an unknown stone in his hand.

"Master, I will give you

Bring presents! "Song Wenwen said, and placed the two jars of wine in his hand on a table in the room.

"White jade wine? You have a snack, brat." The moment Dongfang laughed when he saw the white jade wine, he swallowed subconsciously.

During this period of time, he was busy with research, so he didn't bother to drink. He was still talking about it not long ago.

Unexpectedly, Song Wenwen understood him so well and brought him two altars.

So, he put down the stone in his hand and walked towards the wine jar.

"As an apprentice, you should respect your master."

"My teacher taught me since I was a child to respect the old and love the young, be honest and friendly." Song Wenwen said with a smile.

When he said this, there was a sly look in his eyes.

When Dongfang Xiao heard this, he suddenly put down the white jade wine in his hand, and stared at Song Wenwen motionlessly.

Speaking carefully, this is the second meeting between him and Song Wenwen.

But he already knew something about Song Wenwen's personality.

This is an existence even worse than his father Song Huangquan.

He will never say such words as respecting the old and loving the young, being honest and friendly for no reason.

To sum up, Song Wenwen must have something.

Although this wine is good wine, I am afraid it is not so easy to drink.

"Just speak up if you have something to say." Dongfang smiled and looked at Song Wenwen and said.

"See what you said, what can I do?"

"Just yesterday, I suddenly saw a few words."

"What do you say that people are based on sincerity and live by faith."

"One tiny bit is about integrity. A trivial matter, an inadvertent breach of trust, may ruin our reputation for a lifetime."

"At this time, I suddenly thought that Master had promised me back then."

"If I can win the first place in the competition for freshmen, I will be rewarded with one hundred thousand spirit stones."

"I think, with Master's high virtue, high integrity, integrity, and both ability and political integrity, he shouldn't be able to say nothing, right?"

After Song Wenwen said this, he looked at Dongfang with a very innocent look and smiled.

"You brat, it's the first time you come to Imperial Capital Academy to meet your master, and you have to pay for it."

"My old man is full of promises, can I still owe you the spirit stone?" Dongfang said with a smile, and threw a Qiankun bag at Song Wenwen.

He has already heard from his granddaughter that Song Wenwen won the first place in the freshman contest.

Therefore, the Lingshi has already been prepared

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